Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

I am pretty sure that I managed to talk my way out of it without killing anyone. I had built a very high charisma (s.p.e.c.i.a.l.) early on just because of those dialogue options so I could always get the best results. :)

Art Blade

Good, I've finished the robot stuff. I played the last bit twice, once as Silver Shroud plus speech checks and once using my normal gear without speech checks. I managed both times to get the same result: let her live and get the lair. Of course, the Shroud is weirder with that theatrical way of presenting his lines  :bigsmile:

Man, what a huge facility, that Mechanist's Lair. I'm afraid to send anyone there because I think I might lose all of them in that maze  ???


I didn't have high enough charisma for the Big Dig, so I had to kill someone and I wasn't going to get Hancock mad at me for killing his lieutenant and stealing his stuff, so Bobbi had to go.

The Mechanist lair is big, but the buildable area is small, just the area around the command center. It does have some vertical space though. I never sent anyone there, just left Isabel there with her robot and got quests from her now and then when I wanted some more robots to kill.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

ah, good, I unavoidably got a rogue robot mission. I didn't know she'd keep handing out those missions  :)


Oxhorn uses it as a hub and has all his provisioners leaving from the lair; he has turned the place into a manufacturing/sorting warehouse using the contraptions workshop...I have it linked in my supply chain, but left it empty except for Isabel & co.

Art Blade

I remember watching Ox's vid showing the lair as his "hub" and how at first he didn't find any robot to show (they were all wandering the wastelands)  :anigrin: I don't need a supply line so I don't use any of that.

Oh, I'm rank 89 now. :bigsmile:


I'm still stuck on 94, but I've also slowed down my play to a couple hours every other day...didn't want it to get stale :D

Art Blade

Here it feels as if I was slowly beginning to play properly  :anigrin:

612 hours into the game


Art Blade

Art Blade

I'm curry.. erm, I'm hungry. I meant, I'm currently trying to get one settlement to 100% happiness and I chose that red rocket settlement next to Sanctuary which had never been in use. I only got two settlers there, a man and a woman, funny enough. I cleaned out the place and decorated it, slapped all the happy stuff in like the gym stuff, the brewing machine, the slot machine, a juke box and lots of light. Additionally, four dogs and four cats. I assigned the guy to tend those six mutfruit trees and the lady to serve that happy brew. They're already at 93% :)

To spend some time there (I want to be there when it happens) I'm trying to keep myself busy..

OWG crew
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Also, I armed those two people and made them wear some leather armour. Without those settlement attacks, I don't have to worry much. Perhaps a stray bloat fly but they've got assault rifles and the dogs plus a handful of machine gun turrets.

However, I noticed something that was totally new to me. When I wanted to change their gear, I realised I had to grab something from Sanctuary so I ran over. I overtook a woman that looked exactly like the one from red rocket. Actually, it was her. She was paying Sanctuary a visit ??? When I got the stuff I wanted, I ran back and saw her again, also on her way back. Weird. Then in red rocket, there was an unassigned female settler whom I hadn't seen before. The recruitment beacon was switched off ever since I got those two settlers. That woman went to play a bit at the slot machine and marched off again  ??? She was obviously from Sanctuary, she already had an assault rifle. Crazy.

here, you can see the "guest" through the window, she's at the slot machine.
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Art Blade

Trying to find stuff to do to pass the time, I remembered Dweller_Benthos's stories about his pastime in FO4, building traps and an arena and have wild creatures duke it out in there. I've ever since wanted to do that myself :anigrin: Today was the first time that I went to try something bigger than cat and dog traps. Why not a deathclaw trap. :bigsmile:

There might be an inherent problem which could be counter-productive when it comes to creating "happiness" while at the time releasing a monstrous deathclaw from its cage.. So I created a small walled-up area around the door of the cage. If it works, the deathclaw will be sitting in a very confined space. And about 16 heavy lasers pointed at him. However, the funniest thing (and unwanted, at that stage) that could happen would be to release the beast from the cage just to take a look at it while those lasers go berserk on that deathclaw. Might not be too clever. So I put a switch between the lasers and the power generator. Also, I installed a beta wave emitter.

Oops. I wanted to look up 'beta wave emitter' so I went back into the game and forgot I was posting -- for 2.40 hours :laughsm: I got bored (the trap stayed empty, despite a few stints to Sanctuary and some naps) so I went on a stroll to kill some raiders and other nasty stuff and then I returned. I kept building red rocket a bit and finally trapped a deathclaw, I played with it a bit. Then I thought I could post about it -- and found this post still sitting in the editor  :D

So, meanwhile (ahem) I did catch that deathclaw, tried a few reloads and basically it worked as intended. Also, the mistakes I figured would be mistakes, were mistakes. It was hilarious. In other words, if you release a deathclaw from its trap without the beta wave emitter, it will be hostile, and everything and everyone will attack it. Basically, it did get clobbered the moment it walked out of the trap :anigrin: What I didn't know was what would happen if you switched off the beta thingy and turn it back on. Well, once it's off, you can't reverse the hostility. The deathclaw kept attacking after the beta blah blah was switched on again. It was cool to see how the dogs went after a fricking deathclaw and even the pet cats came along :anigrin: Also, trapping, killing the trapped beast and whatnot, does not affect the happiness. It's at 97% now. Damn, it takes long.

Art Blade

Here's the trapped deathclaw and the barrage of lasers going off :gnehe:

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And because those heavy lasers make a lot of noise when idle, I created a comfy laser control. While seated, you can reach that switch and flip on or off all of those laser turrets on the roof at once if needed. :gnehe:

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Art Blade

Alright, it takes time. I don't have to be around all the time but I don't want to miss it :)

I was on "patrol" for a while and by the time I returned to red rocket, the happiness had risen to 98%. That's the highest I've ever seen so far. :)

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