Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Well, it is Fallout, so tending corpses might be an actual job....

There's a terminal you can build called settlement management or some such, it will mark any companion with a quest marker, so you can find them again, so no need to teleport. But teleporting is quicker, so there's that.

I only had dogmeat around when I was drugging Mama Murphy, and he doesn't care, because he's a good boy, you know? You can send Piper to the Red Rocket station which is close by when you want to do something unseemly like that. But once I got Preston and his crew back to Sanctuary, I didn't do any of the main quest for about 30 levels or so, I just built stuff and did some of Preston's settlement stuff until I wanted to go back out on the main quest. So by then I had all of Mama Murphy's predictions and I hadn't even been to Diamond City or met Piper yet.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Yeah.. I want to take it easy now, pretty much just walk around and erm, kill random stuff. :laughsm:


On the matter of supplying your companions weapons and ammo there is an additional step you can take but you'll have to give up on stealth.  ;)

If you have spare power armor laying around you can equip your companions and companions usage of power armor comes with the perk that the fusion cells in their suits never run out.  If you don't have ready to go set of power armor for them there's always the player.additem console cheat.

After looking up and making a note of the reference ID number for the exact set of power armor you want (I use Google and search "FO4 name of item") and choose the "fallout.wikia.com" search result) then by opening the console command in fo4 and entering player.additem XXXXX ## (X = ref ID - # = quantity).  I don't recall the exact steps to get them into their power armor (or back out again  :-[ ) but I know they will happily stomp their way around the Commonwealth once suited up.  :)

I suspect it is also possible to stuff all of your settlers into power armor too as I've had several times where I've returned to settlements where I'd left a fusion cell equipped set of power armor and there would be signs that raiders had attacked and the power armor would be somewhere other than where I'd left it.  It wasn't until I was actually in a settlement that came under attack and one of the settlers scrambled into a power suit and charged headlong into the fray.

I suspect that you don't want to leave hot-to-go power armor where the raiders can get to it first.  :o
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

whoa.. leaving a "ready to use" power armour for raiders..  ??? I should really check that out. I left my only power armour in Sanctuary but that place (the garage with granny guarding it) has got four or five heavy laser turrets on its roof so I hope that's enough to turn any raider into a heap of red-glowing cremains before they can lay a hand on my power armour. And I might try that, stuff a settler or some such into a power armour once but I wonder how they're going to be able to attend carrots when encased in a set of clunky steel plates a few inches thick  :gnehe:

Thanks for those tips, mandru :) +1 :thumbsup: for you :bigsmile:

I had a funny moment today. I was downstairs in a building with caved-in ceilings and walls, looking for loot, when Dogmeat zipped past me up the stairs with a vicious growl. I then heard him fight something and a second later, a dead raider plummeted down from upstairs, through a hole in the ceiling, doing a proper face-plant right in front of my feet. ??? The dog walked downstairs and past me as if nothing had ever happened. :D

Art Blade

hmm, mandru jinxed it.

I found a second power armour  :laughsm: Down in the very South, in the swamps, near a crashed plane. :)

Man, I also encountered a mirelurk queen  ??? and three stunted yao guai, a legendary glowing mirelurk hunter and a sentry bot  ??? not to mention the usual suspects. Quite a bunch of hostiles out there. But I've started to thin them out :evil2:

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Art Blade

meanwhile I tested the robot creation workbench while Binnatics was watching (steam stream) and I created a "BinnZatron" -- a force to be reckoned with :gnehe: I gave him a freeze gun and a sniper laser, armour all around and the looks of a crash test dummy for the upper part and a jet hover craft (like Codsworth) for the lower part. That thing took out impressive enemies faster than I could have shaken a stick at :anigrin:

I then sent it back and took Piper again. With her, I went to the nearby farmstead and helped those settlers. That made her finally fall in love with my alter ego and I got the "Gift of Gab" perk and indeed, sleeping while she's nearby I temporarily get the "Lover's Embrace" perk. O0 Dogmeat was nearby, too, and he apparently just enjoyed himself. :bigsmile:

I found a legendary Two Shot Laser which shoots an additional projectile. I suppose it's the equivalent of a two-barreled shotgun. I upgraded it to a long range laser sniper rifle and it is an excellent weapon now. :)


If You don't want the settlers or raiders to "snitch" your power armor(s) when You're not using it; take out the fusion core.
Then only those equipped with weaponry using fusion core as ammo, is able to power up the power armor.  ;)

You may also store the power armor(s) behind a powered door.
(Have newer seen a settler open a powered door, even if the switch is right besides the door.)

