Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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The mod for synth detection is pretty cool, you set it up near your bell that calls everyone to meet nearby, then turn on the gadget to detect synths. If anyone falls to the ground in a shower of sparking lightning, then you've got them and can dispose of them as you see fit.

Strange bug Mandru, are you sure you're not over encumbered? That will keep you from sprinting. Otherwise, I have no idea, I haven't heard of that one before.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

G, not just for me, it may have sounded as if I was killing everyone but I wasn't :)

What I do is go through some maybe 30 settlements that I own, check how many people there live and try to reduce the amount of populated settlements to a minimum. Some settlements are comparatively small (2-10 people) and a few are bigger, with up to 34 (Sanctuary) people. Those range from say 10-25. If possible, I send settlers from smaller settlements to Sanctuary, that's how it became so big, and kill the remaining population. The few bigger settlements I leave as they are. Some settlers cannot be transferred, they're living on farms that belong to their families or some such. I kill those, too. :anigrin:

mandru, that sounds horrible. ???

I don't know yet how to fix it right away but there should be a way. Can you sprint without power armour?

And just for repair reasons, I recommend replacing the power armour mod slots with "no mod" installed, I am referring to the power armour workbench. Go through every armour part and remove the mods so you just have armour, no stealth, no nothing attached. Exit the armour, unload your inventory into a crate so you're light as a feather (as D_B suggested, I too was thinking of over-encumbrance) , and exit the game.

Restart, enter your armour, and try again, then add mods from the workbench that allow sprinting, like at the expense of AP and some such, try that. Anything that keeps the bugger going.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thanks guys for the thoughts and suggestions on this issue I've got going on.

Regarding my missing Sprint.  I'm in godmode which should'nt have a carry limit.  Beyond that this glitch is present even while using just a power armor frame with no actual armor equipped.  It was while bringing a new armor frame back from Goodneighbor that this first kicked in.  :undecided-new:

I'll try giving a set of armor a strip down of all modifications beyond basic and dump all my personal carry weight into a workbench to see if that has any effect.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

mandru, sounds as if you inherited that glitch and were carrying that around with you now. Hmmm...

Quote from: fragger on December 18, 2017, 09:08:01 PMclick the Workbench to get the ID, then type in the console:

getav CFF76

That's odd. I'm currently in my pure synth settlement and it reads 0.00 :huh-new: Maybe because the game told me (lore) that they're synths, they don't show up. If that is so, then the command is to sniff out infiltrators. I'll have to check other settlements.

By the way, the synth settlement Startlight Drive-in is just about to hit 100% happiness. The android's dream came true. :anigrin:

Art Blade

here we go! :anigrin:

my 2nd settlement with 100% happiness. I didn't even plan this. :)
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This is how Starlight Drive-In looks now.
The laser and rocket turrets on the top vault structure can be switched on/off separately :)
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Art Blade


don't you have a savegame from before that bugged power armour frame? You wouldn't have to start over that way.


Interesting settlement build there Art.  :thumbsup:

I tried earlier game saves but they all failed to remove the glitch.  I'd read what you had said about finding almost 1 gig of save files so I recently went in and ripped out all saves that were older than a few days ago.  ::)

When transporting the power armor frame I had to drop in a fusion core and power it up to wear back to Diamond city (it's not something that can be carried in inventory) where I exited and loaded it up with freshly refurbished armor components.  It was during that trip that I noticed sprint was gone and going to earlier save points didn't shake it off.  :undecided-new:

Ok, now I've done what you said Art and now I've lost the ability to sprint while I'm not wearing power armor.  :laughsm:

Even at 200 lbs under my allowed carry weight and I huff and puff (godmode and non-godmode) like I'm winded whether I'm opening build mode, accessing a workbench, or getting in and out of power armor.  I think I'll give it some time for a rest and then pull the plug on this character build.  :banghead:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I had not one but eleven GB worth of saves.. :anigrin:

Now I don't think it's a bug related to save games.

Any chance you have the toggle "always run" set to off? Here it's bound to caps lock so you'd expect to see that LED on your keyboard glowing when in walking mode. What had happened to me before is, accidentally press caps lock (enable walking rather than running) and then alt-tab out to post something, there I realised caps lock was on, so I unlocked it, LED went off, and I wrote my post. Then back in the game, despite the LED not being on, the caps lock was still active and I was still in walking mode. Hitting caps lock again obviously switches on the LED but also enables "always run" again.

Maybe it's that?

Art Blade


I just realised that caps lock toggles walk/run not sprint. That would be L-shift.

