Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

oh and fragger, don't worry about those posts that were over your head. It's because they deal with stuff related to after the end game or in relation to the end game. You're kind of a lifetime away from that, still  :anigrin:


Art I got to give you a +1 for the enemies bat files which I've now installed.  O0

Who would think someone coould discover a potential hobby inside a game?  :bigsmile:

Batch files to call up enemies!  Hmm... :evil2:

I tried bat raider1 (though I'd raised their number to 10).  I went to where I know a deathclaw spawns that is storming a super mutant stronghold in the S.W. part of the map.  As I approached I applied the console command tdetect (toggle detect) so I could walk right up on the deathclaw with four super mutants standing around idly and dropped the happy band of raiders right in the middle of what was about to happen .

An added benefit to tdetect is that enemies don't see the player and they don't detect each other until you toggle detection back on.  :laughsm:

With the Battle Royale set in place but paused by the tdetect effect I ran around the interior of the stronghold closing all of the big double doors to confine all combatants inside then climbed to the top of a nearby church belfry. Moving out onto the church roof to get closer (but well above) the coming brouhaha.  I squatted down engaging my stealth enabled power suit and wished that I had a bowl of popcorn as I togged detection back on.

Coolness ensued!  The mayhem exceeded my expectations. 8)

I project that I will come up with a myriad of amusing usages for this promising little bit of functionality.  :thumbsup:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

thank you very much, mandru :)

And HAHAHAHAHA :D that idea of yours and particularly how you set it in motion is hilarious :anigrin: I'm glad I could help you with it, I do stuff like that sometimes. See my sealed arena construction in Starlight. :gnehe:

Here's a bonus for you. Those guys may use stealth boys during battle. And they're tough as nails.

player.placeatme 0007050a 10; Gunner Brigadier


 Cool! :o

Looking forward to messing around and messing up some bat gunners.  :anigrin:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


I like to "drop" them when I see a patrolling group of BoS nearby.. :evil2:

Which would be an excellent opportunity to pick up some leftover power armour..  :gnehe:

Art Blade

OK so it was time to check out my inventory and make notes, then revert to a prior savegame.

Speaking of savegames.. I don't know about you guys, but since June I've accumulated over 1,300 save games worth 11GB of disk space. ??? Time to move them to a backup folder so the game won't take ages to load the list of savegames anymore :anigrin:

If you want to check your savegame folder, it's here

<HD>:\Users\<yourname>\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves

I kept those of the recent two dates and noticed that they were indexed, like save 700, and I was wondering whether or not (re)moving most of them would have a weird impact on new savegames. It didn't. The next savegame I dropped (not autosave) was like save 701, so it keeps counting if there's already an indexed savegame. Makes it easier to copy back old files and to compare backup and actual saves. O0

Now to the items worth mentioning I picked up when killing all those Brotherhood guys:

Gatling Laser 000e27bc
Airship Captain's Hat 0013aef5
Engineer's Armor 000dede7
Maxson's Battlecoat 001fe1a6
Medical Goggles 000e4501
Quinlan's Armor 00136335
Science Scribe's Armor 000e44ff
Teagan's Armor 00136166
Welding Helmet 000dede9
(and a little over 40 Brotherhood dogtags, man that was a lot of enemies :gnehe: )

The Gatling laser is something I only saw once before when I played the Brotherhood ending (I reverted to get the Minuteman ending which I like best) and that laser was Maxson's weapon of choice. When I wreaked havoc for fun, I picked up five of them plus one that had some mod on it that made it "fiery" (enemies catch on fire or some such) and now I want that thing. It weighs a ton unmodded but with mods (the fiery one) it weighed double (39kg or so) so be warned if you're low on carrying capacity. It spins up and sounds like a mini gun but it fires laser beams instead of bullets. It's a monstrous weapon :anigrin:

from the wiki, source below
The gun is a large, two-handed weapon consisting of four rotating barrels that fire red laser pulses through two lenses. It uses fusion cores for ammunition. Each fusion core provides 500 shots. It has a high rate of fire but low accuracy, making it more useful for large numbers of close enemies.

Automatic reloading behavior can lead to an inventory full of partially-used cores if frequently swapping between weapons.

The Gatling laser has more damage and accuracy than a tri-barrel minigun, so this is a viable choice should one desire more accuracy and damage per magazine. Its ammo is considerably more cost efficient than a minigun's, so this is also good for player characters on a budget that doesn't accommodate for 5mm rounds, but makes fusion cores affordable.


