Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Actually, I got the whole suit this time 8) Instead of going back to the rocks, I stayed underwater and found a spot near the vertibird wreck where the sea floor was relatively flat. Then I did the "moveto player" command to bring it to me and I was able to get in it. Then I just fast-travelled back to land (I wasn't about to walk all the way back along the bottom...)

And here it is outside the Grand Hotel:

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So it appears that "moveto" won't w0#k on anything outside the map cell you're in, and returning to land was putting me outside the cell where the suit was. That's my conclusion, anyway.

Art Blade

as long as it works.. who cares why. :gnehe:


That was a merry romp fragger.  O0 +1

And thanks for the Pip-Boy map location for that spot.

When I'd read the problem you'd run into I was going to suggest trying to move the suit to a flat spot under water but you sussed it out before I got up this morning.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Interesting, there's quite a few things underwater especially in the main game and the add-ons that seem to be stuff that was put in that you'd never see in a normal game and even with cheats you'd have to really be looking for them. Makes you wonder if they are just leftovers from the map creation cycle or if they were going to be part of a quest that never got finished.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I have always been under the impression that the devs actually added the stuff for those players who would go as far as they are allowed to go even if mission-wise it wouldn't make sense. Like, if they go here, let it not be a barren place. It encourages exploration.


Thanks for the thumb-up, mandru :)

You may be right, Art. There's no question in my mind that this is very much an explorer's game, and some of the trouble they've taken to put things in, not just subtle locations but the aftermaths of localized dramas and all sorts of little hinted-at side stories and tableaus, bears that out methinks. Maybe they put those rocks in way out at the extremity of the map with the intention of rewarding anyone who took the trouble to swim out to them to check them out (though why the PA was out of bounds I don't know. Maybe that was the point - "let's see if they can figure out how to get it with the console".

There are lots of bits and pieces sticking up out of the water - masts, isolated rocks, bits of ship, buoys, etc - in the Commonwealth too but especially on the Far Harbor map, some of which bear fruit and some which don't (not that I've checked them all out, there's heaps). Just the other day I found a wrecked boat on the bottom between the dock at Far Harbor proper and Longfellow's island with a wall-mounted First Aid box on board which yielded a couple of things. Only indication that the boat was there was a bit of mast sticking up out of the water with some seaweed dangling off it.

Good thing is that nothing can attack you out in the open sea, so you can paddle around to your heart's content (I also have the perk which lets me breathe underwater, so I can stay below indefinitely). I'm glad those nasty-looking dolpharks are always dead already and washed up ashore :gnehe:

You can swim out to that small island north of Longfellow's too, there are some goodies out there. Just watch out for the Gulpers (a couple of them are up in the trees). And if you go to the north side of that island, you can see another one even further north with a house on it, but it's definitely way out of bounds. 'You cannot go that way" and an invisible wall will pop up before you get halfway out to it. So that one must be purely for decoration.

Art Blade


I once explored the entire seabed around the Commonwealth. It kept me busy for quite some time :gnehe: There were quite a few things to ponder on but no serious eureka moments or unique magic gear.


I went around quite a few places using the clear water command as well. There are a few places that seem like they are more then just decoration, as if there might have been plans to have a mission tied to them, but a lot of it is mostly just decoration.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Having maxed out Preston's affinity and gotten his unique perk, I sent him out to live at the Castle, where he has been ever since. So imagine my surprise when, with Codsworth in tow, I was poking around in the city when I spied a figure in the middle-distance approaching - and employing V.A.T.S. to identify the figure, it was revealed to be Preston Garvey.

Oh great, I thought, what kind of Bethesdian glitch is this? Why has Preston wandered out of the Castle all the way to here, and where might he be going?

So I approached him, whereupon he proceeded to walk right past me without stopping to chat. Then I saw that it wasn't him, just some other black guy dressed in a similar way. I interacted with him, and he stopped and introduced himself as Preston Garvey. One of my responses was, "You're not Preston", which I used. He still claimed that he was, then I had another response choice appear, which was "I know Preston". So I picked that one.

He said, "Oh, *bleep*" and ran away :gnehe: I chased him for a ways and managed to corral him in a laneway for a moment, but I could not interact with him any further (and his label now read, "Preston Garvey Impersonator"). He wasn't a threat so I let him run away.

That was a new one for me :gnehe:

Art Blade

that's a new one for me as well, wow ??? :D O0


I looked him up on the Wiki, he's a random encounter (very random - I haven't encountered him in over a year and a half of playing). Apparently if you "play along" with him, he'll try to get 100 Caps out of you to help the Minutemen - in other words, he's a con man, like that Parker Quinn guy who hangs around South Boston and who tries to sell you a "Charge Card", and who I make a point of biffing one whenever I'm in the neighbourhood :evil2: Nobody calls me a "retard" and gets away with it...

Art Blade

hahaha, after the first time, I kept offing THAT guy right away every time I encountered him :gnehe:


I was once wearing the Minute Man General's outfit when I ran into the Preston impersonator.  It made no difference he still tried to run his con.  ::)

Parker Quinn (not a random encounter as he's always found in the same spot) on the other hand may insult you but one of the merchants on the pier over in Far Harbor will cash you out for the full value of the card.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

+1 :thumbsup: for that. I never knew you could actually do that anywhere, cheers :)


Yeah I met fake Preston early in my game and told him to shove off as I'd just left the real one back at Sanctuary. I always wondered what the reaction would be if you had the real Preston with you when you meet the fake one.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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