Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

haha, probably duking it out among themselves :anigrin:


I never knew that mandru, cheers +1  8) I too thought that if you bought the card, you simply peed your 110 caps into the wind.

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on June 20, 2019, 08:14:17 AM
I always wondered what the reaction would be if you had the real Preston with you when you meet the fake one.

The Wiki covered that, apparently fake Preston still tries to pull his con regardless while the real Preston just stands by and says nothing, which is odd because usually when you have Preston in tow you may encounter someone who will say something like, "Hey, I know you, you're Preston Garvey" and they'll have a brief exchange. Funny how they went to that trouble but missed making some extra dialog for Preston should he meet the impostor.

Art Blade

that is strange, got to be on oversight of sorts. A Bethesda thingy, you know.. :gnehe:


Thanks guys for the +1's.  :)

From what I understand in dealing with Parker Quinn you can buy the credit card, kill and loot him to get you caps back.

Then run out to Far Harbor and cash in the CC.  ;)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

oh no worries, he's been my prime target and has never survived any encounter with me, with or without selling that card :evil2:


Didn't you try to kill the fake preston to steal his clothes? I would've tried that. Would make for a funny screeny, Preston & Preston on the roll :gnehe:
"No hay luz"


Now there's a fun thing to try, but the fake Preston encounter is so rare and random, it'd be tough to pull off.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

plus you'd most likely get some negative relation, perhaps instant karma. When other companions are around, that is. You know, a "kill" (or was it "murder?") in your stats.


The impersonator doesn't wear the same outfit as the real Preston, just a bog-standard "Minutemen Outfit" and "Militia Hat" like you can find when you're out and about, or acquire from a vendor who sells apparel. Preston's get-up is unique, with his duster, gauntlets, fancy vest and woolly scarf. So you can't make yourself look just like him, outfit-wise.

I'm trying to avoid getting "Murders" in my stats. One is unavoidable though if you want to go the "Open Season" route in Nuka-World because you have to bump off one of the gang leaders to get the ball rolling and it counts as a murder in your stats. I'll also have to be careful when the time comes to accompany Danse on the ArcJet mission because for some reason, every Synth you whack in there counts as a murder (it's a glitch, apparently). I've read that if you let Danse do all the killing you can avoid getting murder stats. I don't know if that includes doing a test-fire of the rocket engine, because that cooks a few Synths (I seem to remember that firing the rocket engine is an optional objective).

That's one approach. Another is that unwanted "Murder" stats can be removed using the console. Open it and type:

ModPCMiscStat Murders -1

(the "-1" is how many murders you want to clear - e.g. to clear 5 murders, type "-5").

So should any erroneous murder stats arise, as in the case of ArcJet, you can use this code to get them out of your stats. But since the one murder I have in my stats is legit, I'll leave it there on the philosophical premise of "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do" (or in my present case, a woman :gnehe:). I want to avoid racking up any more than that though.

Art Blade

+1 :thumbsup: for the "clean slate cheat" lol
I didn't even think about checking the codes for that, thanks :)
Some of my few murders are inexplicable, I suspect they come from causing car explosions and vertibird gunfire when passing the time shooting stuff down there while flying to your destination :gnehe:


I'm afraid to look at what my murder stat is, I'm sure it's up there, I tend to be fast and loose with the bullets.  :D

Fired up the game just to look, isn't as bad as I thought, only 73 lol.

Though on the bottom of the main stats list it says days survived and that's at zero? Not sure what that's counting.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"Days Survived" only applies if you play on "Survival" mode. I think the stat is included regardless because the game lets you change difficulty levels on the fly, so it's probably easier from a programming point of view to have the stat there already in case it gets called into play mid-game.

EDIT: Actually, belay that. I checked on the Wiki and unlike the other difficulty settings, Survival mode can only be activated at the start of a new game. If you do that but later turn it off mid-game, it can't be reactivated in the same game. So I don't know why the "Days Survived" stat shows when you're not in Survival mode :huh-new:

I was thinking of giving Survival mode a bash at some point, although reading up on it, it sounds flipping tough (geez, you'd think it was a matter of survival or something...) No fast-travelling, you have to regularly eat, drink and sleep or you suffer effects like reduced Strength and Perception or you can even get sick (and the type of bed/sleeping bag you sleep in makes a difference), ammo now has weight and exceeding your weight-carrying capacity can injure you, and so on. And of course, enemies are even tougher than ever and unless they're part of a quest objective, they don't show up on your compass. There's quite a list of differences, actually. Sounds like oodles of fun... :gnehe:


If they don't show up on your compass that gives value to the recon mod for many of the weapons.

Scan an area you are setting up to assault so you can place a marker on enemies one by one in your recon scope.  That way they can be tracked on the compass when you've gathered enough intel and get into the actual contact, fighting them among the obstacles of the battlefield.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

as far as I remember, you may turn on survival difficulty at any time but it creates a new career and you cannot go back from there, only continue the old one. Something like that, I did that once and deleted that new survival career.


I've seen survival mode videos and thought about it, but it looks like it's a lot of bother just to keep your water and food intake up much less actually killing anything. Plus I like carrying unlimited ammo for every gun, even the ones I don't have.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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