Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Looks like thieving NPCs is a carry-over from FO4 too! That one though is especially nasty as you can't get it back.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


For the first time in my FO4 experience, Mr. Vault Tec didn't make it to Sanctuary after I sent him there from Goodneighbor.

After three game days he still hadn't shown up, so I used these console commands to bring him to me:

prid 00031fb4 [to put his ID in the console]
moveto player

It worked - sort of. It brought him to me, but he was dead on arrival - his body appeared in front of me, laying deceased on the ground. Apparently he'd been killed along the way and all the console did was summon his corpse to my location :banghead:

So then I used

resurrect 1

on him and he sprang back to life. I assigned him to the General Trader store I'd set up and all was well.

But then I thought about it a bit more. Did I really want to go through his whole spiel about "feeling swell" and "steak knives" every time I wanted to trade with him?

I decided I didn't, so I reloaded the game to the point before I summoned him, thus leaving his body wherever it happens to be laying. Maybe I'll come across it at some point later.

Apparently this can happen as he doesn't have "essential" status, so he can get whacked along the way to Sanctuary. He can also be killed in settlement attacks, though I've never seen that happen either.

Art Blade

Yeah, at first it was nice to have him but later I avoided getting close because I couldn't stand those same limited conversation lines any more that were triggered every bloody time you got close enough.

I'm pretty sure that you can manually set the status of NPCs to "essential" as well as reverse that status. I'm right now not getting the pics out of my head from The Elder Scrolls V Oblivion, a game which I modded in a way that I had two invincible (essential) hyper-sensitive orcs with one-hit-kill weapons as my personal guards. It was funny when they got very, very easily involved in arguments, especially with other essentials, as my guards were stronger. It was like a cartoon. They'd knock out an essential NPC and every few seconds, when the NPC came to, my guards would whip around their heads and at the time whip out their maces and then they'd knock out the NPC once more. :anigrin:



I recruited Anne Hargraves for my clothing store and Rylee for a second trading stand in Sanctuary. At least they both made it okay (I had to console Rylee into turning up, but that's standard procedure).

Art Blade

yeah, I had almost every recruitable vendor in one large room, like a market place.


Yeah I saw Rylee for five seconds at the fish cannery and never again, but I never talked to her about being a trader either. You only have that one shot with her and like Fragger mentions, even then she doesn't show up.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Apparently (according to the Wiki) it has something to do with the Automatron add-on - it's having that installed that makes Rylee disappear after she leaves the cannery. You have to go to wherever it was that you wanted her to go and use the console to bring her to you.

prid 0003eff3
moveto player

With or without Automatron, she will disappear if you send her to a settlement which has a population of less than 10.

Even after you assign her to a store, whenever you interact with her the "w0#k for me" dialogue option remains. But if she's already working for you, you shouldn't select "w0#k for me" because every time you do, it increases the settlement count by 1 (or so I read).

She bugs out initially, but once she's coaxed back via console and assigned to a store, she works just fine and is no longer a problem. She's worth getting (for me, anyway) because she stocks a boatload of junk and shipments, more than any other general trader, but only if you assign her to a Trading Emporium (the 3rd-tier store with the long counter - Rank 2 of both Local Leader and Caps Collector perks required).

Art Blade

crazy stuff.. but I am glad that you found out how to make her w0#k for you. :anigrin:


Found Mr. Vault Tec. He was just down the road from Goodneighbor, the entrance to which you can just see in the upper-right corner,
where the light is. The poor bugger only made it about a block. I ran into some tough Feral Ghouls not far away, just before I found Mr. V T's body.
Maybe they were the ones who did him in. If so, I avenged him good and proper.

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That's really gotta suck - getting irradiated into a long-lived grotesquerie and surviving for over 200 years
before finally encountering a kind face from the past who offers you a job - only to get cactused by your half-rotted brethren
before you can get more than a block or so along the way to your promising new future...

Art Blade


Interesting, I once followed an NPC on his way somewhere, and gave up after a while because they take the most slow, indirect route going anywhere, it's like they want to be attacked by something.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Poor Mr. Vault Tec. :banghead:

I didn't think feral ghouls would attack other ghouls but anything is possible.  I know there's a hive of thugs around the corner to the left and up the highway ramp there by Good Neighbor maybe some of them were out roving and caught him.

It's too bad we can't fully equip the new settlement recruits other than the settlers gained from the Mechanist radiant quests.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


True, it might not have been the ghouls. There had been a how-do-you-do of some sort where I found the ghouls, with a couple of dead Gunners lying around.

I'm enjoying playing on "Easy" mode (not "Very Easy" - I'm not that much of a pansy :gnehe:) It is more fun when you don't have to empty a whole clip into some goon to bring him down.

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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