Art Blade

that gun might be perfect for Strong and other companions as you only need to plop one fusion core into their inventory and they're loaded up to their eyeballs. :anigrin:

Art Blade

oh man, I just visited Starlight and I heard a vertibird nearby. Danse and X6 attacked..Guests are not allowed to view images in posts, please Register or Login

..and then it flew over the settlement and was shot down subsequently!
When reinforcements (erm, one more vertibird) arrived, they shot them down, too.
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I then outfitted Danse and X6 with a Gatling laser. To test it, I spawned a few bad guys..
It was a spectacular light-show :) Note the coloured lights of their Christmas tree
(to the right, above where the lasers originate, it's on a roof of a shack -- also visible in the previous pics)
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And I can now assign X6 to settler tasks! Yay :)
Of course, I had X6 attend the famous soda fountain. :anigrin:
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Actually, I'll send Curie over to Starlight, too. She's a synth, after all :)


If you build an Energy Weapons Forge (Contraptions DLC required), you can manufacture Gatling Lasers. I haven't made one yet - maybe I will 8)

Each Gatling Laser costs a good dollop of materials though:

12  Adhesive
10  Circuitry
5    Crystal
10  Fiber optics
14  Gears
7    Glass
4    Nuclear material
6    Oil
20  Plastic
18  Screw
10  Silver
10  Spring
8    Steel


I'm finding the Manufacturing machines quite handy for certain things. I'm up to my ears in ballistic ammo, except for shotgun shells - I go through quite a few of those. The Ammunition Plant is good for cranking out extra. For the cost of these materials:

2  Plastic
2  Fertilizer
2  Lead

the Plant will produce 1 box of 10 shells.

Lead is not an easy material to come by (unless you cheat :-X) so whenever I'm out and about I snaffle up anything with lead in it, or barter for anything containing lead from vendors.

I'm working on cranking out Plasma Rifles for all my settlers, though that will take time. To manufacture, each Plasma Rifle costs:

4   Adhesive
3   Circuitry
2   Crystal
1   Fiber optics
2   Glass
2   Nuclear material
8   Screw
15 Steel


I was just speculating on the use of cheat codes in games.

Before I go on, let me stress, and I can't stress it enough, that I am a firm believer in doing whatever makes you happy. The whole point of the exercise is to have fun, and as far as I'm concerned, anything goes when it comes to gaming (thanks to FO4, I've had that old Cole Porter song stuck in my head for the last couple of days :gnehe:) If you own a game, you have every right to play with it in any fashion you choose, and I have no problem whatsoever with folks making full use of the cheat codes if that's what they enjoy. This game comes with them already built-in and readily available, without any modification to the base game required, for that very purpose. So if you like to cheat your way through, go forth and enjoy :thumbsup:

(This all refers to cheating in single-player mode. Cheating in public multiplayer games should be punishable by keel-hauling - unless of course all participants agree to cheat, and all agree to do so in the same manner and to the same extent. Yeah, right, like that ever happens in a public session).

Speaking solely for myself, I don't like to cheat my way through - not on a first playthrough, at any rate. I like to try to get through a game the way it was intended to be played, and I get my best sense of achievement and satisfaction if I do it that way. This is probably why I'm not a huge fan of V.A.T.S. - I feel like it's a form of cheating, even though it's an inherent part of the gameplay and the devs fully intend that the player make good use of it (and I do use it some of the time, but certainly not all or even most of the time. I prefer the challenge of taking the bad guys down the old-fashioned way :gnehe:)

I avoid cheating even if it costs me. Like those manufacturing machines - even if I'm short one or two materials for something, I'll resist the urge to cheat up what's required and instead I'll go to the trouble of hitting the road and scrounging, or bartering for, whatever I need.

I've noticed that stuff respawns in most places after a while, so if I want to get some extra caps, say, I'll go into Cambridge and smack down some ghouls as they nearly always have a few caps on them (I like clouting them with a ghoul damage-boosting boxing glove I found :evil2:). Things like cash registers will often become replenished with Pre-War Money, and junk items will re-appear after I've stayed away from an area for a time. Which is good, because it means I can pick an area clean and it won't stay that way forever. I can always go out on scrounging runs, which is not only fun but is also a good way to get a companion's affinity level up quickly. I've already maxed out Cait, Hancock and MacCready - and got a cool "head-shot" perk from the latter at the end.

