Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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I was curious about that weapon so I looked it up.

Aeternus gained from the Rogue Knight is a Gatling laser titled with the Neverending legendary effect.  But the true nature of this weapon is different from the typical Neverending type weapon.

From what I understand Neverending weapons usually draw ammo from your inventory without having to pause to reload.  Aeternus differs from that behaving in a way where initially its fusion core will have power drawn off partially but then will never fully deplete as long as you continue to use it.  But each and every time you put Aeternus away or switch to another weapon and then come back again it voids the currently loaded fusion core to empty and eats away 33% of a new one.

More details about Aeternus here: www.fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Aeternus
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I'm pretty sure we're talking two different weapons here. As far as I remember and understand it, D_B is using a mini gun (not Gatling laser) and it uses explosive rounds. When he first told us long ago, I went to get it and decided it was too heavy (inventory space) and discarded it in favour of something else (I love the Gauss rifles) and while Gatling lasers look cool, the damage isn't so spectacular in my opinion. A fully maxed-out Gauss is my weapon of choice, followed by something with a high rate of fire and a bleeding effect which also melts down certain enemies rather well.


Yeah the one I was talking about is a 5mm bullet gatling gun, I got it from a random legendary drop somewhere along the line.

Oh yeah, update yesterday so I need a new copy of F4SE now.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

having to update the F4SE every time they add something to that F'ing mod shop or what it's called, is what keeps me from just playing for a sec.


Thanks for the tip about the arena, mandru O0 I didn't know about that. I actually tried to clobber Wretch as he was coming through the door, so maybe it's just as well that he got through before I dropped him.

I think that was the first time I've done an Amoral Combat after Open Season, so I didn't know whether an audience of gang people was normal or not. I consulted the Wiki, here's what it had to say about it:

[From the "Notes" section] "Amoral Combat will trigger again after completing Open Season, but the trigger takes much longer. In this case, the raiders that appear in the audience will turn hostile after the battle".

[From the "Bugs" section] "After completing Open Season and after killing every raider in Nuka-World, it is possible to still participate in the ongoing fights. Upon entering the Cola-Cars arena, all the raiders will appear hostile (marked red on map) but will not attack until the player has defeated the opponent".

So I'm assuming from the above (if correct) that the presence of gang members at the arena after Open Season is normal (during Amoral Combat). Note to self: Next time, bring Bottlecap Mines :evil2:

On the subject of favourite weapons, one of mine is the "Overseer's Guardian", the modified "double-shot" Combat Rifle sold by Alexis in Vault 81. Once re-chambered to take .308 rounds, it becomes a very hard-hitting weapon.

I've reached Level 165 in my current game, and have now levelled-up sufficiently to more than hold my own on "Very Hard" difficulty. Not like in the early days of the 'thru where if I saw more than two enemies at once, even low-level Raiders, the most prudent course of action was to run away :gnehe: With all fighting-related Perks maxed, I can resume one of my favourite activities in FO4 - going into a Feral Ghoul-infested location like Lexington's Supa-Dupa Mart or Hubris Comics, putting up my dukes and biffing my way through them all (well, with some fisticuff-boosting supplements). I find nothing quite so satisfying as sending Ferals into oblivion with the old one-two :evil2:

Art Blade


I booted it up last night to test the new F4SE and wandered around doing nothing in particular. Some of the creation club stuff actually looks pretty nice, and if they were free mods I would have grabbed them, but I'm not paying for them. The fact they don't have any way in game (I don't think?) to get whatever currency the CC uses and the only way is to pay real money for it is just really greedy and bad.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Synchronicity strikes again... Look what I just found:

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I got it off a Legendary Rust Devil near Hangman's Alley.

Art Blade

that's the one, a big one :anigrin:


Yep, you can add some mods to make it slightly more lethal too. But really, even though I carry it I hardly ever use it. There's barely anything that requires it's firepower.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


It's certainly a beast of a weapon, and really more like a minigun should be. Let's face it, real-world counterparts can fire up to 100 rounds per second. That's got to rip stuff up a bit. Even though the MGs in the game fire 5mm rounds as opposed to the 7.62mm rounds that the real ones use, getting hit by several hundred of them in a few seconds should by rights knock anything over pretty darned quick. With the "ordinary" MGs, I'll pour most of a drum into a single enemy and they'll still be kicking.

I wiped out a whole gang of Rust Devils, along with the two Tankbots and the Swarmbot they were travelling with, in just a few seconds with the new MG last night and it didn't feel very sporting at all :gnehe: I don't think they even got a shot off.

Art Blade


there are two other interesting legendary effects for automatic guns that I like. The bleeding effect literally drains enemies and I think it works on robots, too, perhaps leaking oil? :) The other one works by building up damage, increasing it for every consecutive hit. Downside of that is, you need to keep hitting or it resets every time you miss. It works pretty good if someone comes straight at you or runs away from you :gnehe:


I've had a bleeding 10mm pistol that I got very early in my game and carried it ever since, adding mods that made it better. Regular ghouls take one or two shots from it and die after the bleed damage takes them down the rest of the way. It's fun to just pop them a couple and watch their health bar drop as they run towards you and die a few steps away.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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