Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

Hehe, I spent probably more time finding it and I even ran through the underground mazes without noclip :D

Quote from: Art Blade on December 29, 2017, 08:00:37 AMAnd I just noticed that the dog is now called "Dog" rather than Dogmeat :huh-new: Must be because I'm playing the NW expansion properly this time.

Apparently the player doesn't know the dog's name and learns about it when they first meet Mama Murphy who identifies that dog.

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on January 01, 2018, 10:54:05 PMAbout the chapel, I think it's locked before the mission.

I just went there with my 2nd character, this chapel and the hatch inside are not locked :)

Art Blade

And I checked the nearby hatch location. It's not there. Probably not yet there  :)

hmm no hatch..
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Part of Mama Murphy's trust in and respect for our character (other than the sight) is the fact that Dogmeat has linked up with us.  As she said when she speaks of him "... He's his own Dog."  It almost makes me wonder if Dogmeat is an Institute Synth ("Smarter than the average synth" to paraphrase Yogi the Bear  :gnehe: )  that broke loose and found his own way independent of the Railroad's assistance.

I do hope that I'm not breaking confidential information here but thanks to a very unexpected and generous gift from our friend Art Blade I'm now sporting the full season pass for all of the FO4 additional content beyond the base game and Far Harbor.  So I will be growing into those (for my part) unexplored aspects and sharing my observations of the game.  Thanks again Art.

My levels are still so low that I'm racing to try to get them up to the point that I'm (so to speak) comfortable in my own skin in the FO4 environment before intentionally striking out into new unfamiliar territory.  I'm trying to be careful that I don't trigger missions I'm not ready for yet but even so the game itself is trying to thrust me into things beyond my current depth in the base missions with which I'm familiar.

Up on the hillside above Fort Hagen there are a pair of satellite dishes where I unintentionally ran into my first interaction with the Rust Devils and their robots.  Without knowing anything about them because I've not researched them as I typically have almost every other aspect of the parts of the game I've played so far I'm left with the impression that very possibly the Rust Devils may (in comparison) make Gunner Brigadiers look like raw scrubs.  :undecided-new:

Something I've noticed.  I've become aware that even when using the console commands to access Batch Files (specifically bat junk) to stuff mass amounts of essential elements and materials into a settlement's workshop simply placing materials into the workshop does not expand the Build Limit for a settlement.

I know there are console hacks that remove the settlement build limits but rather than mess with the guts of the game I've elected to use the console player.additem approach to summoning up bulk batches of weapons and physically scrapping them to overcome the build limit ceilings I keep running into.

200 of general Maxim's Final Judgements being scrapped in one go only render out to a pile of plastic and steel (with my current perk settings) but goes a long way to giving me extra headroom to build.

In another issue I was having trouble convincing settlers to sleep in beds that were placed on the upper floors of multi level barracks.  I was somewhat able to overcome that settler resistance by placing the shops where they were most likely to want to hang out after w0#k hours on the top floors of my larger multi-level structures.

I think settlers are prone to be more likely to do something they want to do (like hang out at a bar/cafe) rather than actually make the effort to go to their assigned beds.  We've all seen raiders and enemies gleefully scramble up and down stairs and scaffolding to to attack us.  But then that's what they like to do.  Settlers it would seem would rather walk down a set of stairs to go to bed than up them.

Some settlements are small and the only way to go is up.  I've seen a video of one player's settlement at Graygarden where they actually built several levels of stairways up utilize the two levels of the freeway (within Graygarden's build zone) that over shadow that settlement.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


As far as I know, if you guys are talking about the same thing, the hatch is a random occurrence and can happen anywhere. But there should be a guy there telling you to get away as he found it and the loot inside is his. Once it explodes, you can go inside a bunker to get some minor loot. From what you guys are saying, and that video Art posted, maybe it's a different encounter, or it's bugged now, and the guy doesn't appear and once the hatch explodes, there's no bunker to enter? But I recall getting that same looking hatch not anywhere near Sunshine Tidings, I think it was way over by the coast somewhere.


Scroll down a bit to find the entry.

Also, it's an obvious reference to the TV show "Lost" and the first season mystery of the hatch and what's inside it, and how they use explosives to open it.

I see also you found car henge. Here's my answer to the problem there.


