Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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I've done some of the main quests and I take on a new one from time to time, but I've been doing lots of Preston's settlement jobs to get my Perks up. I'm not in a hurry, I'm having fun playing around with all the other stuff and exploring. I too have several cat projects going on around the Commonwealth, so I have also been getting around a fair bit :anigrin:

That's what I love about this game - no time pressure. You can do what you want when you want, and it doesn't lock you into missions. Only time you need to go somewhere is when a settlement needs defending, but so far I've only had to do that three times (including the time when I was asleep).

My new 'do. I went for the Harley Quinn look :gnehe:

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Art Blade

a new hairdo once in a while is fun :anigrin: male characters also have got beards to play with, apart from hair cuts :)

Yes, the freedom is great. No time pressure. Oh, apart from when Preston gives you a job, do them in a timely fashion. I failed to do so once, that's how I know that they're timed, but generously. Only I put it on hold for days and eventually I got that mission failed message. That nonsense will stop after a while, at least once you're through with the main missions :D

The new location, Spectacle Island, is ONE big settlement, a whole island ??? I had heard of it, I know mandru has got it, but I never really needed to find it quickly and I just allowed it to happen when it happened  :anigrin:

So I managed to add yet another settlement to my collection.


fragger I actually thought about mentioning that a couple days ago but got caught up in my other game details and forgot.  :-[

The Settlement Teleport To mat can also be rotated and placed so that when you arrive at your destination you will be facing in a specific desired direction.  That detail is pretty handy if some of your settlements have a specific direction or location that raiders or other enemies favor for making their attacks.

I have an arrival mat set near the bus at the entrance of the Starlight Drive-In that allows me to keep an eye on the underpass of the rail crossing South East of that settlement.  That location is just one of several of the key spot for random events and other encounters.  Buy a dog, a chance to kill either super mutants, Yao Guais, feral ghouls or one of the various vicious wild hounds to save a random non-settlement settler or farmer to get a reward in caps.  You never know what will pop up.

If you want you can even have your arrival mat placed so that it will deliver you into your private living quarters even if that's a behind locked doors location.  ;)

Something else to consider about settlement happiness.  It's generally a good idea to not Fast Travel out of a settlement.  Move to a distance well out of the settlement boundaries and then make your jump.  The reason for avoiding that is it can cause a glitch where all of your settlers forget the assignments you have given them both jobs and beds.  It can create a situation so that to keep the settlement running they have to sort things out on their own creating their own assignments and they don't always do a very good job of it.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I don't know if it's related but once I received my first 100% happiness from the settlers on Spectacle Island I focused my attention on establishing living quarters and resources for the four settlements from the Far Harbor DLC.  Almost as soon as I opened each of those settlements up they all pegged 100%.  The largest population I allowed in any of those settlements hit 8 before I shut off the recruitment beacons.

It's almost as if the few that became settlers were simply happy to have a quasi-safe place to get in out of the fog.  :anigrin:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thanks for the fast-travel tip, mandru :thumbsup: I'll make sure I don't wink out of the settlements themselves in future.

I'm actually keeping the Starlight Drive-in free of settlers so that it can be my manufacturing centre and experimental building site 8) For a while, anyway. There's plenty of room to play in there, and I don't want settlers getting in the way.

I know what you mean about that default entrance area though. Once, I arrived there with Hancock in tow. As soon as we spawned, he picked that very moment to start on one of his "milestone" dialogues. So while he was blathering on, a Radscorpian popped up out of the ground right next to us and had a good claw of me before the game shut Hancock up and allowed me to react :banghead: Then, because he'd been interrupted, we had to go through the same shtick from the beginning all over again once we got inside the drive-in. Turned out he'd been almost at the end of his delivery when pincer-boy so rudely butted in.

So I spawn well inside the drive-in now, right outside the entrance to my factory so that I can put whoever I'm with straight into guard mode.


I decided to hunt down the rogue robots that the Mechanist had let loose. Anticipating a heavy fight, I clamped my best suit of power armour over the top of my Polymer Heavy Combat Armour and took a dose of Mysterious Serum with me to hit up right before the battle, along with a few good damage-resisting, Perk-boosting cooked goodies.

Upon arriving, I saw the robots in the distance already in a dust-up with someone. I shot up my Serum, munched my meats and went clanking in like a human tank on 'roid rage. By the time I got there, all the robots had been wiped out by Raiders, of all people, except for one heavily-damaged Scrapbot who bit the dust with a single Assault Rifle round to the bonce. Mission complete.

