Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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EDIT: (I added this after what follows, but I think I should move it to the top of the post).

mandru, it just occurred to me that you may be misinterpreting something Art wrote. He said that you should save your batch text file as "<filename>.txt" (in Art's case, it's "junk.txt"). In your query, you mentioned calling your file "text.bat". The file should end in ".txt", not ".bat". So let's say you saved your text file in the FO4 folder as "items.txt". To use it for a batch run, in FO4's console you would type:

bat items

(i.e. the command is "bat" followed by your text file name without the .txt suffix).

If you give your text file a ".bat" suffix instead of a ".txt" suffix, the program will not recognize it.

(Okay, back to the original post. There's more on text file formats below) :)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

mandru, if you right-clicked on your desktop to create the text file, unless you saved it somewhere else it might still be stored on your Desktop, which it will do by default. In Explorer, you'll find it in your <username [or] This PC>/Desktop folder. You'll see it there among the other desktop shortcuts and whatever else you may have on your desktop.

Here's mine, I called my text file "FO4 Items":

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I don't plan to run it as a batch file, so I'm leaving it on my desktop purely as a handy reference.

But if you want to run it as a batch file via FO4's console, as Art said it has to live in the main FO4 folder, which I believe is this one:

<drive>:Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout 4/

I'm not sure about this next bit, but it may be that in order for the text file to w0#k properly as a batch process, it may have to be saved in ".txt" format. Operations like batch file processing often won't recognize text files in other formats, such as ".doc" or ".rtf". FO4 might be okay with other formats, but if it was me I'd make two copies - one for casual reference, in a format like .doc or .rtf so that I could use a font and style I could read easily (this file can live on your desktop or wherever else you want to save it), and the file for the batch run I would save as a .txt file in the FO4 folder (in the location path shown above). You won't have to bother creating a desktop shortcut for the batch file version - just save it in the FO4 folder, but make sure it's a .txt file.

FO4 may well be okay with .doc or .rtf files for a batch run, I haven't tried so I don't know, but it's been my experience that any kind of text file for processing as a batch or initialization purpose is usually in .txt format (and sometimes .ini, but stick with .txt). You can't really go wrong if you use that format - well, theoretically you shouldn't go wrong :gnehe:

* * * * *

If you felt like doing a little more text editing, you could also trim the batch file down by removing the descriptions (including the semicolons) from each line, like this:

player.additem 001BF72D 5000; Acid (remove this bit)

so that each line is like:

player.additem 001BF72D 5000

Doesn't really matter, as the program should ignore everything after a semicolon for each line (a semicolon is s standard programming convention, indicating that everything after the semicolon on the same line is to be considered a comment and thus not processed). Just keep the descriptions in your formatted reference version, so you know which code is for what :)

ANOTHER FLIPPING EDIT: I just realized that Art already covered my last point. Oh well, it's just been gone over again :gnehe:

Art Blade

Before I pick up on the batch stuff:
fragger. Thank you for mentioning that church and the priest. I had the exact same situation, very early in the game, and ended up killing him with the question on my mind, "could I have avoided that, would he have been a quest-related 'person?'" :D
Now to the batch stuff.

Spot on, fragger. Absolutely correct, in every aspect. :thumbsup:

Just to clarify and not to cause weird problems, let's put it this way:

A file used for a batch process MUST be a simple text document ending in ".txt" which FO4 will recognise. The suggestion with rich text or perhaps word document and the likes will not w0#k for batch processing but, which is why I mentioned it, obviously those types offer more comfort for humans who don't wear their glasses :anigrin:

Reading your post, fragger, I realised that I wrote "colon" rather than "semicolon" but man, I was a tad tired. I've just edited it. :bigsmile:

I also realised that in an earlier post I said, "create a batch file and run it from the console." That was meant for someone who would understand it like this: "create a simple .txt file so it can be used for a batch process using FO4's console command bat." I never said create a file with the file extension .bat ;)

mandru, can we still help you with this stuff?


Just use Notepad++ to write stuff like that
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

not a standard windows program so I didn't mention it.


Ah. It's a nice program to write stuff like this
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah, I like the editing features in Notepad++ O0

Art Blade

I got it, too, but rarely need it


Back to the game discussion :anigrin: Just some more observations and such.

Cheers Art, I'm glad it wasn't just me who had strife with that priest (or reverend or vicar or whatever you call them in other countries). I guess he's just a hothead :gnehe: Hate to think what his sermons must be like...