I've dug deep into the console commands and found something that might help. Type in gpc and look at the last entry that is going to be displayed in your console. It should read "sprinting - true." I'm not yet sure how to manipulate that. However, there is epc and dpc, for enable and disable player controls. Might have to look into that.


that code of yours, it came up empty in hangman's alley, and I killed everyone there, no synth components, so it was right about no synths. Now I'm wondering, will I find synth components in Starlight? Going to check.

Hmm, the one whom I can kill doesn't have a synth component. Maybe because I'm past end game, destroyed the "synth" institute? Then I wouldn't have ANY synths if it was related. Darn. Need an old savegame from before the end. More checking required..  :banghead: :anigrin:

Art Blade

I reverted to an older savegame, ran through about five larger settlements (between 15 and 25 settlers) and always the same result, that command always comes up with 0.00

Apparently my settlements haven't been infiltrated and also apparently synth companions won't be detected by that command.


Art, maybe destroying the Institute renders that command useless? Or maybe you just got lucky about not being infiltrated by synths. Or maybe one of your mods interferes with the command. Dunno :gnehe:

I like the tower you built at the drive-in, cool :thumbsup: Improbable maybe from a structural engineering viewpoint, but cool nonetheless :bigsmile:

And well done on the 100% happiness achievement 8) I got so tantalizingly close with Sanctuary at 97%, then it began to decline. Still is apparently, according to the little red arrow, but very slowly. I whacked a few more happiness-type goodies in there, but it will take a while to see if they make a difference, especially playing in real-time.

Looking at stuff online in forums and so on, there is are so many conflicting opinions about what works in the game and what doesn't that you can't take anything you read as gospel. Some folks reckon that if happiness dips in a settlement, simply hanging around personally for a day or two will bring it back up. Some say that removing some of the happiness-generating things like radios, gym equipment and soda fountains for a while will at first cause an even greater decline, but putting them back after a few days will make settlers happier than ever. Some say the presence of synths impacts happiness and weeding them out will restore lost happiness.

But for everything someone claims, someone else disputes it, so you don't know who's right or who's wrong. All you can do is try stuff for yourself.

Weird glitch mandru, but maybe Art is right about the "always-walk" toggle. I too have that still mapped to the Caps-Lock key, which is the default, so that activating Caps-Lock enables always-walk. But I've also done Art's inadvertent trick of alt-tabbing to the desktop and using Caps-Lock for something outside the game, so that when I go back, the toggle is now back-to-front - i.e., turning Caps-Lock OFF will enable the always-walk. It depends on the status of the key when you fire up, or re-enter, the game. For example, if you were NOT in always-walk (Caps-Lock OFF) and you alt-tab out to do something on the desktop, then re-enter the game with Caps-Lock ON, the game will still be in normal movement mode even if Caps-Lock is now on - in which case, you will have to alt-tab out again and turn Caps-Lock OFF to put it back to normal, or just put up with its reversed functionality. In fact, I think it's even possible that if you inadvertently hit Caps-Lock while you're looking at your Pip boy it will reverse the toggle. So even if Caps-Lock is off (or whatever key you may have mapped it to), the always-walk function may actually be enabled.

Art Blade

just the first line of your post, have to comment while you're still online.

Answer: no. I said I had to go back (which I did) to old savegames from before the end game.

Now reading the rest of your post.. ;)

Art Blade

Quote from: mandru on December 19, 2017, 10:34:09 AM
Interesting settlement build there Art.  :thumbsup:
Quote from: fragger on December 19, 2017, 02:36:28 PMI like the tower you built at the drive-in, cool :thumbsup: Improbable maybe from a structural engineering viewpoint, but cool nonetheless :bigsmile:

Thanks, guys. But it is not new, I thought you knew it already from when I started building my arena (the arena is also still there) :) Just a little polishing and mainly putting settlers in and just like that, 100%, that's the news. :anigrin:

Quote from: Art Blade on September 30, 2017, 07:31:33 AM
Hehe, the arena project, also known as the Marcy project :gnehe: I'll send all those pesky people to Starlight Drive-In :evil2:

This is the observatory for the arena -- I decided to use at least some Vault-Tec, the overseer's office. It's a rather nice view at the arena from that balcony :)

The ufo is still there, behind the "office."
Oops, that column sticking out of it was just a temp storage for it  :D
I forgot that I'd put it up there :bigsmile:
However, the strange tall column to the left is used for lights,
to illuminate the "Starlight" letters
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Dogmeat still sitting there with Nick :anigrin:
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Art Blade

I realised I came off a little harsh because the last two replies were so short, regarding "no" and regarding "I already posted".. it's just that I'm currently a little sensitive for other reasons and I tend to react in a way that doesn't seem right in hindsight.

I hope you guys can cut me some slack  ;)

🡱 🡳

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