Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

no, because there is a status bar that keeps filling until it's full and then you cannot build anymore. It was on purpose.

The reason might have been to keep the graphics in reasonable limits. Building thousands of objects might cause some frame rate issue..


With console limitations, yes.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thanks Art, I had a lot of fun putting that place together. I started building some bits and pieces, then got carried away... There are some fun options and decorations and stuff to play with. I thought about building my place out of concrete at first, but the concrete looked too industrial and utilitarian. The metal walls and fittings give the pub - er, my house - more character :bigsmile: I wanted to make a place that looks like it might rock on a Saturday night, where you might find a row of Harleys parked out the front and hell being raised within :gnehe:

I was quite certain that one of you fine chaps would have encountered the build limit at some point and discussed it here. But with 50 pages of posts to look through - well, I was too hot to trot at the time so I chose the quick and lazy option ??? :anigrin:

I suppose the limit is intended to stop people from going build crazy and trying to turn their settlements into mini-CBDs. Funny how each Settlement has a different build limit though. I guess it's somehow calculated depending on how many other graphic assets are in the same area as the settlement. I notice that when emerging from a building interior, the outside world takes longer to reload in some areas than others, particularly in the city. That's also no doubt why the inner-city settlement locations have such small footprints, to prevent frame-rate blowouts.

I want to rip everything I can out of Hangman's Alley and rebuild it from scratch. I tried to squeeze everything in among the existing shacks and things, but I keep getting settler bottlenecks and I'm like, get out of the freaking way, people! I like that location, it's easily defensible and is a good jumping-off point for inner-city scrounging runs. It's proximity to Diamond City is handy too.

Another limit (and I'm sure you're already well aware of it, but I'll post it for expediency's sake) is how high you can build, i.e. how many floors you can add upwards to buildings. Once again taking the quick and easy way out, I looked online. It appears that you'll hit that limit at 5-6 levels in Sanctuary, but in other places you can go a lot higher, like 15-17 floors in Abernathy and Finch Farms. But the build area on the ground is a lot smaller in those places.

It depends on the settlement's existing altitude on the map. Sanctuary is already at a fairly high elevation so you'll bump your head on the game's ceiling a lot sooner when you build upwards there.

mandru, thanks for your settler management tips earlier :thumbsup: I found a way around not being able to move in Workshop mode (using "Auto Move") so I can now grab settlers and assign them to things a distance away. So I'm building a multi-level dorm for them all to crash in, and assigning each settler their own bed inside (and I gave them the nice beds, not the yucky-looking ones). To make sure I don't get mixed up, I used the lettering options in the "Decorations" menu to put each settler's name on the wall behind their bed.


While looking for answers about the build limit last night, I came across this console tweak (and yeah, I'm probably going over old ground again, but it's news to me :gnehe:):


Change the rate at which day/night passes

Console command: set timescale to [insert number here]

Speeds up or slows down time. The default setting is 16. A value of 1 equates to real-time. A value of 10,000 will make the moon and sun zip across the sky, and days and nights will flicker past like they did for Rod Taylor in The Time Machine (the 1960 film, not that 2002 load of puke).


While looking for answers about the build limit last night, I came across this console tweak (and yeah, I'm probably going over old ground again, but it's news to me :gnehe:):


Change the rate at which day/night passes

Console command: set timescale to [insert number here]

Speeds up or slows down time. The default setting is 16. A value of 1 equates to real-time. A value of 10,000 will make the moon and sun zip across the sky, and days and nights will flicker past like they did for Rod Taylor in The Time Machine (the 1960 film, not that 2002 load of puke).


There is also another "player item" cheat that was not in the lists you guys recently posted:

player.additem 0000000F 5000; Bottlecaps

Checked it out, it works :)


I did that in FC2 and I made the game pass 3000 days (about 8 years realtime)  :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I tend to build dorms too but...

Quote from: fragger on December 06, 2017, 06:23:18 PM

So I'm building a multi-level dorm for them all to crash in, and assigning each settler their own bed inside (and I gave them the nice beds, not the yucky-looking ones). To make sure I don't get mixed up, I used the lettering options in the "Decorations" menu to put each settler's name on the wall behind their bed.


Bloody hell!  He's naming every settler now!  ???