Ehhh, won't embed with the time code, just click it lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


D_B, your approach to Car Henge has amused me.  Without reloading a previous save "What's been bombed can't be unbombed."  +1  O0

"Have you heard about that settlement run by ghouls?..." is a common comment among all of the settlers I've been around.  Maybe there's something to that which I've been overlooking.  :-\

I never had any real luck in my last time through FO4 at raising the happiness levels of The Slog.  I'd set that settlement up so they had every creature comfort I could give them.  They had whisper quiet abundant power, hyper security from enemy harassment, and everything else I could think of to jolly them along.  All to no avail.  Their happiness was constantly bobbing between 60 and 80.  :sad-new:

I've decided this time as I go through the game again I'm going to keep The Slog pure ghoul.  C:-)

I'm not going to place a recruitment beacon in their settlement because that draws in more humans than anyone else. I'll bolster their numbers by allowing ghoul arrivals that come into my other settlements enough time to settle in and feel at home and then move them over to populate The Slog all while any humans that might show up in Downtown Ghoulville will be immediately relocated to the rest of my settlements.

We'll see how that goes.  :lamp:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Quote from: mandru on January 02, 2018, 08:22:34 AMI do hope that I'm not breaking confidential information here but thanks to a very unexpected and generous gift from our friend Art Blade I'm now sporting the full season pass for all of the FO4 additional content beyond the base game and Far Harbor.  So I will be growing into those (for my part) unexplored aspects and sharing my observations of the game.  Thanks again Art.

It's not confidential and you're very welcome :)

I'm looking forward to reading about your (new) experiences now that you had to start a new career and now that you can join us with anything DLC. Which already covers three of the reasons why I wanted you to have the season pass -- enjoy and have fun O0

Quote from: mandru on January 02, 2018, 08:22:34 AMI unintentionally ran into my first interaction with the Rust Devils and their robots. [...] I'm left with the impression that very possibly the Rust Devils may (in comparison) make Gunner Brigadiers look like raw scrubs.

:D That's not the end of it.. they and their robots level up, too :gnehe:

Quote from: mandru on January 02, 2018, 08:22:34 AMSettlers it would seem would rather walk down a set of stairs to go to bed than up them.

I think the same. At least with my first character Sanctuary's shops are upstairs and the beds on the ground floor. Eventually the shops upstairs are manned but hardly any other settler shows up there. All of the shop keepers go to bed along with the rest of the settlement. I think it's a good idea to keep stuff away from settlers by putting it in a room upstairs, where they don't have any business.

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on January 02, 2018, 08:28:45 AMthe hatch is a random occurrence and can happen anywhere

That was my first thought when I couldn't find it where it was supposed to be. Thanks for all the additional info, D_B. :thumbsup:

I remember your channel trailer. By the time I first watched it, I hadn't played FO4. Now it's very funny to recognise Carhenge in it, nicely done: that nuke hit the car and together it deffo was more than enough to wipe out the Behemoth :thumbsup: :D

Quote from: mandru on January 02, 2018, 08:57:58 AM"Have you heard about that settlement run by ghouls?..."

That is obviously referring to The Slog just as the other similar comment about a settlement run by robots refers to Greygarden. I don't think that there's more to it.

However, there is one more special settlement that as far as I can tell is never mentioned by settlers. It shows up as a regular settlement on the map (that farmland icon) but I never managed to claim it -- that belongs to Supermutants. I killed them before I knew I could have talked to them. Must have been in my early exploration phase with my first character. Maybe I manage this time around with my second character :)

Art Blade

I made a funny discovery regarding the pip-boy with my second character (hence I renamed it to pip-girl in the amour w0#k bench) Have you ever seen something like this?

pip-girl movement
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hold your RMB and move your mouse pointer beyond the pip-boy screen

Art Blade

The mission I just finished had an unexpected twist. No worries, no spoilers.

One of the three NW gang bosses had a job for me: he wanted me to go to the Commonwealth and capture a raider for him. Alright. I had to go to Back Street Apparel, in the centre of it all. Not wanting to mess with the vanilla game while playing NW, I tried to stay away from any named location in the Commonwealth not to unlock it accidentally which was the reason why I followed the ponds and rivers to Boston.

I came across wild tarberries (never seen them before) and a deathclaw nest (not the quest-related one, also never seen that before) and a couple of mirelurks which we killed (I have "Travis" and Dog with me) but we avoided some Supermutants who belonged to some named location.

In front of Back Street Apparel we killed a raider and went in. Inside, I overheard a raider telling a story about a kid (young raider recruit) who was afraid of fire and that they put him on a mattress in the centre of a circle of mattresses which they then soaked in fuel and threw the swimming mattress-isle into water, then they lit up the mattresses. She went on that the kid didn't wake up so they threw stones at him and when he woke up, it must have been pure horror for him, and no, he never overcame his fear of fire because it turned out that he couldn't swim. ???