I've come to enjoy the crafting aspects of the game a lot more. I took an earlier suggestion of Art's and cooked up a storm yesterday :thumbsup: I did enough to actually gain a new perk level (I'm up to level 32, or maybe 33, now). So I now have a good store of foodstuffs on board which come in handy for bartering as well as for health regeneration, in addition to things like Purified Water and Stimpaks. There's one food, can't remember which one without having my Pip Boy handy, which gives you extra carrying capacity for an hour or two. I found that quite useful for going on scavenging hunts and picking up a shipload of junk to take back to settlements.

I'm getting a good arsenal of weapons together, including some wacky ones. When I finished the USS Constitution missions, Captain Ironsides gave me a cannon to lug around (the "Broadsider") which is a hoot, me hearties. Doesn't seem to have much of a firing distance and it weighs a ton, but it's kind of fun to send a good old-fashioned cannonball downrange :evil2: 'Ave a taste o' me lead apple, ye scurvy dogs, aaarrr!

Do any of you guys do drugs (in the game, I mean  :-X )? I've used a couple for their extra benefits from time to time, like Jet and Psycho, but I don't want to get addicted. Being sparing with them I guess is the key, if you're going to use them at all. I sell most of mine and keep a few for old Ma Kettle or Ma Barker or whatever her name is back at Sanctuary.

I had my first encounter with a few Child Of Atom people, I wondered what the heck they were firing at first - looked like big green soap bubbles :huh-new: Until I felled them and got a Gamma Gun off one of them. Now I know what the Gamma ammo is for. Doesn't strike me as a terribly effective weapon... A well-placed .50 round or plasma zap to the head curbs a bad guy's attitude faster than trying to irradiate them to death. But it's another weapon in the wacky arsenal. I picked up a Tesla Rifle the other day too, have yet to try that out. I don't think I'd want to use it when friendlies are too close to the fray.

Anyway, I don't have anything much to do today and it's rainy and miserable outside. Perfect gaming day, in other words O0

Art Blade

there's a perk with two tiers only which will make you immune to drug addiction. Else, the "counter-drugs" for curing addictions are both hard to come by and expensive, the alternative is seeing a doctor. Get the perk if you like doing drugs :anigrin: Even with cheats and god mode I can get addicted so I use the perk but most drugs are useless when cheating. However, there's one more perk that works in combination: the chemist perk prolongs the drug effects significantly (24 instead of 8 minutes does make a difference..)

I prefer orange mentats, grape mentats and berry mentats. Highly addictive stuff. Orange is for combat supremacy (perception and vats boost), grape (+5 charisma) when expanding settlements beyond your SPECIAL charisma base value and any additional armour boosts like hats, glasses and so on -- useful if you want to move a settler and the location is greyed-out, pop grape mentats, and it should be available again and it also helps, if needed, for bartering and speech checks. Berry mentats highlight living targets. Mostly useless in plain daylight but excellent inside dark buildings or rocky mazes as you can see the pink shapes through walls. :)

Looking for a good gun? With all my perks (level what, 128?) I prefer the Gauss rifle over any other gun, for a long time now and starting at a much lower level. Especially with a legendary effect such as 50% more damage (read 150% damage) against humans and another one against Super Mutants. I get over 600 damage as 100% per shot when I look at the weapon stats and that does not factor in most of the perks that may apply to the weapon when used under optimal conditions. No weapon is nearly as powerful. The next closest thing I got is below 400. Except nukes, of course.

D_B pointed out earlier how perks affects weapons and perks stack up. If you find comics and other collectibles, they also give permanent boosts, some are weapon-related. I think when I fire the silenced Gauss at night from a crouched stance (ALWAYS CROUCH when shooting! aim boost plus stealth boost) using one of my +50% damage Gauss rifles, I think one hit can be worth well over 5,000 damage :bigsmile: Most enemies, including deathclaws, just die when I hit them just once with a Gauss rifle. :anigrin:


Cool!  Thanks guys.  I've got "bat junk" plugged in and functional!  :thumbsup:

fragger, the click path to locate the proper folder to add that text file really helped.  I was completely stymied.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


OWGKID, long ago I had Notepad++ to edit cheats into Farcry4 but then UBI*bleep* blocked that practice.  So I quit UBI*bleep* and the FC series and moved onto the Fallout series.  Since I had no real personal use for Notepad++ I didn't add it back to my system after my last upgrade.

I viewed a video that showed how to push the population of your settlements far beyond the limits of your Charisma Level + 10 even with the help of the 8 minute +5 Chr boost from grape mentats.  It was dependent on having successfully completed the Automatron mission Restoring Order.

Either through Ada or the Mechanist there are a series of Radiant Quest assignments called Rogue Robots in which you save settlers from attacking robots.  The guy in the video said in his experience with these missions about 50% of the time you will save a settler who can be invited to join a settlement of your choice.

