Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

all I will say is, try to follow it. :anigrin:

Art Blade

I found that club, fragger. I already had it on my map but apparently I never had a reason to enter it before :anigrin: Apart from the random loot in the safe and a few bowler hats on the late members of the club, I found several bottles of poisoned wine fascinating (of course I had to grab them all) and then I found the holotape in the computer terminal you posted. The entries in the terminal plus the tape explain quite well what kind of tragedy had occurred there. Rich poor bastards. :gnehe:

Before I went to the club, I found a black board in DC with a note that turned out to be a mini job. Clear out location X, as in, get rid of all raiders in there and keep the loot. Why not, and then to the club, I thought  :)

Then I went back to Sanctuary, added two beds (for an additional settler I sent there and for Shaun) and then I indeed found Shaun. :)

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Art Blade

I quickly have to add, fragger, that pip-boy lamp can be a tad weird. If you find a mining helmet, those hard hats with a lamp on the front, equip that and the light will come from your hat. You can rename it and change the colour of the lamp light at any armour w0#k bench. I always carry one of those around in my inventory in case I want a better light. :)


Thanks for the mining helmet tip, Art. I'll keep an eye out for one of those.

I didn't notice those bottles of poisoned wine in the club, so I went back. Now that holotape message on the terminal makes sense. I guess they couldn't bear the thought of living in a world where all their influence and stuffy elitism wouldn't count for anything... Welcome to the world of the common people, gentlemen :evil2:

Diamond City is cool, there's all sorts of stuff going on in there. I just got finished getting Travis manned up. That barroom brawl was a hoot, I went in bare-knuckled :gnehe:


Yeah Boyleston club was a weird story on how some people dealt with the destruction of civilization. There's also the "Cheers" bar near Swan's pond, don't miss that, another location where there's nothing to fight, not much loot, but something cool to find. It's a door below street level, look for a short stairway leading down from the street.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Art Blade

Haven't found the Cheers bar yet but instead, I came across some Marlborough House which is not even on the map, probably the same with the Cheers club.

Before, I had a weird thing going with Piper. I wanted to travel without her, just Dogmeat, and told her inside Sanctuary to "travel" to Sanctuary. Then I couldn't find her. I used the settler management terminal to point her out for me and she was.. way beyond Red Rocket. Erm, hello? I caught up with her, brought her back, tried to assign her to a guard post.. she wouldn't move. And then she was gone again. I followed her all the way to DC. DC?! When I got there, the ginger bouncer was on the ground badly wounded, couple people around him and my game crashed. I was about to freak out a little. Well. Restarted, back in DC, same situation but no crash. A side quest "In Sheep's Clothing" had started. Turns out that in my case, after blowing up the institute and Piper not being my companion, she indeed goes to DC and kicks off that mission and doesn't return until it's done. Great. At least now I know what's "wrong" with her. Tsss...  :anigrin:

Art Blade

Still no luck with that bar and I'm trying hard.

However, a few shots. Random, The Marlborough House, and a light show. :anigrin:

Trying to find Cheers club.
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Marlborough House
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No lights
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Hat light (vault colour)
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Art Blade

Bloody hell, I have been searching Boston up and down and sideways, I came across several buildings I hadn't noticed let alone visited ever before but that elusive Cheers bar must have been bombed right off the map or something like that, I can't flipping find it.

I found some Custom House Tower (which actually isn't a tower at all, it's more like a town hall with Halloween decor inside (and some dead bodies and meat sacks and whatnot) and nearby I found some tall green building called "35 court" which isn't marked on the map but on street level, there is a rather big and well-lit sign with "35 court" written across. In there I found a complete massive X-01 Mk. III power armour, fusion cell included :) You need to take a lift up and you'll find some stuff to loot, including a safe, and the power armour was guarded by an aggressive assaultron and sentry bot and there were a few Raiders, too, I think.

