Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

thanks for those tips, again +1 :thumbsup: :)

Yesterday it occurred to me that we didn't have a FO4 topic here because you and mandru and PZ were playing it back in 2015 and reported all kinds of things over at the old forum. So I did read a little there, now that I know first hand what it is you were posting about. Having said that, thanks again for still reading my posts despite the fact that you're basically long done playing FO4. To me, it's a new world, though :)

Art Blade

It worked, loading Piper up with ammo for the gun I gave her made her use it. A lot. :anigrin: It was fun to watch Piper and Dogmeat taking on some mole rats together  :laughsm:

I cleared out a maze of a subway station and a so called "D.B. Technical High School" -- hey, I didn't expect that, they actually named a school after Dweller Benthos  :gnehe:

Art Blade

Damn, I spent about two hours creating (vanilla game) guns with all kinds of modifications. And I'm not yet done. I wanted to get some nice guns so I upped my gun nut perk and science perk to the maximum. It really is a lot of fun creating different flavours out of one type of gun and I've got lots of different types that I came across during several encounters with bad guys.  :)

And no, I'm not a psychopathic mass murderer. I only kill what's red (or changed to red) and therefore I mostly kill raiders and mutated predators of all kinds, shapes and sizes.  :anigrin:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yep, they knew I would be a big fan of the game, so they named a place after me.  :laughsm: :laughsm:

Actually I think it's an actual place, as are a lot of the places in the game. There's quite a few videos and posts on Reddit about how closely the game looks like the actual Boston and the area around it. Except for the nuclear waste and mutated creatures, of course.

yep: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Don-Bosco-Technical-High-School/111601258970464

I finished the game a while ago, but still go back now and then to check something or install a new quest mod, but since then I've been playing Fallout 3 so I'm still "in that world" so to speak.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I still have not finished the game, so your adventures are of interest to me, AB  O0

I have installed a mod or two, but those were among the first mods to be published, and are in no way near the sophistication of the mods for FO3, like player houses, new lands, and even new game missions.

One of these days...  :gnehe:


FO4 mods have matured considerably, and I think only Skyrim has more mods on Nexus (for a Bethesda game anyway). I grabbed a couple added quest mods which were interesting but you can tell that balance isn't something you usually find. The one almost required the explosive minigun, as any other weapon could not put down the number of enemies that are thrown at you.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


That doesn't sound like fun  :banghead:

I like the mods like the player houses, weapons that behave more like what you get in FPS games (rather than weaving like you're drunk when aiming), and companions to name a few.

Art Blade

thanks for the feedback, guys. :)

I had to go back to the old forum and check which one of the previous Fallout games I actually played as I kept confusing FO3 with FO2 -- I actually only played FO3. I've never played any other FO game until now.

So if you're interested in FO3, there's a board for you to go back to as well  :anigrin:

I remember I modded stuff for FO3 myself. I had an invincible Dogmeat and I remember weapons would degrade over time. I know that I found out how bad that was when I modded a specific gun to be absolutely overpowered and fire something like 1,000 rounds per second or some such, the result was the gun melted in my hands.  :laughsm: I then came up with a funny solution: I reversed the degrading process. Every shot I fired would repair the gun rather than cause it to degrade. To the effect that when I picked up a rusty piece of *bleep*, on firing the first rounds, it would turn into a pristine shiny brand new weapon  :D

Thankfully, weapons don't seem to degrade in FO4. And the gun w0#k bench provides so much fun creating new gun types by various combinations that I don't think I'm going to need to mod a weapon myself. Not yet, at least  :)

Art Blade

I spent a lot of the time between the last post and now building stuff for the people around Preston who had moved to the Sanctuary. Note that granny's chair is in the opening of the garage, facing the street. She's usually telling me some weird stuff while I'm working on guns at the w0#k bench behind her :D Building all the stuff made a good impression on Piper with whom I even successfully managed to flirt the first time I had a chance to. So I'm making progress, apparently  :gnehe:

Sanctuary Building to the left with beds and balcony..
..to the right, defences plus water, food and power around the "garage."
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The rest of the time I spent going through all those outfits I had collected, particularly armour, for Piper because I somehow realised that she might benefit from some proper armour :D And I wanted her to look somewhat cool, too.