The bonus to these missions is if you are trying to add settlers but you are capped on your population limits the settlers from Rogue Robots do not require a Charisma Level check so they can be sent to any settlement where you want them to be assigned.

The video showed he had a number of settlements that had populations over 75 and appropriate accommodations for them because he was building like crazy as well as pounding the Rogue robot missions.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

that's a big success, mandru :) Enjoy O0

Regarding settlers, I almost never had any of those radiant quests. However, sometimes I just shift settlers around to minimise the amount of populated settlements and Sanctuary now has got 30, with the help of grape mentats and charisma-adding apparel.


I'm glad I could help, mandru :) I'm also glad you got it sorted.

Heh, I still only have seven people in Sanctuary, and that's my largest settlement :gnehe: I don't know if I want to have big settlements all over, that seems like it could get tedious.

The one thing I have trouble with is getting food for the people - not acquiring the food itself, but getting settlers assigned to it. Is there some way you can assign a settler to harvest food when the food is on one side of a settlement and the settler is way over on the other side? I seem to just have to wait until they wander close enough to the food so that I can click on them to Command, then turn on the spot and select the food I want to assign them to - because if they're too far away from the food, I lose command of them as soon as I exit Workshop mode (in order to be able to move to the where the food is) and I can't find a way to get them to follow me. Interacting with them only ever seems to bring up a trade interface.

The only other option is to plant food near where they happen to be hanging around and hope to be able to grab them and assign them to the food before they wander too far away from it. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if I'm missing something.

I've been toying with the idea of moving as many of the settlers dotted around the map as I can to Sanctuary so that I can have as many as possible in one place. As I understand it, a settlement can have a max population of <current Charsima Level> + 10, but I know that can be boosted via certain drugs, equipment and getting the Local Leader perk (and by what you guys have just reported). But I don't know if it would be advisable when I don't know what other game mechanics may be involved, i.e. whether that would have some kind of detrimental effect on how things develop later.

I've also read that the only settlers that can be transferred from one Settlement to another are those that have been attracted by recruitment beacons. Settlers who come with a pre-existing location such as the Abernathy Farm family can't be relocated, apparently.

It would be nice to be able to limit the number of places I get called upon to help defend.


Quote from: mandru on December 03, 2017, 07:33:31 PM
OWGKID, long ago I had Notepad++ to edit cheats into Farcry4 but then UBI*bleep**bleep**bleep* blocked that practice.  So I quit UBI*bleep**bleep**bleep* and the FC series and moved onto the Fallout series.  Since I had no real personal use for Notepad++ I didn't add it back to my system after my last upgrade.

I see. Alternatively, Cheat Engine might be an option, but it's risky. Especially if you forget to turn it off if you are going to run a multiplayer game. I think you're better off with the tips AB and fragger posted and use the commands in FO4.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

fragger, I think that indeed you've got something wrong there :anigrin:

small tutorial, assign settlers (to do whatever)
- open the workshop
- walk around until you see a settler with a red ("unemployed") symbol
(or, much easier, wait for the night, and look up the sleeping buggers as they don't run around)
- choose "command" from the option (probably the enter key) while looking at the settler

and here's where you were wrong, you don't close the menu and no, you can't run, and yes, you will have to walk all the bloody way to the resource or whatever it is that needs assigning, and then you hit enter again. You should now see after half a second or so, "this resource has been assigned" or something to that effect. Done. :anigrin:

And something else you may or may not have been aware of, regarding food. Usually a few settlers assign themselves to plants but you can and should make sure it works as intended, like leave no plants unattended because, typically tatoes, they can die off and bug out (can't repair them, can't harvest them) so it's better to scrap them or whatever you can do with them instead of leaving them unattended.
Speaking of which, most plants produce 0.5 food so one "farmer" can take care of up to 12 of those plants and will produce food for 6 people. Takes up a lot of space, too. So.. rip out that cheap weed and plant mutfruit trees instead. One farmer can only attend six trees but still produces food for six settlers. Much easier to control, takes up less space, and you can see those trees quite well (they're not even ugly) ;)

There is, however, another method. At some stage you'll get a settlement management terminal (I think it's part of the vault 88 dlc) which you can install anywhere in any settlement, there you can assign jobs and find unemployed settlers so you can manage them very quickly but you don't know who's who, which is why I prefer the other method.

Regarding moving settlers around, I do the same, send them to Sanctuary. I sometimes kill whole populations by sending them to Covenant (my personal choice, and not to affect other settlements) and there I assign them to arena platforms so they can be killed. If I can't send them away, I slap an arena down right in front of them and kill them there and then. :evil2:

🡱 🡳

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