Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

just out of curiosity, anyone of you who's got unlocked Nick as a companion

does he count towards the number of settlers inhabiting a settlement in your game? Mine doesn't. I have 35 settlers in Sanctuary and 35 beds. I only found out when I decided to relocate him to Starlight to the other synths, for some reason THEY all count (4) but when I sent Nick over, neither did the count for Sanctuary drop to 34 nor did the count for Starlight rise to 5. Nick doesn't need a bed and he doesn't show in the count. Yet he knows he's at home in Starlight now. :huh-new: He's always been the one I couldn't keep assigned to any job. He takes on an assignment but the next time I check, he's unassigned.


Quote from: Art Blade on December 23, 2017, 08:00:54 AM
So, no carpets, no paintings, no extra lights, actually nothing but cats... Took perhaps two real time gaming days...

How did you get enough cats in two days? It usually takes me two or three days just to trap one :huh-new: Or did you make multiple cat cages?

I just finished Nick's story, plus his cold cases (I didn't see the Kasumi one, probably because I'd already come across that one off my own bat, before I met Nick). He's still travelling with me and he isn't residing within a settlement as such, so I haven't observed what you were talking about. Makes sense, though - since he isn't human, he doesn't need a bed, food or water.

It seems that an important factor in setting up a settlement is making sure that the settlers can get to their beds easily. I try to get the beds as close to where they're all working as possible, with the easiest access I can give them. At Zimonja Outpost, I built a small two-story structure to house the extra beds, with external stairs leading up to the second floor. I placed the stairs in what I thought was a fairly easily accessible location, but when I waited till bedtime to make sure the settlers were all bedding down, it was apparent that some of them wanted to go upstairs but couldn't seem to get on the stairs right in front of them - they'd just stop and look at them. The stairs reached the ground right behind a pre-existing, slightly raised concrete slab, and that teensy little obstacle was enough to prevent them from going up. I relocated the stairs and up they went, no problem. So did happiness, went from 74% to 95%, just by moving the stairs so that the settlers could all sleep.


They need everything served on a silver plate?  ::)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yep :anigrin: They need a hand up the stairs too, it seems. God knows how they ever survived in the wastelands...


 :laughsm: :anigrin:

Not sure if we want to know that :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I always use multiple cages, like 5 or more at once  :)

Kasumi is at Far Harbor. If you were there already..

Dogmeat can be relocated, too, but doesn't count, like Nick, but I think that all the others count, even Strong the Super Mutant.

And yes, stairs can be a nightmare for the settlers. Good you checked them, and see, "accessible beds" is important. I found out myself sometime.

Art Blade

But hey, I proved that it works, only smileys, no other nonsense. I edited the original post regarding happiness already.



I went to the Crater of Atom yesterday, then on to see Virgil in his cave. Boy, that bit of the map sure is desolate and hostile ??? I'm glad I leaded up my power armour before I ventured into that radioactive inferno.

And I'm glad I had my Exterminator's Gauss Rifle with me, A fully-charged bolt from that can take down a Death Claw with a single shot 8)

Art Blade

my fave weapon, too :) I hope that you find some more legendary ones. I got two doing 50% extra damage, one against human(oid)s, the other against super mutants.  :)


I just discovered that I can wear a Hazmat Suit inside power armour. I wish I'd know that yesterday... Still, the leaded power suit did a great job by itself, I barely took any rads.

Art Blade

anything inside doesn't w0#k. Only when you get out.

Art Blade

check your stats while wearing PA and then again when you get out of it, you should see the difference


Ah, okay.

The "Exterminator's Gauss Rifle" is a Legendary variant (50% extra damage against Mirelurks and bugs). Doesn't do extra damage to other creatures, but still packs a punch :)

Art Blade

yeah, I noticed and edited that post and added "more" so it reads "find some more" but you were quicker than me :bigsmile:

It still does the normal Gauss damage against any other enemy, so it's great O0

Here for you, I made a comparing screenshot between my current outfit and a PA frame just to show what it does to the stats of my apparel.

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Art Blade

Come to think of it, it is way better to have a lot of good gear combined to one loadout (I use a mannequin with a certain set of gear to have a certain sum of bonuses already set and ready for the taking) because no PA can accumulate all those nice boosts. It does have its advantages, sure, but I'd rather use regular gear with good stats than a PA that deprives me of all that. Plus it's noisy and clunky compared to a light stealthy armour set. I think chems are the only way to deal with lots of rads, then, however :)

🡱 🡳

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