An area just needs to be left alone for a while for all the goodies to reappear - at least a few game days, it seems, or maybe a week or so. If I revisit an area too early, it'll still be devoid of stuff.

The only times I've cheated in the game was to acquire more materials to support my building spree earlier in the piece, and I'm kind of wishing I hadn't done that - I went against my own self-imposed rule. But what I did was solely because I was having so much fun experimenting with what was possible, and I needed the extra materials to fully do so (building is one of my favourite aspects of this game and I build wherever I can :gnehe: I've thrown up all sorts of things around my settlements). I went a little crazy in Sanctuary - just a little - during my experimental phase, but I don't cheat for what I want now (mostly steel and concrete). I'll take the trouble to get the materials that I need from elsewhere, or, if settler numbers permit, I'll use one to establish a supply route with Sanctuary so that materials are available from my main storage depot there.

I did also cheat when I was experimenting with that Armor Forge, but that was only in order to find out what the flipping thing was doing, as I related earlier.

Just some thoughts, and certainly no preaching intended :bigsmile:

Quote from: Art Blade on December 14, 2017, 02:42:38 AM
By the way, try the pommel horse. Both the weight bench and that horse give you a temp boost (retry after 2 hours in-game, as far as I know, but you're on real time)

That won't w0#k for me, I got that one strength boost from the weight bench and that was it. It's been several game days now since I first did it and I get no more boosts. Maybe it stops when you reach a certain point (well, it would have to I guess, or you could keep going until you were strong enough to carry a building around with you) and I may have been just one lift away from that point already.

Art Blade

you can check your poop-boy. There are several entries for your stats, some for SPECIAL, some for magazines and otherwise acquired perks such as the companion perks and some that come from drugs.. usually "boost" as the message from the pommel horse and the weight bench imply, are of temporary nature. Otherwise the game tells you "has been permanently increased by 1" or some such.

Maybe your irresponsible cheating of the time scale to real time has screwed that up a bit but you can get those boosts again after some time. Hehe. :anigrin:



It's more of a preference setting than a cheat :bigsmile:

Art Blade

no worries, mate :)

I just couldn't resist rubbing in that cheat of yours. :anigrin: Anything that involves opening the console is cheating. And I like it. :gnehe:

I was wondering, the pommel horse and weight bench, their effect lasts until a different characteristic-enhancing utility item or exercise equipment is used. And it's temporary. So you can't go and stack up all of those buffs in one gym-run, maybe that's why you didn't notice anything :anigrin:

characteristic-enhancing utilities / exercise equipments

    Pommel Horse (+1 AGI) +happiness/settlement
    Weight bench (+1 STR) +happiness/settlement
    Phoropter (+1 PER) +happiness/settlement
    Slot machine (+1 LCK) +happiness/settlement
    Power Cycle 1000 (+1 END)
    Barber chair (+1 CHR)
    Vault 88 overseer's desk (+1 INT)


Cheers :thumbsup:

Vault 88 contains some nasty little surprises. I was scrounging around for more concrete, and after exhausting all the stuff in the main cavern I headed into the surrounding excavations. I found more concrete pipes, barricades and the odd pile of cinderblocks to scrap, but then I discovered that I could also scrap limestone deposits for concrete. I came across a whole wall of it, and after scrapping it, there was a cavern behind it with a freaking Death Claw lurking inside ??? I got caught off guard since I was still in Workshop mode and hence couldn't immediately bring up a weapon, but fortunately old scaly claws didn't notice me for a moment and I was able to draw and dispatch him.

Later, I came across another wall of limestone, and scrapping that revealed yet another cavern beyond. This time I went in with my Exterminator's Gauss Rifle at the ready. No Death Claw was waiting inside - instead, a small horde of Radscorpians reared up out of the ground, about half a dozen of them. My modded-up Gausser made short w0#k of them. I've boosted it up to the point where it can deal over 300 damage now, far and away the hardest hitting weapon in the arsenal. This cavern has a tunnel leading off from it, which I haven't checked out yet, but it looks pretty forbidding down there...

Another time, I fast-travelled into the Vault and as usual it spawned me in front of the Workbench. I went into Workshop mode and started making my way towards the main cavern area, only to find a corridor full of Raiders waiting right around the corner. Much frenetic havoc ensued.

I read up on the Vault 88 experiments and chose what I thought would be the best options for them. They're all completed now, so I can reproduce them in my settlements if I so choose.

🡱 🡳

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