Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

yes, VATS is essential to my gameplay. :)


Hehe, good pictures O0 I like it when the "camera" occasionally follows the bullet or projectile in flight.

I use V.A.T.S. sometimes, mainly for scanning ahead, but not often in combat. I guess I'm old-school in that I like to rely on my own targeting abilities. A lot of times I find that I'll miss a target while using V.A.T.S., but then I'll nail them with my own aimed shot. I have reflex sights on all my weapons that accept them, except for my .50 cal sniper rifle, which has a long scope. I don't generally like scopes on weapons in this game. They may improve accuracy and range, but that delay in getting a scoped weapon up to my eyeball puts me off, especially in a hot battle with nearby enemies.

To each their own, that's what it's all about :anigrin:

Thanks for the screenshot info, Art :) About that wire glitch - I assume the wire you intend to perform that trick on must already be attached, like between a generator and a connector or something?

I'll have to turn my crosshair back on if I want to use that trick. I turned it off, which I always do in a game which has shooting in it. As with V.A.T.S., I like to go for realism in shooters, and you don't generally go through life with a little glowing crosshair in the centre of your view all the time :gnehe:

Art Blade

welcome :)

And no, you create a new invisible wire. It materialises the moment you finish it. If you click on my quote, it will take you to the original post and around there is a YT vid demonstrating it. Only it dosn't make it all too clear how it works. Now that you know, it will be easy to understand.

The whole lot of scopes are meant for VATS, there the accuracy increases. But indeed, sometime VATS doesn't get it right, like shooting through narrow gaps, then manual aim is better.


Okay, cheers mate :) I shall indeed watch the video.

Art Blade

bloody hell

I was looking for the vid but actually I never posted it. :D just checking yt and going to post it here in a sec  :gnehe:

Art Blade

Art Blade

there's tons of vids but the one above is just pretty quick if you start at 3:00 -- I'm sure you'll get it to w0#k. Ever since KingRat pointed it out, I was intrigued and quickly learned it, I can't do without anymore.  ;)


Excellent, got it! That's going to make a world of difference O0

Art Blade

Art Blade

Quote from: fragger on December 09, 2017, 04:37:31 PMI like to go for realism in shooters, and you don't generally go through life with a little glowing crosshair in the centre of your view all the time :gnehe:

I suppose you don't generally go through life with Mirelurk Queens and Super Mutants, either.. so nothing wrong with a little glowing crosshair in my book :gnehe:



Well, taking advantage of that wire glitch allowed me to do something I've been wanting to do, but wasn't able to using conduits.

I really wanted to put my Population Management terminal here (I have now, thanks to that wire trick), where I could monitor my settlers from a lofty perch.

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This was the problem: Where the terminal is located is in the protruding section of this building's top floor (you can see the terminal up there between the front windows, plus a connector hanging down from under the overhang below it).

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The generator is on the floor below, inside the building. I really wanted to keep the generator inside, and there was no way I could get power from the generator to the terminal without having wires snaking in and out of the building, which would also necessitate a lot of connectors. I also didn't want that chugging, smoke-belching generator right next to my terminal.

Thanks to that wire glitch, I now I have the terminal where I want it, with a minimum of cabling, which is nicely out sight.

Me and my neatness fetish ::)

No doubt I'm talking to those already in the know with my next point, but please humour this rambling old sod - I can't help but crow when I discover something for myself. Up until now I've just been transferring all my scavenged junk straight to the Workbench, but I've only just realised that it makes for a far more easily readable (and very much shorter) materials list if I first drop the junk on the floor in front of the Workbench, then engage the WB and scrap the items. I then end up with a far more easily read list of materials. A typewriter for instance, which contains 3 gears, 2 screws and 3 springs, when transferred straight into the Workbench without scrapping, simply shows up in the WB list as a typewriter, whereas scrapping it first reduces it to its component parts which are then added to the various materials totals. So if I want to know how many screws in total I have in the WB, I no longer have to go through all the items one by one to see which junk items have screws in them and add them up in my head. All screws will be shown in total.