Talk about an anti-climax. I loaded up on all those performance-enhancing goodies for nothing, and wasted some perfectly good Fusion Core energy in the power suit. I could have gone in stone-cold straight with a Pipe Pistol and long-johns :gnehe:

Mind you, I've got almost a hundred fully-charged Fusion Cores stockpiled now, so Power Armour energy won't be an issue for a while...

Art Blade

mandru, those FH settlements popping to 100, that sounds like yet another bug, like the 2x X6. I got those settlements too and boy were they struggling. I decided to move the settlers to Sanctuary. Even Old Fellow helps farming my mutfruit there. :anigrin:

I heard about teleporting causing issues, but never had any. I wink in and out of any settlement as I see fit.

fragger, hehe, that was a tad disappointing indeed what you described, having geared up and loaded to the eyeballs only to see the end of it. But yes, that's possible, I too arrived at the scene a tad late and all that was left to do was mopping up harmless stuff like one eyebot or some such :anigrin:

Art Blade

I just noticed that my hand-placed junk (pre-war money, a red plate, a bottle of wine and a glass as well as a telephone) has disappeared from my desk in Sanctuary. Only a cup is still sitting there.


You don't say... I had a typewriter on my desk in my Sanctuary house that sat there for ages, and now it's gone :huh-new: Spooky...

I just took the trip through Kellogg's brain and life memories. That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a video game :thumbsup: And whoever voiced Kellogg did a fantastic job 8) Some of the voice-acting performances in the game are of a very professional quality.

I think FO4 must be one of the most innovative and immersive games ever - I'm losing count of the novel ideas and concepts the devs have come up with. It's brilliant. Good to see there are still some original, out-of-the-box thinkers in the gaming industry.

That cryo episode in the Vault early in the game actually seems like quite a long time ago now...


If you place things and they go missing, look around the area, things tend to fall through furniture especially, and land on the ground below. If you can pick up the thing you placed it on, then pick it up and see if the things you placed are laying around. I had something fall off a dresser and the only way I could get it unstuck from where it landed was to toss a grenade at it. Of course, that messed up everything else in the room, so after that I placed stuff sparingly.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Kellog was voiced by Keythe Farley (born Keith Farley in 1963).

I genuinely wonder how I ever survived before search engines and instant information.  If memory serves from what I can remember of those days life was like a long dim cave of outdated encyclopedias and frustration of trying to remember things I'd read when passing info onto others.  Also there were long frustrating spells of wondering about the details surrounding what would now be fairly insignificant stuff.  :anigrin:

I know I drove the public librarians at several of the Seattle libraries locations to near distraction by going in and asking for any information regarding The Pythagorean Theorem on The Relationship of Color and Sound Through Frequency.  Invariably each of them would say "I'm sure I've heard of that..." and then spending twenty to thirty minutes shining a flashlight down a huge bottomless hole with no results.  :evil2:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


"Of course you've heard of that. Let me help you refresh your memory a bit: To Pythagoras music was one of the dependencies of the divine science of mathematics, and its harmonies were inflexibly controlled by mathematical proportions. The Pythagoreans averred that mathematics demonstrated the exact method by which the good established and maintained its universe. Number therefore preceded harmony, since it was the immutable law that governs all harmonic proportions. After discovering these harmonic ratios, Pythagoras gradually initiated his disciples into this, the supreme arcanum of his Mysteries. He divided the multitudinous parts of creation into a vast number of planes or spheres, to each of which he assigned a tone, a harmonic interval, a number, a name, a color, and a form. He then proceeded to prove the accuracy of his deductions by demonstrating them upon the different planes of intelligence and substance ranging from the most abstract logical premise to the most concrete geometrical solid. From the common agreement of these diversified methods of proof he established the indisputable existence of certain natural laws."

And regarding stuff gone missing, my Sanctuary room is clean as a whistle, nothing dropped down on the ground, it's just gone.


Sounds like one of you settlers is a Kleptomaniac.

Time for a surprise inventory inspection and put the miscreant on lavatory duty.  :ranting:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Art Blade

Covenant 100% only with "smileys"
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Here we go! O0

So, no carpets, no paintings, no extra lights, actually nothing but cats, beds, mutfruit trees, water pumps and the vault88 stuff plus the gym stuff. Took perhaps two real time gaming days, started at 61%, to get it up and running and to hit 100% :) see quote from Thursday evening, today Saturday evening

Quote from: Art Blade on December 21, 2017, 08:29:02 AM
oh D_B, today I got rid of that Deezer. One last lemonade, please, and be gone. I want that little location for a happiness-test and that robot cannot be relocated.

There were chairs and I replaced the turrets with heavy lasers. All I added for my personal sake was one DC radio but at the time I did that Covenant was already at 99%, and I wanted some music while waiting for the 100 to pop up. :bigsmile:

🡱 🡳

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