Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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I hoarded PA parts in my earlier games, but this time I decided to streamline things a bit :gnehe: I started off with a few sets of T45, T51 and T60 suits, then replaced them with XO-1 once I started getting some (mostly from Nuka-World). Only thing is, now I have about half a dozen empty frames standing around, so I put them all in another building. Pity you can't sell those. I could just walk them out into the sea or something and leave them, but they kind of look cool where they are. A bit like how old manor houses have antique suits of armour as decoration :gnehe:

Here's a couple of oddities:

Odd thing number one. I was travelling with Nick Valentine to retrieve all the Eddie Winter tapes. When we went into the BADTFL building near Bunker Hill, there was gunfire coming from a lower level. When I got down there, I found a couple of Raiders shooting at a settler who was locked in one of the cells. The thing was, she was one of MY settlers :huh-new: She had the modded-up and renamed laser pistol I'd given her and was wearing the Road Leathers I'd equipped her with. The only two settlements where I have thus equipped settlers are Sanctuary and Sunshine Trading. So what in the blue blazes was she doing way over at BADTFL, and how did she end up in a cell there? I did notice a while ago that the population count at Sanctuary had dropped by one, but I thought it was because I'd gotten sick of Jezebel clomping around and I'd sent her away. Maybe it wasn't that at all...

When I interacted with the settler in the cell, I got the usual "I just want to trade a few things" shtick (which was where I saw that she had the overcharged, long-barreled laser pistol that I'd renamed a "Citizen LP"). She didn't leave the cell even though I left the door open. I guess I'll see in time if the pop at Sanctuary goes back up after a while. Whatever, it was a bit of a weird one. Never seen it happen before.

Odd thing number two. Later, during the same Winter caper, Nick and I went to the Police Station at Quincy. I'd cleared the Gunners out of the area not long before, so we went in unmolested. Until we got near the church, when I heard a Vertibird coming in (I've already offed Kellogg, so the BoS have arrived in force). No problem, I thought, I've already made Danse's acquaintance and done the Arcjet mission with him, and I've helped the Brotherhood in the field a few times already.

So imagine my surprise when the Vertibird opened up on us ??? I had a bit of a niggle when it arrived as there were three red dots with "up" arrows showing on the heading gauge, but I thought maybe a few Gunners had respawned on the rooftops. But no, the dots were coming from the Vertibird. So I blew it up in midair, and a couple of bodies tumbled out.

When I went to look at the bodies, they were not BoS - they were Gunners :huh-new: So did they steal a Vertibird, or what? I've never seen Vertibirds being flown by anyone but the BoS.

It's been a good day for oddness.

EDIT: Just had to include this. Wandering around Bunker Hill, a passing caravaner said snidely about Nick, "What the hell is that thing doing here?"
To which Nick replied, "Is that what your parents used to say to you?" :gnehe:


Interesting glitches, Fragger. The settler in the BADTFL office was probably supposed to be a kidnapping victim and the script for that never got run or something. Also, I think I recall once the gunners (or somebody) stealing a vertibird, but it is pretty rare. Strange things happen I guess.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


fragger I had a thought on the missing Giddyup Buttercup.

Somewhere in the numerous FO4 game play and construction tutorials I've watched one of the vid makers had talked about settlers pocketing things into their inventories.  Even things that are supposedly locked away in the settlement workshop.

The person relating this experience had received a drop of a potentially high powered legendary weapon but at the time they acquired it they didn't have the perks in place for the skill sets to upgrade the weapon to it's full lethality.  Saving the weapon for later they renamed it for easy ID and placed it in the settlement workshop.

On that happy day when they had buffed up their levels and came back for the weapon it was gone.

Disappointed they wrote it off as a glitched-away personal loss and went on with their game play.  But on a later occasion in a "defend that settlement" situation one of the settlers charged out using the lost/missing weapon.  That settler had swapped out their assigned weapon (even though it and its ammo was still in their inventory) and either found ammo or looted that out of the workshop as well.

Long story short fragger, you may want to wait until night when the settlers are sleeping (so even the medics assigned to Clinic's inventories can be examined) and one by one trade with them to see if you have a thief in your ranks.

If you do find the culprit you may want to give them some time to think about their actions in the Pillory from the Contraptions Workshop content.  As a secondary benefit locking them up will earn you the Time Out Achievement/Trophy if you don't already have that.  ;)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

the settlement workbench is actually supposed to serve as a gun locker and food storage for the settlers. You may remember my experiments with adding various food items to a hungry bunch of raiders in their settlement. They ate the stuff I put in there. Also, if your settlement is being attacked, the settlers grab weapons from the workbench to arm themselves with, and it would seem they can tell a better weapon than their own if they find one and grab it which is why they may have more than one gun on them. I seem to remember that they even raided my personal storage boxes which is why I moved them to a more remote house they had no business hanging out there. I think it's the same with PA that include a battery: they will equip them if they are close to those while an attack is on the way. And they'll even keep wearing them. I once prepped some PA on purpose and next time I checked, everyone was running around in those :anigrin:


What is the difference between  Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition
and just Fallout 4?
I see Steam have both available
Respect is earned, not given.


GOTY = All DLC included ;) You're basically getting the season pass content without having to pay extra.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Respect is earned, not given.


Thanks for the tip mandru, I'll look into that :thumbsup:

Art, I know what you mean about PA. One of my settlers once appropriated a suit that I'd left standing around with a Fusion Core still in it. So now, I remove the Fusion Core whenever I get out of a suit. I keep all my Cores on my person because I read once online where a player reported that a settler had taken a Fusion Core out of the storage container the player had kept them in and used it to power up, and then climb into, a suit. You have to keep an eye on the light-fingered buggers it seems, and not leave things like Fusions Cores anywhere the settlers can get at them - not even in storage containers.


I've had them once or twice steal a suit of power armor as well, but they were either wearing it or it was parked somewhere when I came back. The empty spots in my display room I have no idea where they went. It could also be that I didn't put anything there or moved that suit and just forgot about it.

Plus I've had some "stolen" raider power armor taken off corpses (why is it marked stolen if the guy was dead?) that's complete and ready to go, with a power core, sitting out in the open and no one ever bothered to take them. I guess they can just tell when someone died in it, maybe the smell?  :D
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade



I had a suit of "stolen" PA too, but it was one of my partially-complete XO-1 suits. I ended up taking the armour pieces off the frame, them dropping them on the floor and using the "setOwnership" console command on each piece to make it mine. I got sick of seeing that red text on the armour whenever I interacted with the suit.


I think the way I did it was to get Piper to get in the suit, then transfer pieces around, but apparently the frame is considered stolen, and anything on it even you you came by those pieces "honestly". I also think once I got it home and got out of it, or told Piper to get out, forget which, it then became tagged as stolen and I think even Piper wouldn't get in it then when commanded to. I'd have to go back and check that.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

guys, take a deep breath:

I've seen Binn playing FO4. Really. :anigrin:


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


pics or it didn't happen.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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