Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

agree, it's a good weapon like that :thumbsup: :)

that should go perfectly well with the legendary perk which increases the hit damage per consecutive shot. :)


I'm playing as a woman again this time. I've gone male (in my initial aborted game), then female, then male, now female again. When prompted for a character name at the start, I called myself "Sheila" (hey, I'm an Aussie :gnehe:) and I'm impressed that characters in the game will actually speak the name I chose when they talk to me, such as Codsworth, who calls me "Miss Sheila". I think that's pretty cool 8)

Art Blade

there are a ton of names in the code so companions can pronounce them. :)

However, Art and Damascene Blade were not on the list. :gnehe:


Funny how "Art" wasn't in the list when there is a character called Art in the game (actually two Arts if you include the synth).

"Fraggerina" wasn't in the list either :gnehe: Can't imagine why...


Steam Summer Sale made me buy Fallout 4. The GOTY edition. I'm not going to read all the info and adventures you already posted, it's too much and probably is going to take the fun away for me. I will let you know when I start my playthrough, will be not long from now actually. And if I have questions, I'm sure you're willing to help me along the way or point out the right topic to search for answers on said questions ;)
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to an intense single player adventure which I know this can and probably will be. I have to take a little distance from the whole online thing after those thousands and thousands of hours in GTA Online. Do things my way. On my own tempo. And I want to be green on this. No pre-knowledge, no playthroughs, no advice, just me struggling with the menus, the options, the world and everything in it. :)
"No hay luz"


Hope you enjoy it, BinnZ :) I'll let you discover stuff for yourself and won't say anything, other than I remember when I started playing and I actually didn't like it much at first. But I persevered out of respect for Art and before long, once I began to realize the game's potential, I was hooked.

I love this game but I know it's not to everyone's tastes, so if you decide you hate it, don't worry about hurting my feelings by saying so :gnehe: I'll be curious to hear what you think, good or not.

Art Blade

yep, this is a great game and I played the living daylights out of it :anigrin: If you don't like it, then you don't like it. But give it some time if you don't know wether or not you like it, just like fragger, and it might turn into something you do like. :)


That's great, BinnZ!  O0  I am so looking forward to your experiences, especially after reading other member's adventures.

I have come to enjoy the Fallout series (except Vegas), but because I am such a casual gamer (play for a while then leave for extended periods) I have never been able to develop the experience needed to fully embrace all the games have to offer.

While I played FO4 for a while, I spent most of my time in FO3 modding the game, and tailoring it to my preferences, which is essentially my greatest interest in playing the series. However, I seem to be playing less contiguous sessions in the past few years, so games like Origins and FC5 allow me to play without having to remember where I left off.

I do miss modding the games like Fallout and ArmA.


True, PZ, some games you can't walk away from for too long. Some of the strategy games I enjoy are like that, such as Civ and XCOM, since you can't finish them in anything less than a good number of sittings. Particularly the former, because I set all sorts of intermediate goals and get all sorts of little projects going here and there, and if I don't stay on top of it all I'll come back to find that I've forgotten everything I was working towards :banghead:

FO4 can be like that too, especially if you really get into managing your settlements. The nice thing is that you don't really have to get too deeply into that aspect of the game if you don't want to. You do need to get some settlements up and running, but you don't have to go to the extent that I do - such as equipping all your settlers with particular outfits depending on what jobs they have (to make it easier for me to see who does what job outside of w0#k hours), designing structures and planning out where they'll go, nutting out the electricity distribution, etc.

A couple of gameplay observations:

I only recently discovered that I can pick some objects up and move them (including dead bodies). All this time and I only just realized ::) So if there's, say, a tin can in an office wastebin that I can't seem to grab, I can just pick up the wastebin and chuck it around until the can falls out, then I can grab it. At Covenant, I needed some Rubber and there were a couple of tyres laying on the road outside, but they were beyond the build area so I couldn't scrap them for the Rubber. So I picked up each tyre and carried it into the build area, where I could then drop it and scrap it. Doesn't w0#k with everything, e.g. you can't pick up Cinderblocks for some reason. Only certain objects like boxes and other small containers, tyres, supermarket trolleys, and a few other things. The body-moving trick was useful at Croup Manor, where a number of dead ghouls stubbornly remain laying around in the yard and won't go away. I picked them up one by one, hauled them to the cliff at the back of the house and chucked them over, out of sight. I know I could have used the console to do a "disable" and "markfordelete" on them like I've done in the past, but it's kind of fun to "take out the trash" the way I did :gnehe: I don't like to use the "disable" command too much, just in case it screws something up (although it never has).

The other observation is that because I'd already established so many settlements before meeting Preston, when I did finally meet him and get him to Sanctuary I didn't get bombarded with settlement missions from him. I only got 3 or 4 from him before he stopped issuing them, which was a bit of a relief (and they were for a few far-flung settlement sites that I hadn't yet done anything with, like Coastal Cottage and Murkwater Construction). There were a couple more from Radio Freedom once we'd moved into the Castle, but that was it. In my earlier games, Preston's "settlement aid" missions were vastly more numerous.


Fragger, if an object is movable, but you can't pick it up, there's the possibility you can shove it around with something you can pick up. I once did that with a wrecked car at the drive in movie place, I noticed it moved a bit when a raider bumped against it during a fight, so I picked up something, forget what exactly, and shoved against the car with it, until it bounced just far enough to get inside the build area and I could scrap it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Quote from: fragger on June 27, 2018, 05:12:16 PMI only recently discovered that I can pick some objects up and move them (including dead bodies). All this time and I only just realized ::)

Ah, so when you were decorating your house back then, carefully placing little items, you only used the grab-function in build mode? I thought you did that outside, too. Well, if you are really overloaded, you can still "grab" stuff and carry it holding it in front of you. Careful, no sudden movements or you will fling whatever you're holding  :anigrin:


Nice tip D_B :)

Art, I'd only thought I could pick up inventory items, which of course disappear and go into your Junk inventory when you grab them. I never realized I could pick up non-inventory items like tyres, empty barrels, boxes etc. because unlike inventory items, no prompting text appears near them when you look at them outside of settlements/build mode, and thus I just never thought to try. Also, because picking up non-inventory items requires the "use" key to be held down for a second or so (not just tapped), I simply never tumbled to it. I discovered it by accident :)

I did all my decorating in my old game by dropping Junk items from my inventory via the Pip-Boy, then going into build mode to pick them up and place them.

Art Blade

well, at least you found out :)

For some reason D_B's tip of shoving stuff and your story reminded me of the STALKER games. I remember I once managed to take out a military post (wasn't easy at all) and all those dead guys had tons of loot on them that I wanted to get and keep for myself or sell. I became overloaded quickly and still there was loot that I didn't want to leave behind. For some reason, "dragging bodies" and "loot inside bodies" suddenly sparked an idea. I stuffed all the remaining loot into one of the bodies and dragged the body all the way to a safe place (probably even right to a vendor) so I was able to sell stuff right from the "body bag" :gnehe:



Quote from: Art Blade on June 28, 2018, 06:57:57 PM
well, at least you found out :)

For some reason D_B's tip of shoving stuff and your story reminded me of the STALKER games.

A little off-topic, but a new Stalker game is in development for a 2021 release.
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