Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

oh! so you are still following this thread, mandru :) I'd been wondering because you'd been silent here for so long. I'm still musing about your 32 or so cats trick lol -- I suppose you cheated them? And the cherry red is a mode for the power armour helmet which makes anything that's alive visible (including turrets, lol)

D_B, whoa, I only killed one hermit crab which was a mini quest from my two settlers and I had to run from one end to the other end of the island to do that. On my way there, I had to kill creatures by the truckload so I wasn't jumpy when I got there. But I think I'll jump when I happen upon one of them by "just" looting a van. :anigrin:

Art Blade

Here one more pic of that settlement -- you couldn't see the house from the first pic as it was behind the power house. I built both all the way down at the beach, I can't see them when approaching the settlement.

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There's a new drug called Calmex that gives an extra 2x sneak attack multiplier! I would get 6x with that, whoa. Not that I really need it but it might come in handy with those tuffies running around there :gnehe:

Luckily I save often. The game almost deprived me of two optional missions that I had already finished and only needed to cash them in when the local doc Teddy Wright literally came running after me and started a chat which was part of the non-optional mission and ended the whole mission. If you know what I mean. I reloaded, cashed in the first (helping with those fog condensers), noticed the doc running after me and I dodged, cashed in the second (all those for the Dalton dynasty) with the doc waiting and he had even already started to talk.. then I turned around, finished the chat with him and that closed the mission -- including the two optional parts. Damn, that was close :anigrin:

Having rescued that sick guy André Michaud at the doctor's house, I was now able to meet him again and then talked some sense into him (passed a speech check) so that's dealt with, too. :)

Then I did the Captain's Dance (mission Rite of Passage) which was just another FH freak show and fun -- drop meat into the water.. drop MORE meat into the water, hell yes :laughsm: Kill mirelurks, kill mirelurk razorclaw, more mirelurks, kill legendary bloodrage mirelurk, more mirelurks, kill mirelurk killclaw, more mirelurks, kill the mirelurk king and finally, kill the legendary mirelurk queen -- no problem. "TGM" for the win.. :gnehe: Still a good amount of shooting and fun O0


Ah yes, the Captain's Dance. I brought the explosive minigun for that one. Short w0#k.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I used the cryolator when doing that 'captains dance'...queens only last 5-10 seconds. I'd have to find another solution if I wasn't using the cheat terminal to generate cryo cells (cryolator eats them) 3-4k at a time :D All the nuka world bandits have been taken care of (open season) and now I'm building up the red rocket settlement, and once complete I'll have to rescue Nick and get him to Far Harbor...I failed to defend Longfellows cabin while fighting the bandits so I need to get there and do some repairs.

Art Blade

Captain's Dance: I used my trusted Gauss rifle. Couple of shots and down they went
<in a ClapTrap (Borderlands) voice> "Child's play." :gnehe:

Ah, I haven't yet been back to fetch the Cryolator. And yes, a cheat for its ammo is a must :anigrin:

KingRat, I highly recommend the mod that rids you of ALL attacks on your settlements. No more worries when you're in Nuka World or elsewhere. The link is a couple of posts back.


Hi Art,
Actually I'm not to bothered by the attacks. Most of the time the ones I don't get to manage to win the fight without me. :D

Art Blade

I didn't want to risk any of those settlements because the few attacks in my absence were usually not in my favour -- I had to use older save games in order to get there in time. So.. lucky you :anigrin:


Quote from: Art Blade on September 15, 2017, 10:26:55 AM
oh! so you are still following this thread, mandru :) I'd been wondering because you'd been silent here for so long. I'm still musing about your 32 or so cats trick lol -- I suppose you cheated them?

Yeah, still following the thread.  Being still on my first time through FO4 but enjoying post-game thrash mode I do pop back into FO4 from FO3 occasionally as well.  I am following what's going on here on OWG regarding any of the other member's related experiences in the Fallout 3 & 4.

I typically pop through at least 2 or 3 times a day often more if a conversation is developing.  But when the discussion centers more on modding I bow out because it's something I'm not involved in and I don't have much to add to drive that part of the discourse.

Hangman's Alley populated by one inhabitant (the Institute Synth Companion), a brahmin, four dogs bought from Erickson in Far Harbor, and "Now With Extra Felines!."  Yes, I cheated them and a cat bowl for each. I noticed recently the settlement pegged the 100% Happiness rating as I was popping through.  :D

As to attackers I always overbuild my settlement defenses.  For instance Spectacle Island has only one mirelurk that respawns occasionally so there are 8 heavy turrets positioned at ground level to rip it up the moment it shows its ugly mug.  There's a limited amount of other attackers on Spectacle Island usually consisting of a small squad (6 at most) of Super Mutants and only a couple times raiders who are intent on shooting up my brahmins.  :angry-new:

So to deal with disturbances at all settlements I really lay it on thick with elevated generators spaced well out of harm's way that feed my patent pending elevated Walls-O-Death phalanxes of laser cannons to target spawn hot spots and enemy approach points.  The settlements are virtually self defending.  Spectacle Island for instance in build mode limits the Defense Level to 999 but when I go into the Pipboy and look at Stats>Workshops their actual defense is 1484.  :anigrin:

There's always a fair percentage of raiders and super mutants that carry only melee weapons.  So having everything off the ground and out of reach effectively reduces all damage from them.