Well.. we didn't get spotted while listening to that story. The target probably moved, it was in a different room but I could see the mission marker on her head through walls. So I stealthily killed a stray raider, a turret, another raider.. sneaked up the stairs to kill any remaining raiders so no one would come to help my target.

Inside the room I saw the target and another raider whom I shot in the back of his head. My target didn't react and I was already thinking, wow, stealth really works well this time. Then I approached her, she didn't mind. Probably because I had to talk to her or some such, so I looted the room first, including cracking a safe. When I was done, I decided it was time to talk to her.

The quest marker above her head turned red and she shouted, "hm? WHO'S THERE?!" -- erm, what ???

Dear mandru.

Thank you so much for your tip with the grenades and tdetect to avoid detection. It dawned on me that I had forgot to enable detection. Indeed, I had forgot it, so I enabled it. The target instantly whipped around towards me and just as instantly I heard Travis's Gauss rifle go off which put her down. :D She was essential for the quest to continue, she actually had to be put down as in that made her cooperative, so Travis did well, and after a quicksave, I shot her in the head. That in turn made her mad again and that, in turn, made Travis use his Gauss rifle again which in turn put her down on the floor again. From then on, it kept repeating itself: get up, get shot down.. :laughsm: :laughsm: :laughsm:


 :anigrin: :thumbsup:

I would think that if you selected a female character it should have displayed the pip-girl in place of all of pip-boy illustrations.  I've seen the statue.  :undecided-new:

You can talk to the super mutants at Breakheart Banks?  Maybe there was a peaceful and mutually beneficial solution?  :o

Both games now I've talked to the settlers about their concerns and directly charged in full of piss and vinegar massacring the lot at Heartbreak.

I mean, uhh...  I'm not a bigot!  One of my best friends in FO4 is a super mut...

That is to say umm... err...  Oh Crud!  ???

:-[  :-[  :-[

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Art Blade

I read up on that settlement now:

Despite having the farm/settlement icon, this location does not have a workshop and therefore cannot become a settlement.


Phew. :) Maybe that's the reason why it's never mentioned by the settlers.

Here are all settlements and a map showing the settlements in Commonwealth

Art Blade

Quote from: fragger on January 01, 2018, 04:00:57 PMThe guy in the video

Geez, I wonder how I could have thought you hadn't read my post. Looks like it was me who didn't read yours  :-[


 :anigrin: All good, mate!

Settlers going upstairs to find beds or whatever can be a hit and miss affair. I think where and how you place steps is a prime factor. At Zimonja Outpost I have an elevated structure which houses the bar, the gym and a slot machine, as well as enough seats for everybody, but at first the settlers wouldn't go up there. This was fixed by the simple expedient of relocating the steps. Now they all congregate up there after w0#k.

The steps need to be easy for them to access, without anything else built too close to them. And just a straight-forward layout with no landings or angles between them, which is what I had originally in the above structure. There is also a three-storey structure in the same settlement with beds on the top floor which are always used.

In Sanctuary, my house is located well away from the areas where the settlers w0#k, relax and sleep, and the bed is upstairs, but on occasion I'll find a settler happily dozing away in my bed despite every other bed in town being closer to where the good citizens hang out, and there are more beds than settlers. It's quirky.

Originally, I had a four-storey building in Sanctuary with an accessible roof, which was essentially a fifth floor, which had railings all the way around it. I put a couple of chairs up there and nothing else - no shops or gym stuff. In fact the only other contents of the entire building were beds on the first two floors, yet sometimes I would find Preston sitting in one of the chairs way up on the roof level (he was the only one I hadn't given a job to at the time) so evidently they will go up numerous floors on occasion. I think it depends on where the steps are placed and how they're arranged. For a multi-level concrete building, you can fit all the stairs you need into a single slab-space using this arrangement:

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This is the layout I had in that five-level building with Preston. You can repeat this layout for floor after floor in the same footprint and settlers seem to have no trouble negotiating it. I've tried having one flight of stairs in one part of a building and the next flight in another, and the settlers would go up the first flight but then had trouble finding the next. If all the steps are in one place, the settlers will just keep going up any number of levels - if they're sufficiently motivated :gnehe: Or not even. In Preston's case, all there were on the roof of that building were chairs, yet despite there being plenty of other seats at ground level, he chose to wander all the way up there to use one.

Art Blade

Nice! And thanks, +1 :thumbsup:

Damn, that is a simple structure, alright, and I'm just slapping my forehead why I created something more difficult. I'll sort out some of my constructions following that example of yours :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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