Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

my Covenant and Red Rocket and Starlight settlements worked like that, a bunch of domestic pets and the soda fountain as well as the other happiness-creating tools for two settlers clearly exceeded the 20% which is why I didn't need shops.

Dog*meat doesn't count as a companion like the rest does, however Codsworth does, like the rest of the companions as they have that affinity thingy going while the dog doesn't.

I disagree with "player presence needed" -- I got two settlements to 100% while most of the time wandering around outside the settlements.

The zero bug is something I only read about, can't say it has happened to me yet.

Your real time setup may make it more difficult but perhaps easier, too, as you can react by building a lot of stuff that increases happiness and take a lot less time. Kind of a blitz response tactic you can apply like that  :anigrin:

Art Blade

In Sunshine Tidings is one house that's perfect as a gathering place. The only place where settlers may sit down, no chairs anywhere else. After w0#k, they all go over there. Then it's so crammed in there that I had difficulty taking pics :anigrin: The weird pink haze is from some chems I took while I was outfitting everyone (24 peeps) with combat armour and stuff, those chems make it easier to see where everyone is.

the gathering place, slot machine on the patio
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View inside. See the wall radios in the back?
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Now there are four wall radios, one in every corner. I added the missing two,
after taking the pic, as well as the bartender's combat armour :gnehe:
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I'm working on Sunshine Tidings now. Is that the house at the top of the slope? I started setting up the barn which has the Workbench in it as the gathering place for the settlers. Cool-looking little pub you have there :anigrin: I plan on using the big shed as a power armour warehouse - I'm starting to run out of room for them all in my old place.

Where did you get wall radios from? Was that from a Picket Fences magazine or something?

Just north of Sunshine I found this weird hatch in the ground. It says to hit "space" to detonate (the space bar being my interact key). So I hit it -
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- and all it did was open a little bit, no detonation. Unless it features in some mission I haven't done yet, I don't know what purpose it serves.
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Actually, I just had a look and saw which house your pub is in.

Art Blade

cheers, and okay :)

The wall radios that we keep seeing everywhere are not part of the default build menu -- a mod unlocked them for me.

That hatch doesn't look familiar, any chance to give a description so I could find it? -- sod it, I'll try South as you said


Oops, sorry, it's west of Sunshine. There are four big grain silos just west of town. Go to them, then look SW from the grain silos and you'll see part of a big pipeline half-buried in the ground. Go to the pipeline, then look due west. You'll see a small knoll with a rocky outcrop a short distance away. Go up onto the knoll and you'll find the hatch.


I just tried blowing up the hatch with a grenade and the hatch just disappeared, nothing but ground under it. It made a mighty bang though, like a mini-nuke, and left a bunch of Rads behind.

Art Blade

thanks for clarifying directions. I was about to go nuts, my trip trying to find that hatch had literally gone South :gnehe:

I'll try again. And weird what happened to your hatch :huh-new: :anigrin:

Art Blade

nope, nothing, can't find it. I ran around in circles after I didn't find anything. I came across a rusted car wreck, more like a van with a tool box in its back, a rotten brahmin, a mattress with suitcase and some bugs attacking, I saw the bottles of Nuka Town Transit, the little raider shack, the Abandoned Chapel.. I should have found it by now.

I'm pretty sure that if it was there, I blew it up a thousand hours ago and don't remember that anymore :anigrin: I might find it with my second character, though.

Here, that guy found "your" hatch (next to that car wreck I described -- only there is now the corpse of a brahmin, one of those corpses you see for "decoration" sometimes like the mongrel one in the road before the bridge to Sanctuary) and I think you were lucky  :)
And please watch to the end so you see why I can't find it anymore :gnehe:


Here's the route to find the hatch: Start at the big grain silos just west of Sunshine Tidings. Stand about where the green circle is:
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Then look SW. You should see that half-buried pipeline.
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Go to the pipeline, then stand about here.
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Look to the west, and you'll see this small rocky knoll.
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The knoll from a slightly different angle. There's a small wrecked bus and another piece of pipeline next to it. Orange arrow shows where the hatch is.
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Looking back towards the silos and Sunshine. Hatch is here.
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If it's not there, then you must have blown it up at some stage. The guy in the video hit it with a bat and it blew up - I was more prudent and lobbed a grenade onto it. It explodes in a big way and leaves radiation behind, but the hatch itself just completely disappears, apparently with nothing but ground under it.

I ran into a Death Claw roughly in the same area, so if you encountered one there and used an explosive weapon to take it out, you may have taken out the hatch too without noticing. It blows up pretty easily apparently, all it takes is a whack with a bat.

I have no idea what that hatch is all about :huh-new:

I also found a sneaky back entrance into the Federal Ration Stockplie in the Lonely Chapel. There's a small hatch in the floor of the chapel that will give you access to the FRS. Wish I'd found that before I went it the hard way...


Question - Is Old Man Stockton supposed to die? I did his Railroad mission already to get the synth safely out of town, but some time well after that, I came across Stockton just laying dead in the street :huh-new: I wasn't trying to locate him or anything, I just found him there purely by chance.

Art Blade

you seem to have totally missed my previous post, right before your series of screenshots :undecided-new: sorry you had to go through the trouble of taking those, however thank you for your efforts :)
And yes, exactly there where your screenies show the location of your hatch is my brahmin and the guy's vid is exactly about the same spot, too.

About the chapel, I think it's locked before the mission.

And about Stockton, in my game he's still alive so I looked up his name in the wiki and there they say:

it's possible for Old Man Stockton to be killed on his way back to Bunker Hill from the Railroad mission Boston After Dark; there have been several reports of him turning up dead in front of the BADTFL regional office.


Ah, okay. Poor old Stockton.

I did read your earlier post Art, but I thought I'd post those pics anyway for anyone else who hasn't found it yet and might want to know where it is :)

Art Blade


fragger, thanks for the clarification on the Southwestern direction for finding that hatch.  I spent twenty minutes or so scouring the hillside working in  grid pattern running down to the shore of that lake on the North side of Sunshine Tidings.  I didn't stop to think that it might have been off in the other North direction.  :banghead:  :D

I've been aware of that pipe running half buried up the hillside for some time now.  It's extensive in length.  At one point I'd used the console command tcl (toggle clipping) to actually get inside the pipe and try to follow it out to see if there was something to it other than just its being a landscape feature but found nothing of interest.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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