It's a more laborious process, but worth it in terms of future convenience. I end up with a WB list of strictly materials, no multi-component items that have to be scrutinized to see what they contain. It cut the WB list of contents down by about three-quarters. I'll be doing this in all my settlements in future.

After discovering this , I pulled all scavenged items out of the WB which weren't already simply materials, then dropped and scrapped them to reduce them to their inherent materials or component parts. This also brought down the build limit. The default object draw limit in Sanctuary as set by the devs is 2,222. After earlier negating that limit via the console, I eventually ended up with about 3,300 draws. Doing the above scrapping thing for items already in the WB brought that figure back down to about 2,400, which makes me feel more comfortable.

I also discovered how to precisely place scavenged items like bottles, glasses, fans, clocks, and anything that isn't in the list of available decorations. Drop the item on the floor, enter Workbench mode, then select the item as opposed to scrapping it. When selecting something like a bottle this way, it will automatically right itself in my invisible hands and allow me to put it exactly where I want. The bar looks a lot better now with bottles and glasses on it:

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I was trying to simply drop the bottles there before, and they'd just bounce all over the place. Now I can tart up the place a bit more with little knick-knacks, with minimal strain on the build limit.

Art Blade

well done, fragger. :)

Nothing wrong with your neatness fetish, I reckon. I'm pretty much the same. :bigsmile: I believe it's a question of how much you like to look at aesthetically pleasing arrangements (and having fun creating them) as opposed to looking at something that looks as if a lorry had lost its load in a violent accident. :anigrin:

The only problem lies within the game mechanics. If you pick up and place junk in "free hand mode" (other than selecting items from a menu and plop them down) they are like leaves in the wind. Anything or anyone knocks them over and they stay were they fell, meaning you need to be extra careful not to accidentally act like a bull in a china shop. Same goes for startling settlers and companions, particularly Dogmeat is known for his clumsiness and bolting right into stuff like a cannon ball before you're finished opening your mouth in horror :anigrin:

I picked up stuff without using the build mode and indeed, it was random where it was pointed so it took some time to get things right. Try some buttons while holding something, from the top of my head it's the mouse wheel that changes the distance and RMB that spins the item around. Maybe combine it with the build mode if that works, the results might be even better.

This is my only example of "product placement" :anigrin: It was too tedious I thought, and since it's not nailed down.. however, these items are still on that desk the way I left them because usually no settler and no companion walks into that room.

Quote from: Art Blade on October 05, 2017, 09:18:52 AM
my new "office"
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Regarding power lines, I think you should check the conduits again. There is one ugly bastard that looks like a metal pipe in a shower that holds the shower head, it is supposed to pierce through walls and the shower head is a conductor that will stick out on the other side of the wall. So you actually could go through a wall with your wiring if needed but it looks ugly on the side the power comes from. I only used it once to check it actually worked. The wire glitch is much more comfortable and you can do a lot more fancy stuff with it :)


I've been a busy little beaver out at Starlight. I built this large but rather pointless structure out there, for - well, I have my reasons :gnehe:
Pity about that toxic pond right in the middle. What the dickens did they put that there for?
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I started from the projection room building and worked towards the screen, and I got lucky - the blocks fitted almost perfectly
with the screen when I reached it, so I was able to incorporate the openings and doors in the screen into my structure.
The only entrance to the building is through a door near the projection room building, and from there you can go all the way
through to the screen (and then into it) without setting foot outside.
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There is absolutely nothing inside the place (except a bed, so that I could sleep through the night hours and resume w0#k in the daytime).
Maybe I'll put something in there later, like all the power armour skeletons I'm starting to accumulate.
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I didn't build the door in the centre of the picture - that's the one that already existed in the base of the screen.
It was almost a perfect fit.
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Finally, after all that w0#k, I went back for some R&R in Sanctuary. And maybe make a few caps on the side :-X
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Art Blade


if you place it carefully, you can plop a large water purifier in that sinkhole there :) Not the last pic, the first one!

🡱 🡳

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