Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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fragger, the town call bell will also gather all settlers into one area so you can go into build mode and look for unassigned layabouts.  ;)

Art giving further thought to functionality of the batch file usage it occurred to me that you had mentioned using a console code to move quickly from one area to another instantly as oppose to hoofing it or using the also time consuming Fast Travel.

If you create and place a separate .txt file in the FO4 folder with the "move to" code you are using for each settlement and companion you could simply open the Console and key in "bat dalton" or "bat preston" (whatever or whoever) and save the time keying in those full codes as well.

But then again you're probably a step ahead of me and have already set that up.  :D

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Another thing about food. There's a difference between "settler food" and "player food". You can have settlers assigned to food crops and they will count towards the food capacity of the settlement, but they will never harvest it. You have to go in and harvest the crops when you need some food or you need it to craft something. As far as I know, when you harvest the crops, it doesn't effect the food capacity of the settlement. You can go in there as often as it's mature and harvest it, sell the stuff or eat it or craft with it, and it won't effect how much food the settlers have, their allotment is based on how many crops and how many farmers you have, not how much is harvested or stored in the workshop.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

D_B, I think it's half true and half wrong regarding settlers harvesting. I know I can always grab fruit and stuff off the plants as if they never harvested them but if you look into the w0#k bench of a settlement, there they will store excess food. Especially those settlements that are prospering like Sanctuary, I find a lot of money, food, purified water and even mortar shells and flares in the w0#k bench. So it's a good idea to loot the w0#k bench once in a while :) Just leave the junk alone, use the arrow keys to get to see what they left for you under AID, for instance.

mandru, I did think about it but only kept the "bat sanctuary" to travel there without losing time. Normally I just travel on foot or call the vertibird from the BoS to have them fly me to my destination, which is a lot nicer than fast travelling because I enjoy the view so much :) Only sometimes, when I have unexpected business, I mark a person (console, get their ID) and then I fast-travel to Sanctuary for example, then I grab or drop my gear there whatever it was, and then I use the console to move to the ID of that person again. A temporary solution that worked a couple of times just perfectly. :)


Cheers for the responses, chaps :) Very helpful info there.

I haven't been sure on whether the amount of food the settlers get is dependent on: how many plants there are in total, or; how many types of different plants there are. That is, I wasn't sure if six corn plants count as three food in total (@ 0.5 food each), or just as a single collective 0.5. I've been planting different types in the all-too-probable mistaken belief that each different type of plant counts as one food source no matter how many of that particular type of plant there is (I can thank the Luxury Resource management in Civ V for establishing this mindset :gnehe:). So in Sanctuary I've got people tending Corn, Mutfruit, Carrots, Melons, Tatos and something else, with at least two of each plant type.

Okay, looks like I have a little reorganizing to do...

Art Blade

I'd slap down a cooking station nearby.. :gnehe:

Art Blade

I finally played through the ship USS Constitution mission.

Did you guys visit the ship after it landed, too?

brutal robot companion for the mission
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And the finale
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I did, but I couldn't get Ironsides to respond. I couldn't even get a "Speak" prompt with him, he just sat there like a big steel bell-end ::) Another glitch maybe, like when he fell overboard earlier in my game. I'll try again another time.

I still can't assign settlers to food if they are too far apart. From what you reported Art, it sounds as though you can walk around while you're in Workshop mode. I can't. I remain rooted to the spot unless I exit Workshop mode. I can turn around and look up and down, but if I want to go from one place to another I have to get out of Workshop mode.

Quote from: Art Blade on December 04, 2017, 05:48:57 AM
small tutorial, assign settlers (to do whatever)
- open the workshop
- walk around until you see a settler with a red ("unemployed") symbol
(or, much easier, wait for the night, and look up the sleeping buggers as they don't run around)
- choose "command" from the option (probably the enter key) while looking at the settler

Therein lies my problem. Because I can't move around while I'm in Workshop mode, I have to go to where the settler is, then go into Workshop mode to do a "Command" on them (if the settler is too far away from me, he/she won't highlight). But if the plants are then too far away from where I am, they won't highlight - and because I have to exit Workshop mode to walk to where the plants are, I immediately lose command of the settler when I do so.

You haven't by some chance installed a mod that lets you walk around while you're in Workshop mode, have you? If not, then maybe there's something I need to change in my Control options. I'll check that out next time I'm in-game.

Art Blade

going to quickly reply as long as you're still on:

1) Ironside bugged out on me twice. Solution: go under deck / leave the ship and re-enter. Worked on both occasions  O0

2) no walking? Maybe overburdened? Too much stuff in your inventory might cause it. I use god mode (consode, tgm is the command toggle)

Art Blade

since you can walk when not in workshop mode, it might indeed be some weird thing with your controls. I use my normal ASWD+mouse, no mods for that matter. I'll try without tgm and see what happens.

Art Blade

I can walk, even if overburdened, without god mode, while in workshop mode.

And this is my 26,000th post. :anigrin:


Okay, thanks :)

My issue is definitely not caused by overburdening. I can't move while in Workshop mode AT ALL, not one single step, never have been able to right from the beginning of the game. Not even when I'm carrying next to nothing.

Now you know why scrapping and building things has been such a chore for me. I can only scrap/build within range of where I'm standing, then I have to exit Workshop mode, move a few steps, re-enter Workshop mode and do a bit more, rinse and repeat. All the time.

Thinking about it, I'm sure it must be a Control Options issue. I'm going to have a look at that. I've always used this system for every FPS game I've ever played:

LMB: Move forward
RMB: Fire weapon
MMB: Aim

Up arrow: Jump
L and R arrows: Strafe
Down arrow: Move backwards

Then various other keys for reload, throw stuff, run, crouch, etc.

Maybe I have to use ASWD keys to move in Workshop mode, it didn't occur to me to try that. I've used the above movement control system for so long that it's second nature to me now.

Gonna try that now, will let you know how it goes :)


Actually, I'll have to get back to you after a while. I fired up the game and forgot that I'm right in the middle of a mish that I can't leave, and I don't have a save in a settlement...

Art Blade

OK. When you return, read my last post again and look out for the edited ORANGE text.

LMB is usually shoot (and other high level action)
RMB " aim (and sometimes low level action)
MMB " open workshop menu and toggle 1st/3rd person (and other context-dependent stuff)

jump is usually space bar and crouch control keys while arrow keys can be anything
L is often light
R is often reload


I use the MMB for throwing grenades in some games that supports it. RMB for aim and LMB for firing. Unless I'm using dual wield weapons
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

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Art Blade

yes, grenades.. I sometimes do that, or mouse 4/5.

fragger, situations like those you're describing happened to me LONG ago when I thought I was completely free to map my own keys/controls only to find out that something didn't w0#k because of my generously remapped keys. I then decided that despite the fact that I hated it, it was better to go with default keys. Fortunately, the devs learned from the players' preferences and now ASWD is a default, the same as many other settings have changed over time to be what (most) players wanted. I usually still remap a few keys but they're of minor importance, like camera, interact/open (often either E or F these days, I sometimes just swap them) and reload (I sometimes keep R, sometimes I use mouse button 4 or 5) and stuff like that. In other words, the closer you stick to default, the less hassle is to be expected. Particularly when it comes to LMB and RMB as well as ASWD.

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