Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

Next victim to slipped explosives: Albino Mongrel. :anigrin:

Art Blade

Quote from: fragger on October 12, 2018, 07:39:54 PMFINALLY showed up at Starlight

X6-88 is one of my Starlight settlers. I've been on an exploration trip to the easternmost part of the map, around Croup Manor, and got drawn to a firefight nearby. And then I watched X6-88 shooting down a vertibird and wiping out all BoS guys right there. ??? It wasn't the first time that happened, I remember having posted about it before and it was the exact same location (next to Nahant Sherrif's Department) so.. maybe you can expect to find some of your Starlight settlers strolling through locations half across the map, too :anigrin:


fragger, regarding that that lost settler I have two thoughts.

Check to see if he's still hanging around Vault 88 as I've had settlers who've refused to relocate.

Have you tried the settlement gathering bell that calls in all settlers at a location.  I've had settlers stuck in weird places like rooftops and such that that bell has called them in from whatever predicament they were caught up in.

On a random vector I'll just leave this here:



- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

mandru, to me your previous post looks as if you managed to miss out on a couple of posts, perhaps one entire page. Is that possible?

Anyway, the link you posted, nice find :anigrin:


Thanks for the help mandru, but after 5 game days the settler finally showed up. He must have taken the long way around - Vault 88 to Starlight via Far Harbor :gnehe:

lol, that PC case is a hoot, mandru 8) :thumbsup:

There's all sorts of physical Fallout 4-themed merchandise available from the Bethesda store. There's a couple of things there that I wouldn't mind having:



That Albino Mongrel clip is funny :gnehe: A "cold dog", heh

Art Blade

hehehe :anigrin: and thanks :)

By the way, Deathclaws and Mirelurks don't have an inventory. I'm still looking for a Behemoth, though :gnehe:

And regarding the fall down the Prydwen, I tried it so many times that I am certain now: Only if you're lucky and hit a "deep" water pocket will you survive, even without chems. Most of the sea below the airship, however, is so shallow that you can walk in the water. And obviously, you won't survive it if you crater there :anigrin:


Missed posts?  Various explosives in various targets inventories.  Missing settler (now staggers home). And free roaming Forged - got it.  :huh-new:

I guess i didn't have much to add.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

just because that settler had already returned to Starlight when you posted where to look to find him. Well, never mind, then :)

And a new pocket explosion. Actually three. :anigrin:


No worries mandru, all contributions are gratefully accepted :)

Well, I have now established settlements in every location in the Commonwealth, except for the Mechanist's Lair and Bunker Hill (can't do that one yet). I even threw ones up at Coastal Cottage and Spectacle Island. So when I finally meet Preston, it should be interesting to see how many settlement quests he gives me. In theory, he shouldn't be able to give me any if I've already claimed them all.

I'm up to Level 76 now (nyuk) and climbing. Haven't even been to Far Harbor or Nuka-World yet. The only faction I've made contact with is the BoS, but only to do the initial mish for Danse at Arcjet in order to unlock Rhys and Haylen's radiant quests (but wouldn't you just know it - the very first quests I got from both of them are located in Far Harbor :banghead:)

The plan is to get all settlements up to the capacities I want (at which point the beacons go off), then tackle Far Harbor, then go to Nuka-World. THEN get the ball rolling with Preston (I could of course initiate contact with the Railroad, or get Nick and go after Kellogg first, thus triggering the arrival of the Prydwen, but the latter course means I'd then have the Brotherhood's Vertibirds buzzing all around. Don't want that yet either). For now, it's nice and quiet in Sanctuary without Preston's crew constantly bashing the daylights out of the yellow house :gnehe:

Have any of you guys ever tried Survival mode? I read up on it a bit, and it sounds pretty tough. It cleared up a few things for me that exist in the game, such as why there are different bedding types, i.e. mattresses, sleeping bags and beds. There's no difference among them in any difficulty level other than Survival mode, where the various bedding types do then have different effects. Same with food and drink types, and some other stuff. No fast-travelling either in Survival, and saves can only be made whenever you sleep. Things like Stimpaks and ammo have carry weight (and exceeding your carrying weight can adversely affect your health), ammo is limited, and you have to eat, drink and sleep regularly or else your health/APs will suffer.

I might try it one day if I'm feeling sufficiently masochistic :gnehe:

Art Blade

I did a few quests for Rhys/Halyen recently and one sent me to a location the name of which didn't even show in the data. Like, "retrieve the artifact from" and that's it. Turned out to be some named location in, indeed, Far Harbor. Heh.

