Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

if you can't see, touching is the perfect excuse. :anigrin:



Yes, it's just one settlement that needs to be 100% for the achievement, getting more than one, much less all of them (or even three or four) to 100% would be a real challenge.

One tip, if there are any robots assigned to a settlement, it will never reach 100% because robots are permanently at 50% so they always drag down the total no matter what you do. Then again, they don't go below that either, so you don't get them leaving because the place sucks and they are unhappy.

It didn't take long for me to get it at Longfellow's, just a few in game days after I set him up.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

same, but those few in-game days take forever if you're spending them watching in real time :anigrin: You can't speed up the process by sending your character to bed or let him "wait" all the time. Time will pass, the stats remain the same. They only change while you're actively playing.

You mentioned the robot thingy which is what I took to heart when I started that settlement. What I didn't expect is that they don't go below 50% which indeed could save rotting settlements.. cool. :)


The #1 joy killer in any settlement has to be Marcy Long.

Though on the bright side as of game patch 1.7 once you've completed the quest "Sanctuary" she is no longer an essential character.  Which would mean if you set up a temporary shop and assign her to it on the path going up to the Vault.

It would be easy to find a sheltered (from witnesses) vantage point and brighten up everyone's day.  :evil2:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

yep, she used to be quite annoying :anigrin: But I don't want to murder her just for her bad mood. And no, I don't want to murder her for other reasons, either :gnehe: I didn't want to kill her so instead, I sent her away, to Hangman's Alley, then a rotten place, and forgot about her. Eventually I had to w0#k on that settlement again (first because robots spawned inside that settlement, VERY annoying, and then, after installing the no attack mod, making it a somewhat nicer place) and the general mood there was good, and oh wonder, she didn't nag once. Maybe because I assigned her to tending plants, which has kept her busy and from talking. :anigrin:

Art Blade

Now that I've done most of the stuff I wanted to, I feel like going on with FO4 story-wise. But not the main story line  :D I decided to ask Nick to follow me to one of his cases that will lead us to Far Harbor. Should be Harbour but it's Harbor. Well.  :anigrin: Here we go.. killed a few new species and met some new people. Looks cool.

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Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on September 12, 2017, 11:37:18 AMmost of the stuff I wanted to

Just now I did one more thing that I'd been trying ever since I started the game.

There's an achievement called Prankster's Return, for stuffing someone's pocket with "a grenade" or "a mine." It doesn't say anything else, just "a grenade." Basically pick pockets backwards. I loved to do that in FO3, it was quite simple. So I tried several times during this current playthrough so far. Sometimes I got caught, sometimes I didn't get caught but.. nothing. Nothing ever happened. I was even able to pick my own grenade back out of someone's pocket.

Only two days ago I found out that I had to activate and level up a perk in order to do it, to be able to do it.. The grenades hadn't been live ones. Only activating and then levelling up the pick pocket perk, that's two steps, allows you to plant a live grenade. :banghead:

Well. Today I levelled up that perk and just now, at Perl.. erm, Far Harbor, I found a sleeping feral ghoul :evil2: I sneaked up on him, put a grenade into his inventory and it went live. I moved backwards, the ghoul woke up, and a muffled BLAM! I saw the explosion to the right and the ghoul's dead body along with some body parts came zipping by and disappeared to the left in the fog, within a split second. Too fast for a screenshot, unfortunately, but I hadn't expected that. It was hilarious :laughsm:

SO. That's done, too :bigsmile:


Sounds like fun - I recall in AC:Brotherhood standing on a staircase that was like rush hour traffic with people - I pick pocketed hundreds of people and they just went about their business  :D

Art Blade

yep, I did that in AC:Unity :anigrin: In FO4 it's a lot more difficult, though. Still fun :anigrin: I just blew up another ghoul, this time I slipped him a fusion mine -- quite the blast :laughsm:

Before I advance too far, just one step back.. before I started Far Harbor, I did "clean up" Sanctuary big time. I removed the two generators and all the turrets so it was quiet in the larger building to the left of "Art's Garage" which is where the majority of the NPC activities take place. I then built a new "power house" with a Vault Tec generator that's two stories tall. I had to do a lot of rewiring. I made it so you can see the four blue glowing tips of it. Also, I used a door that can only be opened with a switch or a terminal -- no NPCs go in there when it's locked. On top of it I put a something like a vault security office, very small, but it looks cool. It's from a mod that allows you to use structures of the game that you usually don't have access to. Below that little watch office are three heavy lasers. There was still some space so I arranged a little outdoor bar there. Oh, I dressed ALL 25 inhabitants in a way I can tell their jobs. The farmers have a chef hat because the symbol for farmers is a crossed fork and knife. You can see those white chef hats popping up between the mutfruit trees :laughsm: The guys tending the bar wear tuxedos. And so on. :)

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Quote from: Art Blade on September 12, 2017, 01:42:25 PM
... Oh, I dressed ALL 25 inhabitants in a way I can tell their jobs. The farmers have a chef hat because the symbol for farmers is a crossed fork and knife. You can see those white chef hats popping up between the mutfruit trees :laughsm: The guys tending the bar wear tuxedos. And so on.


Art Blade

Hehe :anigrin:

Here, for you. A "farmer-chef" walking down the road in front of the power house, Dogmeat watching him, and Piper on the roof of the power house, walking down the ramp of the watch office. Also, a nice view along the road. To the left, "Art's Garage" and further down, the main building. Screenie taken from a guard post, for elevation. You can see the blue box with the door switch for the power house, right next to the door to the right. Might want to click for full size.

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Art Blade

woops. Open door bar? Outdoor bar. As in sidewalk café. :anigrin:


Art Blade

Far Harbor is quite the experience. Fog all the time, new nasty creatures.. probably inspired by the 1980's John Carpenter film "The Fog." I'm glad I've reached level 90 and that I've got two legendary (50% more damage vs humans / vs super mutants) gauss rifles which have been my most reliable and powerful weapons almost ever since I found them. I mean, they pack nearly 500 damage per shot.. no other weapon is that powerful except the Nuka-nuke launcher with almost 1,400 damage. :anigrin: Silenced, crouched (stealth), head shot, and all relevant perks maxed out, I can fire one gauss projectile with 4x damage, must be at least 2,000 damage if I get a sneak attack bonus. Still, some of those creatures need more than one or even two of those hits. Impressive. You have to consider the hard difficulty level which is certainly responsible for the amount of health the enemies muster and it may also have boosted the damage my guns deal. However, even outside Far Harbor, it's hard enough that I basically have to rely on my gauss rifles and VATS shots that seem to be always instantly charged (gauss rifles can be charged when you keep the trigger pressed and release a more powerful blast when you let go) if I want to get something like one shot kills. Of course, other weapons are quite good, too, but it takes a lot longer to kill enemies with them. Legendary deathclaw, only about four shots. Most other enemies, usually it's Gauss + VATS = fire + forget.  :anigrin:

one shot kill
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