Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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That's true guys, I'm glad they're all dead already :undecided-new:


All the time I've been playing this game, and I've only just realized that "glowing" Ghouls can bring their dead mates back to life if they're nearby :huh-new: I was playing fisticuffs with the Ghouls in the basement of that house which is part of the exit from Old Gullet Sinkhole when the Glowing One did his arm-spready, green-flash thing and the Ghouls I'd already dropped started getting back up.

Never noticed that before, maybe because if there is a Glowing One about, I usually try to shoot him first from a distance.

One of my favourite pastimes in FO4 is Ghoul-thumping. Since I'm playing on "Easy" mode this time, and I've fully ranked up the "Iron Fist" Perk (increases punching damage), I can easily rumble with them - and after dropping Bufftats and Fury drugs, I can punch like a teed-off Mike Tyson :gnehe: There is something very satisfying about the meaty "whopp" of a well-delivered blow to a wrinkly old Ghoul face (let's call it "extreme ageism"...) It's even more fun if you can sneak up behind one and king hit* him in the back of the head so he face-plants, or he goes stumbling forwards a few steps if you don't knock him down with that first clobber - in which case you can nail him with a second punch before he can get turned around.

With the aforementioned combo of Perk and drugs, the ordinary Ghouls go down with one punch, and the "withered" types and their ilk get floored with two, or three for the extra tough variants. Last playthrough I was on "Very Hard" difficulty and bare-knuckling Ghouls was - well, very hard.

But even on Easy mode, those big, bloated, charred chappies are still a bit too tough for punch-ups. Unless I feel like wearing them down with a lot of blocking/punching/blocking/punching, they get the old twelve-gauge lullabye instead :evil2:

*EDIT: I posted without realising I'd used an Aussie-ism there. You may know a "king hit" as a "*bleep* punch" or a "cold *bleep*" in your part of the world. It means a punch delivered without warning, usually to the back of the head.

Art Blade

my dear, you are such an exceptionally violent character, do you know that?


Nice one, and thanks for the explanation of King Hit :bigsmile:


haha on "King Hit" I thought for a bit that you just edited out the expletive part of the beginning lol

But as for glowing ghouls bringing their dead brothers back to life, I've seen it now and then, but not often. I think it wasn't until Nuka World in the magic theater that you see it a lot if you're paying attention, as that fight is usually quite frantic and you might not notice that all the ghouls coming at you are not new ones, but resurrected ones you've already killed. Now that I think of it, I don't recall seeing it happen more than maybe once or twice in the normal part of the game.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Fun punch 'em up info fragger.  :bigsmile:

I've not noticed a glowing ghoul reviving companions other than when Oswald pulled that stunt in Nuka-World.

As for the term king hit I assumed that it was what we here in the U.S. would call a s u c k e r* punch only in your example delivered from behind the person being struck.  Our term includes any punch delivered to an unsuspecting target before they recognize they are at risk.

* Oddly I had to space the letters apart for the word in yellow was bleeped - s u c k e r is an alternate word for a lollipop, a person who is easily fooled or conned, and often used as a substitute for something we would consider a more seriously offensive term as when President Obama killed a fly during an interview that was being broadcast nationwide live as seen in the following video clip.


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

that clip is cool :D And thanks for the detailed explanations, mandru. Very well explained :thumbsup: :)


Quote from: Art Blade on August 06, 2020, 11:34:12 PM
my dear, you are such an exceptionally violent character, do you know that?

Only in games, otherwise I'm a very peaceful person - and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise :gnehe:

I've only seen a Glowing One resurrect its mates that one time (except for, as has been pointed out, Oswald in Nuka-World, which I'd forgotten about). I always thought that when they did their green blast thing it was just a way of attacking, as it can do a some rad damage to you if you're close enough. Maybe there's some sort of proximity-based percentage of success for resurrecting the fallen attached to it, since in that basement the dead ones were very close to the Glowing One.

This is what the Wiki has to say about it:

"A Glowing One is not only stronger than a normal feral ghoul, but its radiation burst is able to heal and even reanimate nearby feral counterparts".

It didn't say anything about chances of success though, if there is such a thing.

Regarding "king hit", I have never been able to find an origin for the term, but I do know that it has been traced back to the late 19th century. And it seems to be a purely domestic term, not inherited from British English or Cockney as is a lot of Aussie slang. Odd expression, seeing as how we have never had kings.

@mandru, funny clip :D  My Mum is a good fly-swatter (she uses one of those flexible plastic ones). I stink at it, they always see me coming :gnehe:

Art Blade

that "peaceful" line cracked me up mate :D

And same about flies, I'm only good at squashing them when they're sitting on a window but I'm always close to smashing it along with the fly. :anigrin:


Sorry, I realized I had neglected yet another usage of the word s u c k e r:-[

Its a type of fish that I used to catch in the Snoqualmie River which ran through the valley below where I lived growing up.  They are trash fish similar to carp but with an distinctive mouth.


@ about 35 seconds you get a good idea of their size when mature.

Some people like them fried up but then there's no accounting for tastes.  ::)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


I've never had suckers, but up north the old folks always talk about the "*bleep* run" in the spring when they are plentiful, you can stand in a small stream and just net them out of the water, no fishing pole needed. Supposedly they are good eating at that time of year when the water is still cold, but once it warms up, they aren't so good.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


After a few heavy days of the blues, I picked up where I'd left off in FO4 in an effort to perk myself up a bit.

One of the side quests I still had outstanding was "Last Voyage of the USS Constitution". This time I tried something different though. At the final moment where you throw the switch from a nearby rooftop to send the ship rocketing on its way, I wore a suit of Power Armor with the Jet Pack modification, and instead of just standing on the rooftop watching the ship fly off, I jetpacked back aboard before it took off to see if it was possible to ride along with it.

Well, it turns out that it is. But as soon as the ship embeds itself in the roof of a downtown skyscraper, you die. I tried it a couple of times, once at the ship's bow and once at the stern, with the same result. You can't get below decks once you've thrown the switch either.

It's a cool flight, but you won't walk away from the landing :gnehe:


fragger, that was indeed a uniquely different approach to that side quest and highly deserving of a slap on the back.   O0 +1

By any chance was Captain Ironsides bellowing orders throughout the flight?  :laughsm:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I don't think I ever tried riding along with the ship, though I've heard it's possible. I wonder if you used the jet pack to fly up into the air just before the ship lands to avoid getting killed would w0#k?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


@mandru, thanks for the backslap :bigsmile: Apart from the orders Ironsides gives at the moment of departure, he remains silent throughout the flight.

@D_B, I wish I'd thought of trying that. But I think I've overwritten the quicksave I made just before jumping aboard. I'll check when I get back into the game. If not, I'll give it a try.

🡱 🡳

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