Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


The "Muffled Shadowed" Combat Armor plot thickens...

I've noticed that the Muffled Shadowed (MS) Armor comes in different strengths. I've found three Left Arm pieces so far that all have different strength ratings (one has 10 Ballistic/10 Energy protection ratings, one has 14/14, and one has 18/18). Also, they have different carry weights (the 10/10 piece weighs 2.5, the 14/14 weighs 5 and the 18/18 weighs 7.5). I've also found two Right Arms - a 10/10 weighing 2.5 and a 14/14 weighing 5. I've also found a 9/9 Right Leg weighing 2.5 and a 13/13 leg weighing 7.5. I only have one Left leg so far, a 9/9 weighing 2.5.

There is nothing in the pieces' title descriptions to indicate the differing stats, they only show up when you examine the pieces in your Inventory or via the Armor Workbench.

After a bit of visual inspection on mannikins, I came to this conclusion: that the different strengths/weights of the MS Armor pieces correspond to the Standard, Sturdy and Heavy versions of "normal" combat armor, as seen here:

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On the left figure, the MS arm (the dark one) is identical to a Heavy arm, while the MS leg is identical to a Sturdy leg (it is NOT identical to a Heavy leg, I checked. A Heavy leg is much bulkier). On the right figure, the MS arm is identical to a Sturdy arm while the MS leg is identical to a Standard leg (also note that the MS armor pieces in all cases have 1 extra bal/eng point than their "normal" counterparts, but weigh more).

My guess is that the reason why you don't see "Sturdy" or "Heavy" in the titles of the MS armour is because the program simply doesn't allow for that much text in the title descriptions.

Art Blade

I saw quite a few enormously long descriptions, like a whole headline, but renaming them is very limited.

Weird stats there, fragger. "Black Ops" combat armour springs to mind, it's kind of rare.


Come to think of it, yes, I have seen much longer descriptions of weapons. Maybe there's some limit to how many adjectives can be applied to pieces of Combat Armor. Who knows, it's Fallout :gnehe:

Art Blade


I spent an hour and a half this morning trying to dig out exactly where it was in this thread the instructions for creating and inserting a .txt file so batch files could be used in game.  I finally found it on page 48 of 136. ???

I found the vital info here: www.openworldgames.org/newowg/index.php/topic,3560.msg18871.html#msg18871

Thanks again Art and fragger for this info.  Where I'm starting out fresh with a new computer build I had the text documents saved but the click path to find the proper location to insert the .txt file had been lost.  Rediscovering where and how to set this back up will save me a lot of time over entering player.add line building material items one by one in the console.  :bigsmile:

I figure the hour and a half I lost of game time this morning will be quickly recovered as I only have 8 settlements currently established out of all of the rest available in the FO4 world.  :anigrin:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


I'm glad you found the info again mandru, even though it cost you an hour and a half of precious gaming time :banghead: This topic has indeed grown into a monster thread, which extends all the way back to the old site. I guess that's a testament to how much we love the game :bigsmile:

A couple of times I've tried to look for something that I remembered reading about in this topic but got daunted by the sheer volume of posts...

Speaking of settlements, I have now established one in every possible location except the Mechanist's Lair and Bunker Hill (I haven't yet earned the option to build one there yet) and still have not gone to meet Preston. I've also completed all story missions in Far Harbor and populated the four settlement sites there. I'm gearing up to tackle Nuka-World next, currently on Level 92 and looking at getting up to 100 before jumping on the monorail. I plan to conquer the five theme parks, do all the side quests in NW itself and the surrounding countryside, up to, but not including, Open Season. Then go back to the Commonwealth and get things started with Preston and the gang. OR... I'm wondering what will happen if I make the Railroad's acquaintance before the Minutemen's this time around. That could be interesting...

The only faction I've broken the ice with is the BoS. I did the initial Arcjet mission with Danse, then left it at that. I just wanted to get access to Rhys' and Haylen's unending radiant quests in order to get my XPs up faster, but a funny thing has happened. After doing about a dozen of each, Rhys has stopped offering. When I interact with him, he just makes comments and won't offer any more "Cleansing" missions. Haylen, however, still does.

So I don't know what happened there. I'm pretty sure those quests are never supposed to run out (at least until you reach a certain point in the main story, which I am a LONG way away from), and I'm pretty sure I've received more mishes from Rhys than that in the past. It only just happened when I was finishing up last night, so maybe it'll come good after a while, or after I've spent enough time away from the Police Station.

Funny how Haylen still offers though, because I know I've done the same number of quests for both of them. I grab them both at the same time whenever I'm there.

