Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

Hehe, I don't know whether or not I'm actually going to build up all of them :anigrin: Oh, I found a garden gnome when I did that mission for the Mariner. It was on a large ship wreck  :)

Here's something new (and I had to edit and re-edit a couple of times to correct logic mistakes :banghead: :laughsm: )

I don't know whether or not you guys have played around with logic gates -- I've only just started.

Even if the text seems long, just look at the green and red arrows to at least understand the wiring of gates. That will always be the same, I reckon :anigrin:

The reason why I wanted to try logic gates was that there was only a single switch on the outside of my previous power houses to open or close a powered door. Meaning, I could only operate the door from the outside. Well, it did the trick, I was able to lock the house when I left. I use switches because then those doors can't be operated by the AI.

Now I'm building a new settlement and I wanted to build it exclusively behind walls.. kind of a prison :D No, hehe, more like a secure area. Secure, with just one switch on the outside? I can't go in and lock the place up so no one else comes in. I need another switch.

Unfortunately, you can't just slap two switches on each side of a door and hope it works -- it doesn't.

So there are various logic gates and (so far) I used only one: It's the "OR" gate.

It means, either the door has got power, OR it hasn't. That's what you need to remember to understand all this: IF there's power, the door opens. It doesn't matter that one switch is off as long as the other is on, ON is what counts, the door opens. So, really, in order to close the door, both switches have to be OFF. You start with both switches turned ON, door is open. So you come from the inside, switch off, walk through the door out, switch off, door closes. From the outside, switch on, door opens, go inside, switch on (outside is still on) and walk outside, switch off (door stays open because inside is switched on) walk back in, switch off, door closes.

You can't go wrong because if the door doesn't do what you want, all you need to do is use the other switch :anigrin:

I hope to find a better solution but this at least works for now.

Using two switches, this is good because it means CONTROL from inside and outside over that bloody door :anigrin: This solution is a bit of a walk in and out but hey, it does w0#k. ;) I think I need a second gate to "coordinate" the switches. I don't want to run around so much, I want something just like a door buzzer, press, open. :anigrin: Only it has to be something the AI can't use, so no simple things like a plate to step on.

OK, here goes: I'll show you two by two images. The second of the pairs will show where to connect the power lines and at the time where there is power (green) and where there isn't (red) and the switches and gates show green lights for power/on, too. The gate isn't lit when its state is off but turns green around the conduits when it's on. The switch shows a red or a green light, depending on its state. Note that I locked out Dogmeat and Nick, and they were quite happy when I opened the door again :gnehe: I had to edit the colours (brighter) so you could see the wires and the components better.

The second switch is exactly on the other side of the wall, outside next to the door. Its two wires go from the conduit to the switch and from the switch to the gate input, just the same as you see it. I used the "through the wall wiring" trick  ;) Also, the leftmost switch is not important for the setup, it's just for me (a general power switch -- everything starts there). The last arrow pointing to the upper left corner of the door is for the actual door power conduit.

In the end, if one OR two switches are green, the door is open. Only with two reds, the door is closed. So if you leave, switch inside ON (green) to open the door, then switch outside ON (green) to keep it open. Walk back in, switch to OFF (red) and walk out (because outside is still ON/green) and close the door by switching it to OFF (red).

FO4 logic gates OR (off)
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FO4 logic gates OR (off) explained
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FO4 logic gates OR (on)
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FO4 logic gates OR (on) explained
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FO4 logic gates intro
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Art Blade

I had to try "XOR" -- now there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is: now I can just use either switch, almost like the buzzer I mentioned. No running around, just use that thing. The bad news is: One of the switches shows the wrong colour. Like, it turns green when the door closes while it should be red. OK, cosmetics, you could say, but I don't like that red for green stuff  :anigrin:

Art Blade

Well, "AND" isn't it, either. It only works if you use it like: go in and out through the same door. If you open it outside and close it inside, then leave through a gap in the wall, you can't get in anymore through that door. The door only opens if both switches are green but it closes if already one is red.

Art Blade

I tried a terminal but it doesn't control that type of door. Only switches. And only all or nothing. I even tried a target switch to shoot at in order to toggle <switch> something, very subtle door bell :D Also that "laser tripwire" (makes sense, a wire made of light and you can trip over light..) isn't useful as a door opener, anyone and anything can trigger that. Well.. the best use for all this could be a fun arena with Raiders triggering door openers that release Deathclaws.. lol

After all this nonsense still the best solution is the first one, the logical "OR" gate -- I'll keep that. ;)


I watched this awhile back>   and haven't bothered messing with the logic gates since :D You go ahead and have fun with them  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

Art Blade

Most of the stuff seems to be useless for me. At least I managed to get a working door seal :)


So modders created a mod that disables the Creation Club :o

Link to mod
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: Art Blade on September 17, 2017, 03:52:24 AM
Most of the stuff seems to be useless for me. At least I managed to get a working door seal :)

Found another one I might use myself. I have a roll-up door at the marina. >


I found out how to open / close a powered door from two buttons, without having to use both buttons.
But making logic with Fallout 4's "logic" gates isn't really logic...  :banghead:

I have made a drawing of the wiring, where the green gates is the real logic, and then one have to add the blue ones to power some of the green ones...
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Edit: Found a way to upload the drawing. :-)

Art Blade

thanks, KingRat :) That's a useful example you found :)

So the logic gate subject even made T.V. leave the shadows :anigrin: Thanks for drawing up that nice diagram and thanks for going to the trouble of finding a way of uploading it. +1 :thumbsup: :) I'll see if I can create/use that in my game. By the looks of it, finding out that complex construction supposedly took quite some time, didn't it? :)


Quote from: Art Blade on September 17, 2017, 10:38:47 AM
By the looks of it, finding out that complex construction supposedly took quite some time, didn't it? :)
I had to dig up some school -knowledge from the back of my brain (35 years old knowledge), and yes, spent a Sunday afternoon on the problem.  :anigrin:
<Nerd> The "green part" is based on a Toggle, used in basic computing (when you shuffle 0's and 1's into bytes). </Nerd>

Art Blade

Nice :anigrin: I never had anything like that when I went to school, it was the pre-PC era :gnehe:

However, having had a look at various settings and videos, I think most of the stuff is just too much hassle to be fun. I prefer simple solutions to simple problems and in this case it's only about opening and closing doors :anigrin:


Quote from: Art Blade on September 17, 2017, 11:15:37 AM
Nice :anigrin: I never had anything like that when I went to school, it was the pre-PC era :gnehe:

However, having had a look at various settings and videos, I think most of the stuff is just too much hassle to be fun. I prefer simple solutions to simple problems and in this case it's only about opening and closing doors :anigrin:

And here I was thinking something like this would be right up you alley :D > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5hDn1K0skY&list=PLqrYWTohcy-cJGvkTjrsh2s59eMJorUGi&index=1  PS: I still have my slide rule around here somewhere :)

Art Blade

haha, I like to find out stuff and to experiment, it's fun if it leads to some useful results :bigsmile: But at this stage, there is too much else to do in this game for me so I haven't yet got the time to delve into stuff as sophisticated as a building a complete ammo factory from scratch. :)

Thanks for the vid, it was interesting. Pity, that lift apparently tends to clog up so that the whole idea of having an "automated" production is out the window if you need to babysit the whole thing :anigrin: Also interesting how oil cans turn from aluminium to steel if you use them.. Bethesda at its best, indeed. :)

🡱 🡳

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