I also went through stuff for my own outfit as I decided to get out of the power armour and walk around in normal gear. So.. I think I'm good to go regarding all that but I need to go through the weapons again. I've got tons of weapons and some proved useless in a real fight while others were quite good, surprisingly so. I want to find out which of those to actually keep and improve. I haven't been able to test most of them yet.. this is time-consuming but also part of the fun playing FO4.  :)

Trio Infernale  :gnehe:
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If you take a close look you'll see that the top floor wall tiles don't line up with the ground floor tiles. I only noticed at dawn when the building was already well under way and I couldn't be bothered to start over again. I shouldn't have started building at dusk  :laughsm: There are no gaps (filled them with pillars) but it looks a tad.. makeshift.. which it actually is.  :gnehe:


Nice stories, AB  O0

FO3 was my favorite game of the series. I did not like FNV that much, but FO4 is a good game that I'd like to mod the way I did with FO3  :evil2:


I don't recall seeing all that discussion on FO3 back then, and too bad the old forum archive only shows the poster's name as "member" and not their actual name. I wasn't into the Fallout games back then as I thought they were mostly RPG style and turn-based. it wasn't until later that I found out the first two were like that, but 3 could be played as a regular shooter. There were also things about it that I didn't like, as in the intentional inaccuracy of the weapons, no matter how good you were at aiming the gun in the game, it would shoot all over the place. A couple other things like the green color scheme to everything and the sameness of the textures bugged me. I got a mod to remove the green tint and a few texture mods so it looks a little better now. One thing that does bug me is weapon degradation, and having to keep spares on hand to repair with or pay someone to fix them and they usually can only fix to at best 80%. But once I went to Point Lookout, the guy there can repair to 100% so that's nice.

Your buildings are better than my first ones were, but you also have the advantage of having all the DLC workshop stuff to choose from right off the bat. The crappy things I built in the early game I eventually tore down and built better stuff with the new materials later on.

Some of the weapons you can make are pretty decent and it's fun to sift through the options and trying to find the one add-on that gives you that much more damage.

I rarely used power armor, it was too slow, and finding legendary "normal" armor pieces that increased movement speed was my goal. I think I had two or three so I moved pretty fast, plus a couple that increased strength and agility and deep pocketing on all of them for extra carry capacity was how I played most of the game. The only time I used power armor was in the glowing sea and that was mostly for the radiation protection.

Oh yeah and make sure to pay attention to what Mama Murphy says, especially when you give her the drugs she asks for. Some of the info is very helpful later on in the game, though it won't make much sense right now. And be sure to save the game before you give her drugs, as the last one will kill her and that will make Preston & Co. mad at you. At that point, it's best to talk her out of using drugs and then you can assign her to a job like tending crops or something.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


If you are logged in as you on the old site, D_B, you should see the member names (unless there is something wrong).

I too could not stand the drunken weaving of the vanilla weapons in FO3, which cause me to get mods to fix that as soon as I could find them.

Art Blade

I see all poster names properly when I read stuff from the forum archive. I haven't checked but you might find some of my mods in the downloads there, particularly the dog and the self-healing gun. I hope that I uploaded those back in the day :)

Thanks for the granny tip +1 O0 I would have killed her and then wondered whether or not I could have prevented it. When you said, "assign her to a job like tending crops," I actually read corpses :D

I noticed Piper doesn't like it when I push drugs, particularly to some elderly woman :gnehe: So I was already thinking of ways to keep Piper out of town when I'm going to drug granny to the eyeballs again :gnehe:

Art Blade

Today I met a robot called Ada which I had to accept as a replacement for Piper so it would give me a blueprint for creating my own robots. After killing a couple of hostile robots together, I dismissed Ada.

I couldn't find Piper in Sanctuary where I had sent her to so I created two batch files for her and while on it, for Dogmeat, too: one to teleport either one to me and another one that works the other way around, it allows me to teleport to either one of them. I teleported her to me and I mated.. er, made her my mate again. Now the original Trio Infernale is restored :anigrin:

Together, we finally managed to discover Hangman's Alley which I had had on my mind for quite some time now and I created a little settlement there. I thought it better to carry the dead bodies of the previous inhabitants outside the encampment -- I found out that holding the action key (F here) while aiming at movable things makes them float almost like the gravity gun in HalfLife. I piled them up outside towards the river to show everyone homing in from that direction what to expect if they wanted to try anything funny. :evil2: The cleaned-out place actually attracted a settler, I assigned her to take care of the food plants. Then a ghoul must have moved in when I was not around, on my return, she was helping the settler with the plants. :)

It is a pain in the arse to get any wiring done. Lights, this time. I keep trying to run a wire from a generator to something that needs electricity and it's always too far or unreachable the first time I try. I don't want a settlement to look like a cobweb so I try to keep it neat and organised which is an even bigger pain in the arse  :banghead:

In the meantime, I came across quite a few legendary things, both gear and weapons. Shortly before I called it a day, I came across a legendary pistol that adds +50rad damage ??? :)

🡱 🡳

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