A quick check online indicates that those quests are indeed supposed to be infinitely repeatable, to the point where if you do enough of them you'll start encountering the same locations for the respective quests. And the list of possible mission locations is pretty big - about 70 for each. The location is chosen at random every time, so you could possibly encounter the same location before the list has been exhausted (in fact I have received two Haylen missions for the same place so far - Gibson Point Pier).


A bit more digging around online revealed that some other people have had this issue, and that it resolved itself after they completed a few more of Haylen's missions (about 6). So I'll do that and see how it goes.

Good to get a bit of a break from that sourpuss Rhys anyway... Haylen is much more pleasant to be around :gnehe:


It may be obvious to you guys but I tripped across this bit pf oddness yesterday.

On a first approach I was stealthily making my way through Far Harbor's double screen Drive-In theater Eden Meadows.  It was night time and from a safe vantage on the perimeter I could see that the half of the property showing the western movie trailer was occupied with a swarm of ghouls (all standing) raptly intent on the content looping on screen.  Moving to the other side where the screen was inactive that entire side was completely vacant of any enemies.

So I explored the empty side first grabbing anything that could be scrapped for settlement building and followed up by going through the concession stand/projection booths before moving to tackling the the mob of ghouls.  When I reached the upstairs projection booth that was showing the moldy old western loop I flipped the knife switch that cut the western loop and started the under sea horror flick on the other screen.

Multiple screams of outrage filled the air and turning to look out from the booth I witnessed the entire swarm of ghouls were now rushing towards the concession stand.  :o    At best I can say it was a knee jerk reaction.  But I (out of an "Oh *bleep*" reflex) tossed the knife switch again restoring the western film loop. 

Instantly tranquility once again reigned as the ghouls stopped, turned, and shuffled back to their original positions seeing that their favored programming had resumed.  It was later in one of the under screen offices that I found a computer terminal with a message that revealed there was a need for repairs because of a problem with the electrical wiring where only one movie screen could be engaged and any one time.

On that same terminal there was also a note that was giving the theater manager a list of upcoming films and the names of the principal actors for each of them.

Thinking of FO4 as an alternate universe I found the names of the actors in those soon to be available films amusing by their near misses or minor twisting on the names of actors recognizable in our universe.  It was my later musing on that point of the actor's names that made me realize that I'd neglected viewing the names of the actors involved in the half of the theater with the monster flick.  :huh-new:

Returning to Eden Meadows I went straight to the concession stand, headed upstairs, and tossed the knife switch.  Rather than going all the way down stairs to be able to see the alternate screen I stepped out through the rooftop door and used the ledge to get around to that side of the theater.

It was then that I noticed that paired with the sea monster movie trailer one of the giant hermit crabs had appeared.  I was in power armor with a helmet featuring a modification that causes all targetable living things or automated weapons to glow and I thought that before I switched the screen both sides of the drive in parking lot had been empty when I approached.  But that aside for exploration my next time through the game. 

It struck me as funny that ghouls dig cowboys with spaghetti western music and conversely hermit crabs opt for terrors of the deep.  :D

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


Nice observations mandru :thumbsup:

Actually, I never noticed that switch to activate the other movie screen. Now I'm going to have to go and check it out :gnehe:

My usual technique for dealing with the ghoulie Western fans is to climb to the top of the opposite screen with a Fat Man and lob a pair of Mini-Nukes over the central projection structure (I have a double-shot number). If I judge it right, the bombs will fall among the ghouls and not only take most of them out but will create an impressive pyrotechnics display as all the abandoned cars go up as well.

Did you notice that the lead role in the spaghetti western is the actor Keith McKinney from the Cliff's Edge Hotel, where he currently resides in his robo-brain body? His name also appears on a plaque at Wixon's Shovel Museum in Nuka-World. The plaque reads:

"Used by actor Keith McKinney in the film Dutch Diggers of Dusseldorf, this shovel was actually the stunt prop for the McKinney's shovel used in the more dangerous action sequences".


Good catch on the name Keith McKinney fragger.

In real life I'm horrible with remembering names.  Faces I'm good at but I've little facility at remembering someone's name and have gone years with coworkers addressing them or referring to them (in third person) using the pronouns you, your, they, them, etc... 

I'm shamed to admit I usually have to be embarrassed about 3 times by someone whose name I've failed to remember before in finally sinks in.  At least for a short while anyway.  :-[

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

to that you could consider replying, "you know, you really should shift the centre of your life towards mine and start to gyrate so we will meet more often. In exchange, I might start to remember your name."



There is that but then does the moon know the earth's name?  :confuse:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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