Typically I only jump into the fray and help out when I'm not busy and the mood suits me to get the extra XP's for killing-up stuff.  :evil2:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Ah, I see. :)

Back then when you and D_B were just getting started, I kept reading your stories and commented, too, but it wasn't yet my time for a return to the Fallout series. I had played FO3 so much that I really needed a long time away from that. So I am kind of late playing it but at least I am playing it now -- and I am thoroughly enjoying it. :)

I think you had a very good idea, uplifting, so to speak, when you decided to move stuff away from ground level and instead, to some place higher. Unless you have a spawn point in your house, you might be interested in the powered doors. Just make it so that only you can open it with an electrical switch. No AI can use those doors -- I nowadays secure my power generators with a concrete building and a powered switch-activated door. While I was building something inside, Dogmeat and my companion tried to get in but to no avail :gnehe:

Right now I had a very funny moment. I am currently on a mission to help some settlers of the Visitors Center in Far Harbor to get rid of some Trappers. On our way a Yao Guai attacked our scout and I killed that bear.. the last shot ripped off some body parts and sent the whole bunch flying  ??? :laughsm:

Bottom left was the bear when I killed him, and split seconds later he was on his way to rain down somewhere else  :laughsm:

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Great screen grab Art :D One of those (legendary) Dusky Yao Guai killed the first sentry bot I had guarding the visitors center, got him during cooldown :) Oh, and when I checked on Longfellows I couldn't find any damage to repair or enemy bodies or equipment...I'm coming to believe this game likes to troll the player. Another thing, while provisioners are not expendable that doesn't go for bot provisioners. Most of my settlement defense lands between 150-350...and the body of that sentry bot is still sitting in the middle of my cafe  :banghead:

Art Blade

 :D you should get a mod that allows you to "scrap all" so you can get rid of those skeletons and bot wrecks, among other things. When I start building (or renovate) a settlement, the first thing I do is get rid of all the leave piles and debris and trash. Clean the place. Looks so much better. The only thing my mod doesn't "know" is wrecks of self-made robots. The wreck of my first robot "BinnZatron" is still hanging from the roof of "Art's Garage" where I dragged it. I left it there among other memorabilia.

I suppose we could get rid of self-made robot carcasses via console. Click on it so you get its ID and type "disable" (hit enter) and then "markfordelete" (hit enter again) -- that works for stuff you can't otherwise get rid of. :)

The disable command doesn't remove it, it only makes it invisible. The markfordelete command will kind of clean up after you left the cell, i.e. once you visit other locations.


I think those 'made' bots eventually disappear. I have several places I know where I can check. The first provisioner bot I sent out from the castle promptly got itself killed by a mirelurk hunter right by the boat & truck...I watched from the battlements and decided right then to up their firepower :D

Art Blade

I don't trust any AI to get their job done AND survive. :anigrin: I much rather accompany them or do it myself.

Like mandru, I once had almost 1,500 firepower (in Sanctuary) yet it got partly destroyed. Which is, in the end, why I am now using the mod that rids me of any attacks on settlements. At least I can play in peace now :) Before, every second I was wondering, "when will it happen aga.. " -- "Help defend X." -- "ARGN!"

And I don't need supply lines. I carry my stuff to Sanctuary and that's the only place where I use workbenches.

Art Blade

OK, now I've packed my "*Ice Cubes" (Cryolator)  :anigrin:

Man, it took hours to sort all that stuff away that I had been collecting in Far Harbour. All the legendary weapons, the rewards (that diving suit looks cool) and god knows what else. I had about 3000/290 "luggage" on my return to Sanctuary  :gnehe:


Loot! :D I have several vault tek steamer trunks I store legendary weapons/armor in, plus one for my gnomes. Found #6 in a dog house in Far Harbor up the hill from the visitors center. Ran across the Harbor Grand Hotel earlier this evening...good lord I've never seen so many super mutants in one place :D As for supply lines it makes it easier for me when I'm building, and of the 35 there's only 2 that I'm not doing anything with (graygarden & Mech Lair)...oh, and nuka red rocket is built up but not linked (yet) and same with 4 on Far Harbor (separate chain).

🡱 🡳

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