Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Just a couple of random screenshots.

* * * * *

You just know it's got to stink around here.

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What the - ?

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Art Blade

yep.. the Pack. Pretty much a baby style with their toys and colours and all that.. for ruthless killers, it's not really convincing.. ;)


Sometimes (at least over on Far Harbor) if you encounter one of those beached toothed dolphins that have an intact stomach a couple shots in the belly will cause their internal gasses to blow open like all of the ones in the above picture.

It's too bad there's never any odds or ends dropped similar to when you kill some random feral dog and find a legendary targeting combat shot gun.  ::)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Didn't know that about the shark/dolphins (sharkins? Dolpharks?), mandru. Something new to try next time I go to the Island O0

It is odd what Legendary animals sometimes yield. How does a Bloodbug carry a Resolute Combat Sniper Rifle or a Ghoul Slayer Right Leg Armor around? :huh-new: But that's games for you. If I can carry about a dozen weapons including a rocket launcher and a harpoon gun, hundreds of rounds of ammo, missiles, grenades, mines, food, drink, drugs, bags of cement, desk fans, telephones, buckets, fishing rods, tools, dishes, pots & pans, microscopes, toys, glassware, bottles, lamps, tin cans, ladles, alarm clocks, dumbbells, and tens of thousands of bottlecaps, well then...


Actually, just looking at that Pack chest armour which, if worn, boosts Intelligence and Charisma - if I saw someone wearing that, I don't know if I'd consider them intelligent or charismatic :huh-new: More like certifiable...

Art Blade

hehe, Nuka World is run by a bunch of charlies, anyway, no matter what they wear :gnehe:


 :anigrin: True!

Hey mandru, just so you know, shooting open dead dolphin bellies works in the Commonwealth proper too. I found some washed up near Salem, popped them open, and a Life Preserver fell out of one of them. Which was lucky, because I need all the Plastic I can find at present.

Art Blade

I never tried that myself, shoot open dolphins.. I always thought I had some weird moments at times but you lot just beat me by a mile. :gnehe:


yeah I never saw that, or the fact that I usually walk around guns blazing maybe I already shot them and didn't realize there was an intact version? I'll have to check next time I fire up the game, see if I can find one and blow it open, and be thankful there's no smell-o-vision in computer games, that would be nasty.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I knew you could shoot the bloated Brahmin carcasses in Nuka-World (Dry Rock Gulch) and Bloodworms would come out, but I didn't know about the junk-dispensing dolphin-sharks. Cheers to mandru for that +1 8)


Thanks for the slap on the back fragger.  :)

On Spectacle Island there's one mirelurk that continues to spawn.  I have automatic weaponry set up covering its typical spawn point but if I've been away from the island for a while making sure it has been killed is usually the first thing I attend to.

During a recent visit to Spectacle Island I caught the respawning mirelurk chasing one of the settlement cats.  Usually the cats are leisurely sauntering here and there or lolling around (typically under foot or blocking access to stairways) but the cat in this instance was flat out booking it with the mirelurk hot on its tail.  I'd never seen one of the cats in game move so fast.  :o

Another interesting 1st time thing happened.  I was making the rounds of my settlements hitting the ones with the lowest happiness levels and Greentop Nursery had dropped into the mid 40s.  When I arrived one of the female settlers had been singled out by the rest and was being accused of being a synth. 

One of the accusing settlers stepped up to me asking for assistance on sorting the problem out which triggered a side quest.  Executing a quick Save, Kill, and Reload loop I verified that the settler was indeed a synth.

My charisma is maxed (I suspect my affinity with the Railroad also came into play) so on speaking to the accused settler I had a dialog option of asking "Are you a synth?  I am not openly hostile to synths without reason and I want to help." or something very like that and she admitted she was a synth but feared that if it was revealed the other settlers would kill her.  So out of the response options available I lied to the accusing settlers and assured them that she was not a synth.

Everything went back to normal and after a bit of refurbishing things around the settlement (added 20 slot machines etc...) the happiness level sharply started rising back to the previous levels.

It was about 2-3 weeks later (in game time) that I received a notice to defend Greentop and when the attack hit it was synths.  The synth I'd lied for was found dead as the settlement's only casualty.  If I'd thought about it at the time I would have moved her over to my Synth Spa Resort at Hangman's Alley.

Unfortunately I'd already copied over any previous saves that might have spared her to conserve memory space on my SSD.  ::)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

your observations around the synth theme are quite interesting, mandru. That, and your observations around the gaseous necrotic subject, is worth a slap on the back to me. Here ya go, pal :anigrin:

+1 :thumbsup:


That's a neat story mandru, about the synth and the settlers. I've never encountered that scenario. Must be a pretty rare thing if this is the first time you've encountered it, seeing as how you've been playing the game a lot longer than I have.

I liked the cat tale too :gnehe: I haven't seen them go for broke like that yet either.

I got a bit sick of cats so I'm trying going with dogs at one of my settlements, Sunshine Co-op (chose that one on account of its big area). Dogs have their pros and cons. Pros are that they, like cats, boost Happiness, but have the added bonus of attacking bad guys if any come at their settlement. But therein lies one of the cons - unlike settlers, they can be killed by enemies (I haven't lost any of them yet, but I did hear a yelp in the middle of a Super Mutant fight. The dogs give a pretty good account of themselves, though). Another con is that their kennels take up a lot more space than the little biddy food bowls for the cats, so plenty of room is a must.

I tried placing a plastic dog-food bowl near a kennel purely for aesthetics' sake, but being a junk item it got kicked around to buggery, so I scrapped it.

Art Blade

indeed, that racing cat is something I'd love to see for myself, too :)

🡱 🡳

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