Lots of stuff to be found, really. But I want to check out that fricking bar :gnehe: I'm starting to believe that it doesn't exist close to the Swan pond.

fragger, by the way, I just finished a "help defend the checkpoint" (keeps happening once in a while after the minutemen ending but other than defend settlements, apparently it can be ignored) when I noticed a minuteman wearing a mining helmet. You don't have to look for a pink one, they come in a handful of different colours :gnehe:

That's what they look like
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Now I'm going to have to look for the Cheers bar too...

I see what you mean about the helmet light Art, in the pictures you posted. That is a further-reaching illumination.

Hey, what happens if you don't help defend Settlements? A few times I've received a message telling me that I failed to defend such-and-such Settlement when I never even knew it was under attack :huh-new: It's possible that a message appeared telling me that it was, but I've been too busy to notice. I have sometimes seen a message telling me a Settlement is under attack, but more often than not I either don't get the message or I just don't notice it.

So if I fail to defend a Settlement, are there any repercussions? I did go to Tenpines once after they'd been attacked and the turrets I'd placed there had either been trashed or damaged, and their water pump also needed repairing. I didn't have the necessary resources on me, so I fast-travelled to Sanctuary, got the gear I needed and fast-travelled back to Tenpines. But when I got back, the pump and turrets were already working again.

I find the "defend the Settlement" quests to be a bit of a nuisance, actually. I don't want to have to whizz all over the map defending places and fixing stuff. So I'm wondering what happens if you just ignore those missions and let the settlers fend for themselves. Presumably you get XPs if you do help to defend, but since the Tenpines people apparently fixed their stuff by themselves after a while, I'm thinking it's like in FC4 when the Royal Army try to retake Outposts - if you help you get money, but if you don't nothing happens - you just don't get anything.

Art Blade

First off, I never knew those damaged items would repair themselves when you left and returned ??? Normally, you get a very small message somewhere to the upper left of the screen and it disappears rather quickly so it IS easy to miss. You would find it in your miscellaneous missions as long as there is still time to defend the settlement. The consequences of failing to help them would indeed be damaged items and happiness going down. If happiness goes down and down, the settlement might say good-bye to the minutemen faction and you might lose it subsequently. I installed a mod that completely disposes of all of those stupid attacks, hence no defend missions any more at all. Peace and quiet :) I have to add that I finally decided to install that mod after Sanctuary was raided and partly destroyed despite the fact that I had a defence value of over 1,500 which means you could barely walk in there because of the tons of turrets. We're talking heavy laser turrets.. So essentially the game tosses a coin each time, and it's either your settlement wins or loses against the current attack. No matter how bloody well defended it is. Unless you show up in person and in time and fend off the attackers.

Nonsense... get rid of it :) The mod is called NSA - no settlement attacks. It works 100%.


Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I think the Cheers bar is directly across the street from Swan's Pond. The pond is in a square, with streets on each side, the bar is on one of those streets, so if you can't see the pond, you're not in the right area. The entrance is a little non-descript door half a floor below street level, like a lot of lower level or basement areas are in Boston.

I'll look tonight when I get home, and see if I'm remembering correctly.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Thanks for the info -- I'm about to hit Boston again and I hope to find it this time :)

Art Blade

lol, "cheers" bar :anigrin:

Actually, in game, it's called the Prost Bar. "Prost" is the German equivalent of the English "cheers" when toasting. Not as in toasting bread but giving a toast. Not as in giving a toasted bread to someone but as in raising one's glass and go, "CHEERIO!" :D

Found it. :)
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Yep, if you stand at the marble gazebo in Swan's Park, turn due west and walk along that path out of the park, across the street and there's a below street level blue door. Inside there's the usual skeletons in various places, depicting the characters from the TV show. Here's Piper sitting down for a drink with Norm and Cliff.

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There's some decent loot in the chest in the office and baseball-related stuff on the desk. The owner of the bar, Sam, was a baseball player at one time. The other skeletons are arranged in the places the characters in the show normally were located.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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