Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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fragger I enjoyed the story of your experience with the friended behemoth and the quirky aftermath.

An enjoyable tale.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thanks mandru :)

The first quest with Paladin Danse after helping out the BoS at the police station went funny on me this time around. Danse and I went to Arcjet Systems to get the transmitter, but as soon as we arrived at Arcjet, Danse immediately turned around and ran all the way back to the police station, where he stopped and stood and wouldn't say anything. I tried reloading from a previous save, but the same thing happened.

Looking this up on the Wiki revealed a known but occasional bug (very occasional - this is my sixth playthrough of FO4 and it has never happened to me previously). You can still continue and complete the quest inside Arcjet without Danse present, and as soon as you get the transmitter from that one particular synth in the control room, Danse will simply appear in the room and the last bit of the quest will complete as normal. So that was what I had to do. Danse still gave me his modded-up laser rifle at the end and everything after that was okay.

An odd one.

Art Blade

strange, yes.. but amusing nonetheless :anigrin:


I haven't been gaming for a little while, some life got in the way (nothing serious). But now I'm ready to gear up and get some.

But first, I wanted to change the way I had my stores set up in Sanctuary,
so I gave them a complete overhaul. Here is the new retail hub, just near the bridge:

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I like to recruit trader Rylee from Longneck Lukowski's Cannery
(which always involves a bit of console persuasion to get her to turn up in Sanctuary).
I set her up with her own personal store. She's a great junk trader to have as she carries a shipload of stock.
Her intense stare is a little unsettling, though.

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Next door is Sanctuary Mall. Everything you need, all under one roof.
There are no teenagers hanging out here because there are no teenagers.
But there is a Giddyup Buttercup out the front to keep the littlies out of your hair while you shop.

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Anne Hargraves is happy as a clam running her own clothing emporium.
She also puts on some wonderful radio plays. You should listen sometime.

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A second general trader. If Rylee doesn't have it, this trader might.
There is currently a sale on radios that only pick up classical music and gargantuan coffee machines.

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Armor World, for all your projectile-stopping needs. The Scribe runs this store.
There's a rumour that he writes for the BoS tabloids on the side.
He also plays hooky from w0#k because I occasionally run into him when I'm out and about,
but whenever I return to Sanctuary he'll be back at w0#k like nothing happened.
He thinks he has me fooled, but I'm onto the bugger.

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Guns, guns, and more guns - because you can never have too many when you live in the Commonwealth.
I'd love to have Cricket working here because if I have a hankering for a melting face, she's my girl.
She also likes to make mischief and blow up little bitty trees in my honour. But alas, she can't be recruited as a trader.

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Finally, the medical centre, with barber, optician and doctor.
If you need it styled, examined, cured, cauterized, dug out or amputated, these folks are ready to help.
Just sign the waiver and they'll be good to go.

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Art Blade

beautiful little world there, fragger :thumbsup: :)


That is really cool, I love how everything is all neatly arranged in each store. I usually just ended up placing random things in random places. It's obvious there was a lot of thought and planning put into your setup.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice layout for your shopkeepers fragger and the narrative for the individuals was amusing.

Yeah, and all that about Cricket... She's my gal.  O0
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thanks chaps :) I do like to build!

🡱 🡳

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