*** I've got more settlers (23 each settlement) than the people I've interacted with over the course of the last decade.  I don't think I know that many distinct names.  :D ***

I've found that settlers tend to be bed hoppers.  Unless there's a game mechanic involving bed naming that I'm not aware of if they decide that another unoccupied bed is more convenient than the one you've assigned they'll swap out their assignment.  That in turn opens up a new unoccupied bed that another settler may fancy and a cascade effect can occur.  Maybe they just like variety.  :undecided-new:

While I've never used the console to remove build limits I'm familiar with the reference ID 0000000F to add coins however since caps have zero weight I plugged in 500,000 instead of 5000.  I figured one and done  ;)

Regarding build limits.  Scrapping materials in a settlement also pushes the allowable max build limit higher.  I've yet to find a limit for that approach.  Every time I hit the ceiling for building I make it a practice to go back to areas where large battles had occurred and scooped up all the guns I could find and haul them back to scrap into the workshop.

I added the perk to my character that also allows me to scrap collected armor.  But the yield of usable materials and net results of raising settlement build limits for scrapped weight of guns -vs- armor the guns out perform armor probably ten to one.

Also early on in my gaming campaign I made it a practice to grab up shipments of materials from every merchant I encountered until I noticed that dropping and scrapping massive amounts of the shipment slips for prime key materials completely failed to move the build indicator at all.  I remember the shock of keeping an eye on the build meter while scrapping probably 30,000 caps worth of shipments giving no additional building headroom but the 50 Institute laser pistols scrapped immediately following took a huge bite out of the yellow build bar.  :banghead:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Yeah build limit is a sore spot for a lot of people. It's due mostly to the limitations of the game engine, as it can only handle so much being loaded at one time. I had some severe loading delays when going to Sanctuary when I had a lot of stuff built there. If I fast traveled, it would take 2-3 times longer to load than fast travel anywhere else, and if I walked there the game would stutter and pause as I approached the bridge and you could watch individual structures pop up one by one. At that point I scrapped a bunch of stuff, cleaned up the general area, and got rid of the various generators I had set up and put in one huge reactor to power the whole town. I had the bad habit of needing power somewhere and just building a small gas generator nearby or a windmill and after a while had 20 or so of them all over the place. Along with all the power armor I was collecting and the wall I had built around the entire place, there was a lot going on. I didn't use the console command but used the weapon storage trick where you drop weapons on the ground and store them in the workshop (not scrap them, these were my high powered weapons with lots of mods, so just storing them still got the bar reduced a lot, as Mandru noted for scrapping junk weapons) and that will reduce your build limit usage just like scrapping things that are already built, even though the weapons weren't built there in the first place.

But if you start seeing slowdowns and stuttering when in the settlement or traveling to it, you know you're brushing up against the real limit. If you go over it, the game could crash and the save be corrupt because it can't load that place and since it tries to load it on game start, it crashes. If that happens, you're sunk, the save is toast, only option would be to go back to an earlier save and not build as much this time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I got rid of probably over a hundred turrets after installing the mod that prevented any attacks on settlements. That reduced the loading time and stutter significantly, next to nothing :anigrin:

Thanks for that info D_B, I wasn't aware of a real limit that might ruin a savegame, however it never happened as I reduced the load before it could have. :)


I was getting close to having everything built in Sanctuary that I wanted when I hit the limit, so I should be okay. I'm pretty much finished with my building  there now and there is no noticeable frame drop or anything, so it should be hunky-dory.

mandru, I only did the naming thing for the seven residents that actually have names. Well, eight including Ma Murphy, but the old stoner never gets out of her chair. There are the other four original Concord denizens, the Vault Tec guy (who I called "Rep"), and the two companions I've dragged back there (Cait and MacCready). Codswoth, Jezebel and old rattly-bolts Ada of course don't need beds (I need to send those robots somewhere else, they bring everyone down). The no-name settlers can fend for themselves. There's plenty of beds to go around.

Actually, it says I have 13 people in Sanctuary, which I can't w0#k out. There are:

5 from Concord (Garvey, Marcy, Sturges, Jun, and old Druggy Features);
Mr. Vault Tec;
And one unnamed migrant from Hangman's Alley.

That's nine. So who would the other four be?