Art Blade

now that's a nice tip, thanks :) I wouldn't have thought about the powered door for safekeeping my power armours

+1 :thumbsup: :)


It is really nice to read of your adventures, AB  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

That's very kind of you, PZ  :)


I know exactly the place you're talking about, Art. Murkwater Construction site, a settlement you can claim, is protected by a mirelurk queen. The sentry bot is just north of there. Just north of that and a little east is a super mutant behemoth, then just north of that is gunner plaza with the guy on the roof who shoots you with the mininuke. A fun area and source of loot too.

Companions will use power armor, you just talk to them, then I think give them the move command and point at the power armor from a distance and they will get in it until you tell them to get out or command them  to do something that can't be done in power armor. Settlers will use it if they feel like it and there's a core available, and will get out when they go do something else that can't be done in power armor. I've heard of raiders stealing power armor but I've never had it happen, and I've had two sets sitting out in the open with power cores in them, so who knows.

With the robot workbench you can build some seriously overpowered combat machines. I usually use the robobrain treads as those are the most maneuverable and very fast. Then rocket launchers or gatling lasers and send them out as provisioners to other settlements. I rarely had one as a companion outside Ada on the Mechanist quests.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Nice. Heh heh  :anigrin: I am currently lacking a few requirements for the real badass type of robot upgrades (blacksmith I think) but the result so far is indeed akin to being overpowered.

Thanks for the info about Murkwater Construction site and how to assign a power armour :)

Yes, I found gunner's plaza nearby although I didn't unlock the places you mentioned. Maybe because I was mainly trying to move along the map border down in the South. I haven't seen the Sentry there, mine was supposedly somewhere "near" the Sanctuary as I had just left the settlement to explore the South. That thing was sitting behind locked doors until I programmed two of those robots sitting in their storage bays to become construction workers and first responders and some such. On entering that very small compound next to a railroad, the sentry woke up and went berserk on me.  :anigrin:

I'm 76 hours into the game and it feels like only 2. Like, "seriously, 76, already?" There is SO much to do and stuff like building settlements or fiddling around with weapon mods (from the w0#k bench) is both entertaining and time-consuming. A hell of a lot of time is what I spend on those activities  :gnehe:

Meanwhile, I dismissed Piper so I could pump drugs with leisure into granny and load her up to her eyeballs ( :gnehe: ) but this time Codsworth noticed and this time it was him who didn't like it even though he wasn't my companion. I didn't give a flying fart, though :anigrin: You know, only recently he became available as a companion but I think I'll stick with Piper for the time being. I might switch to BinnZatron once I can upgrade that robot to a seriously overpowered combat machine.

So having dismissed Piper, I only had Dogmeat around and I went on until I managed to overdose granny (she fell out of her chair..) and then I just reloaded the quicksave which I had dropped before doing that. O0 I was able to persuade her to give up getting high on chems. Thanks again for that tip :) Albeit the game tells me that "this person cannot be assigned to a supply line" so no corpse-tending for her. She's just doing random stuff but at least she's still around. I'll have to take a closer look at the stuff she's planting behind the house, though.. :gnehe: I reassigned Piper yet again after the "granny incident" so the original Trio Infernale has rejoined once more ;)

Here's the centre of my activities in Sanctuary Hills. There are three power armours now and I still haven't built a storage room for them.. lol

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Art Blade

I shouldn't have talked to Preston. He slapped a new mission across my face so again I didn't have time to focus on the development of Sanctuary Hills. I know I could have postponed that mission but it was an excuse not to build all the time.

I had to rescue a settler who belonged to the Oberland Station (on my way to the location where the settler was held captive, I came past Hangman's Alley and had to add some beds and stuff) and after reporting a successful mission to the station, I was offered it as a new settlement. So I ended up building some stuff there, too. :banghead:

And now back to building in Sanctuary.  :laughsm:

Oberland Station

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Reading bits and pieces of this thread makes it even more tempting to go in as well :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


The nearby farmstead is called Abernathy Farm, I had to crank up their stats a bit again. In between I stumbled upon Sunshine Tidings Co-op (with that crazy floating butler type of robot called Professor Feelgood whom I reprogrammed to guard duty -- now all he says is, "exterminate," all the time. :gnehe: ) Of course I had to fix up a settlement right away..

Somewhere around god knows where, I killed a Behemoth who had a hydrant on a lamp pole for mace ??? That was one tall bugger. I gave Piper a combat shottie with 104 damage per shot, now she deals quite a punch.. even literally, I remember one funny occasion when I watched her punching a rad roach in the head with the butt of that gun  :anigrin:

Having returned to Sanctuary, I reported my success (the Hochland Station settler rescue mission) to Preston. Instead of just saying thank you, he had to slip in yet another mission within the same sentence. Flinch Farm, I think, needs help now. Oh my goodness, I already have a few ready-to-build settlements that I haven't yet done anything for and he gives me yet another one. This game will never stop :D

🡱 🡳

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