Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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When I said ugly I meant ugly.

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Changing building materials from warehouse to concrete left a huge gap running across the top of the electric door panel.

At least it's the one thing the settlers haven't complained about.  ::)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I think that's rather fancy :anigrin:

and haha, your settlers need a correctional facility to teach them some respect :evil2:


It's good to see your screenies on the forum, mandru O0 And cool screenies they are :gnehe:

I love the "barnacle" sign :D That's also some serious organizing you've got going on there :anigrin:

To keep settlers out of buildings where you don't want them, here's a few ideas:

First, don't put anything inside the building that might attract them, i.e. anything they can interact with or sit on during their off-w0#k hours. I've noticed that settlers will use workbenches in the early morning before w0#k, but after w0#k they tend to gravitate only to the "fun" things like gym equipment, soda fountains and poker machines, etc. I try to keep those things close to where they w0#k so that they don't go walkabout when they quit w0#k for the day, but in the mornings they will wander all over looking for things to interact with or sit on.

In addition to Art's suggestion for Powered Doors, here's a couple more:

Powered Door 1:
Make a switch for the door and put it in a place where the settlers can't get to it. I find that if I put some waist-high railings around it (such as the ones in the "Concrete" menu) I can jump over the railings to get to the switch, but the settlers can't. Just make sure the switch isn't within "reaching" range from outside the railings.

Powered Door 2:
Have one switch on or near the door itself, and another one in a totally different location (the "wiring exploit" is golden for setting this up). Run the power first to the remote switch, then from that switch to the one on the door. Settlers might figure out how to flip one switch to open a powered door, but two seems to be beyond their deductive abilities, especially if the switches are some distance apart.

Sometimes you do have to keep settlers away from the heavy weaponry. At my Nuka-World Red Rocket settlement, I didn't have any locked power doors and I'd had my Nuka-Nuke Launcher mounted on a display stand on the second floor of a building. A settler got hold of it when the settlement was attacked, and apparently it comes with a round already loaded in it (maybe because I stored it loaded, I dunno). He only had that one shot with it, but that was enough to put one of my turrets out of commission and send the settlement Brahmin to moo-cow heaven. And the klutz didn't even nail any bad guys with it :banghead:

Now the Launcher lives behind a settler-proof power door, along with other things I don't want them getting their mitts on - including my spare PA Fusion Cores, just in case.


YAY! After a single playthrough that has so far lasted for a bit over two years
(two actual years that is, not game years), I finally made it to Level 200 on "Very Hard" difficulty:

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I've also gotten obscenely rich in the process :gnehe: Check out my Bottlecaps total at the bottom of the Pip-Boy:

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You can see that I also have 13,125 (dollars, I guess) of Pre-War Money. Since every unit/dollar of that is worth 8 Caps,
that adds another 105,000 worth of Caps to the total. So I effectively have well over 400,000 Caps on hand.
I'm like the Jeff Bezos of the Wasteland :gnehe:

(Phew) Right, that's done. Now to see Nick Valentine in DC and continue with the story - which I left off about a year ago to pursue this insanity.
It was fun getting to this point (and I've left a hell of a body count in my wake), but never again...

Art Blade

+1 :thumbsup: for all that, fragger :) Impressive accomplishments.

Make sure to keep backups of the current save games :anigrin:

And enjoy the story as it unfolds now that you're the top banana of the known world :gnehe:


Thanks Art :) I cleaned up my saves and backed up the ones I want to keep :thumbsup:

I noticed on FO4's game save/load menu that I've put a total of 69 real-time days and just under 16 hours into this playthrough, so say just under 70 days. That seems about right - I probably average about 3 hours of gaming per day (more on some days, and sometimes I go for a few days without playing at all, like if I get stuck into 3D modelling or reading or something). So all my time spent on this game, condensed, comes to almost 70 days, or 1,672 hours. That's just for this current playthrough, of course.

Doesn't seem like very much considering I started this 'thru over two years ago :gnehe: Where does the flipping time go?


By the way, here's the body count. I'm surprised there's anyone left in the Commonwealth, heh :gnehe:

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Hmm... Wonder what happens to the body count when you blow up the Institute or the Prydwen,
if you go either of those ways? Must try to remember to take note when the time comes.

Art Blade

that is a nice screenie, with all those kills :anigrin: quite the numbers there. :)

I'm still chuckling because of the image you painted in my mind when relating body count increase to blowing up the institute, like sky-rocketing! :D

And yes.. time flies when gaming..


Maybe I should spawn a death claw in with the lockers so anyone who breaks in gets what they deserve.

And yes fragger those are impressive stats.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thanks mandru :)

Actually, a Deathclaw in the locker room is not a bad idea - if you build the locker room large enough to fit a Deathclaw capture cage inside, and install a Beta Wave Emitter outside the door to tame the monster when you want to go in yourself (BWEs only w0#k on captured critters, not wild ones).

Just don't forget to turn the emitter on before you venture inside... and turn it off again when you leave to teach light-fingered settlers a lesson :evil2:

Art Blade

that can be solved by simply using the same door trigger and power generator for the BWE. :)

Have fun testing that. :anigrin:


Good thinking :)

I think I'd be inclined to test with something large-bore and very knocky-downy in my hands :gnehe:

I scored a Legendary "Freezing Plasma Rifle" earlier today. I can add that one to the "oxymoronic weapons" category, along with the "freezing" flame thrower :huh-new:

Art Blade


Here's a short video of one of my favourite interactive cutsceness in FO4.

The first time I reached this point in the game, I certainly wasn't expecting to see
anything like this when I went through that door...


Yeah that's a cool scene, I think the first time I played I went out on the roof and either was looking a different direction, or opened my inventory to check something so I was distracted and didn't realize what was going on until the announcement happened and I looked around going "huh? wha?"
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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