There are two provisioners from other settlements, but they come and go. There is me and the dog, but I come and go and the dog isn't people. There are three robots, but they aren't people. I don't get it.

Anyway... After I set up the Recruitment Beacon at Hangman's Alley, I didn't check in on it for a while - until I went there and found 16 settlers and a Brahmin crammed into the place ??? When I saw such a throng in that tiny enclave, the first thing I did was scrap the beacon. Then I scrapped everything I could find that was scrappable and built them two new structures to live in, which wasn't easy with them all getting in the way (especially that damned cow). Their numbers were finally reduced by four - I used one to create a supply route with Sanctuary, then sent another one to the same, and two others very considerately got themselves killed in a firefight with some Super Mutants out in the street. The SMs didn't attack the settlement - there was gunfire audible about a block away, so of course everybody in the settlement went charging out to join in the fun.

What purpose do the Brahmins serve? I see an "Assign" thing on them when I look at them in Workshop Mode, but I don't get what it means in their case. Can you assign them to something? I'd assign them to an abattoir if I could, they're a obstruction and a pain in the butt. The one in Hangman's Alley was aggravating me so much that I took a combat shotgun to it. There are probably some kind of repercussions to doing that, or maybe I wasted some sort of opportunity, but stuff it, I got sick of it disrupting my building project :angry-new: There was little enough room to w0#k in there as it was without some bloody two-headed bovine buggering up the proceedings.

Oh, and I changed the time rate to match real-time. Sunrise is at about 6:00am in the game and sunset at around 8:00pm, which, because we're on daylight saving here, is an almost perfect match. I made my character sleep until it was roughly the same time as it was in the real world here, and the sun went down in the game around the same time that it did in reality, which was kind of cool 8) It was good to have plenty of daylight for building stuff, but if I want to do something at night, I can either make her sleep or reset the time value.

Art Blade

I think the bramin counts as one. Drop a save, kill it, and compare the count. What they serve for? No idea.. I usually kill them or let them die.. :anigrin:
Robots count.
Robots need beds it seems because the bed count goes red if you add a robot. Check with savegame/reload.

Art Blade

Oh, and that beacon story made me chuckle. When I told you guys about me killing off settlers, that's because of the flipping excess of settlers I got from building beacons in every fricking settlement until it dawned on me that it kept attracting settlers and with rising charisma, more settlers were drawn in. Everywhere. :anigrin:

I did the same, either scrapped or disabled the beacons. ALL of them. Before it was too late :anigrin:


I don't have a Brahmin in Sanctuary, that was in Hangman's Alley. But even with the robots, that only makes 12. Unless the dog counts.

It's no big deal though, I'll just take the game's word for it :gnehe: As long as no reds are showing in the stats, I'm happy.

I only built the beacon because I had to, to complete that mission (same with Outpost Zimonja, where another 14 showed up :huh-new: ) From now on, if I have to build a beacon for a mish, I'll watch the map like a hawk, and as soon as a couple of settlers show up, it'll come down again.

Art Blade

hehe :anigrin:

By the way, I think your supply line is a good way of having settlers killed without it counting against you. I might consider it for just that purpose. :evil2:

Hmm. If your count is higher than what you see walking around, try night time when everyone is asleep, pop some chems that make living targets visible and go on a hunt. I suspect that some slipped through your grid, maybe they're patrolling the area. Also, I posted about it, sometimes settlers just go out for a stroll. In my case, those two settlers from the nearby Red Rocket settlement sometimes visit Sanctuary and it works the other way around, too.


Brahmins provide fertilizer for the plants that are the settlement's food supply so essentially they keep the plants he@lthy and the settlers happy.

If you want a brahmin to stay in one location go into build mode and look under Resources>Miscellaneous.  There is a bathtub labeled as a brahmin feeding station/trough (? something like that).  Then place the tub somewhere out from under where you are trying to w0#k.

Be aware tub placement is key to allow them to access it.  Brahmins will only will feed from the side of the tub that places the faucet and drain to their Left and two brahmins at once will always have a continual shoving match going on between them to see who's nose is in the trough since only one can feed at a time.

You might think that placing a 2nd feeder trough would stop the shouting match going on between the two brahmins but unfortunately they only recognize the first tub placed out for them.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Excellent, thanks for that mandru :bigsmile:

🡱 🡳

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