I've been watching an ongoing YT series of BigMooney (the Scotsman) and he plays on Survival difficulty. I learned that you can contract some diseases and either need to see a doctor or pop some antibiotics. Stuff that doesn't exist on other difficulty levels. Also, apparently meds and chems cause side effects (I think Stimpaks cause thirst) and speaking of thirst, you need those empty bottles you keep finding to pump water into them so you can drink it. Sleeping in a bed that you don't own usually results in diseases up to parasites that drain certain stats. Pretty nasty stuff.


Those additional diseases and health conditions for survival mode you mention Art go a long way towards explaining the game's inclusion of many of the plants and and other ingredients which have no applicable use in non-survival levels.  Antiseptic for instance off the top of my head.

I've been holding off on meeting with the various factions as you were fragger.

But I hit a point where I judged I wasn't gaining materials fast enough for building up, populating, and securing unlocked settlements as well as (what I considered to be) the needed levels to add the perks I wanted so I could modify weapons and armor to toughen up my settlers.

I accessed Rhys' and Halen's missions to push me into areas I might not have hit in free roaming.  They're are always good for loot and XPs so I ran several of each of their assignments.  That at least my intention hooking up with them until Halen gave me (too) an assignment in Far Harbor long before I had contacted Nick in Diamond City.

( Or even visited Diamond City for that matter in an attempt to avoid Piper at the front gate.  ::) )

Thinking I needed Nick to deal with the Nakano's to gain access to their boat I teamed up with him.  But the only thing he was willing to assist with at this point in the game was tracking Shaun which landed me on the the front door of Fort Hagen.  Confronting and killing Kellogg is the unlock for the arrival of the Prydwin and I not wanting to lump into that far into the story line was like "Oh Hell, No!".  >:(

Unwilling to go any further I dismissed Nick back to his office and Dog Meat (who had tracked clues for us) back to Sanctuary.

Nick went home (I addressed the Nakanos on my own) but now Dog Meat thinks that the front porch of Fort Hagen is his home and refuses to return to Sanctuary.  ???

Well, after some frantic searching for a missing dog I at least I know where to find him.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

ah, those plants and stuff for survival, good point. I'm far from trying anything like survival any time soon, though ;)

It's not easy to stay away from certain main story lines if you want to achieve certain things without diving into the story yet. It limits the game's options quite a bit. I'm playing with a character after the end of the story, which is a bit "empty" due to the absence of quests except for some radiant quest. But it's not peaceful because bad guys and creatures keep spawning. I like it like that, having access to everything (except the Institute which in my game is reduced to a flooded crater..) and not having to worry about constantly running into open quests. I don't mind vertibirds as they're a comfortable means of transportation in my game, and I love watching them when they blow up after some reckless manoeuvres or simply because of completely incompetent pilots, who knows, same result anyway. :gnehe: I can just explore and build stuff and otherwise kill random bad guys and creatures. I don't want to start over :)


I'm in Far Harbor now. Like mandru, even though I've sprung Nick from Vault 114, I didn't want to trigger the Prydwen's arrival yet so I've put him on hold for now and went to the Nakanos of my own accord, found all of Kasumi's holos, then took her dad's boat to FH.

After the initial pest control exercise on arrival at The Island, I recruited Old Longfellow as a guide to take me to Acadia, but once there, I put off going inside. Instead, I went back to Longfellow's island to establish an early base of operations, which I have now completed.

So there I was, proudly surveying my construction efforts and contentedly watching two new settlers hard at it on the crops, when a bunch of animals attacked the settlement - three Yao Guais and a junior Gulper. One of the bears was a Legendary who apparently had it in for me personally, because as soon as he caught sight of me he made a beeline for me right past the settlers, turrets and Longfellow, shrugging off their bullets and lasers in his determination to find out what Vault Dweller tastes like. Unluckily for me, he caught me off guard while I was wearing nothing but my Vault-Tec jumpsuit - no armour or anything. He gave me a good mauling and damned near killed me by the time we brought him down, with only a skerrick of colour remaining in my HP bar and my heartbeat thumping in my ears like tympanis.

But I survived, after a hurried infusion of multiple Stimpaks. Later, I managed to get the last laugh in:

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EDIT: I spelled the Nakanos "Nakumis". I must have been thinking of Kasumi when I wrote their family name :gnehe: Had to fix it.

Art Blade

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