Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Yeah a mirelurk queen that far from the water is strange, probably a hiccup in the random spawn routines. Sounds like an epic battle, one for the record books. Since I use shadowplay from Nvidia, I have the option to set it on looping record so I always have a recording of the last five minutes of action available, but it does take CPU and GPU resources, not a lot, but enough to crank the fans up a notch, and I forget to turn it on.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


mandru, I'm just the same. The sound of gunfire brings me running :gnehe: I hear shooting going on somewhere and I think, "Action... loot... goodies... I'm in!"

D_B, True, that odd spawning thing seems to happen sometimes. Another time I found a Deathclaw right near the old caravan in the field just NW of Abernathy Farm, which was highly unusual - as in I've never seen one there before or since.

Here's yet another new thing - for me, anyway. Not too long ago in my current playthrough (about a game week or so) I competed the mission for Bobbi No-Nose to burrow into Hancock's storehouse, along with her associate Mel and his sonically-enhanced (and ill-fated) little eyebot, Sonya. Now I'm travelling with Hancock and we ran into Mel wandering along the road near Saugus Ironworks with an apparently restored, or rebuilt, Sonya hovering along after him. Engaging Mel in conversation, he said "Looks like you and Hancock are playing nice now. No offense, but I'd rather stay as far away from the two of you as possible" :gnehe: Then he went on his way.

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(Mel always reminds me of the actor Billy Mumy, lol)

And there was another new discovery yesterday: I found and climbed an external fire escape which I hadn't spotted before, and from the top of that I followed a tortuous wooden-path route over and around the roofs near Pickman Gallery which led me to a rooftop apartment I'd never known about, which had a bunch of lootable junk in it and  a "Ladies Auxiliary" holotape (#8).

I can't get over how even after a year and a half of some pretty solid playing, the game still throws up novel encounters like this 8)

Art Blade

cool. :)

I think a short video clip showing that external fire escape path to the room would be in order and probably be appreciated not only by me :gnehe:


I think I know which fire escape that is, it' not obvious that it's there, or leads anywhere if you do see it, so it's easy to miss. I think I saw the stuff on the roof from a vertibird once and after looking around found the way up. Either that or I was using the jetpack and found it that way, then figured out how to get up there if you didn't have the jetpack. As I recall, there's only one or two places you can get to with the jetpack that you can't any other way. Or they are really, really hard to get to without it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I think one is a power armour in or around diamond city, you need to do a mission around it but it's not part of it, yet it's about the only time you could instantly grab it with a jetpack


It was near Diamond City, a kind of living area on a roof, now that I think of it, it was on the roof of Diamond City and you could look over into the inside, which of course, had nothing there as the interior is a separate map file.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yes, it was on a roof. What you described means it was likely indeed the only chance to get that PA as it apparently was linked to that mission.


I don't recall a mission, and no PA, just the usual random loot. But it's been a while, could be wrong.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I remember the mission or whatever it was to contain a nasty surprise, all of a sudden really angry enemies popped out of the corners or the walls.. only after defeating them can you continue to that area where the PA will be.


I'll throw a vid together tonight showing the way to that rooftop apartment. I have to be out all day today (I'm doing some volunteer community w0#k, taking a bunch of retired, not-too-mobile old blokes out in a minibus for lunch and a bit of a drive around. Gives them a day out. I'm not that far behind them, actually :gnehe:)

Will attend to it when I get back. It'll give me an excuse to wring some more use out of D3DGear and OpenShot.

Regarding the room up above Diamond City with a PA station and some other goodies in it, there's no mission involved but you need jetpack-assisted PA to get to it. And yeah, like D_B said, if you move around outside that room you can see a big, empty hole in the map where DC should be. I tried jet-packing into that space to see what would happen and it automatically fast-travelled me into DC Markets. There's a spot on an elevated freeway somewhere where you can jump off it and straight into Goodneighbor and it does the same thing, i.e. FTs you into GN.

I'm trying to think of where it is you're referring to, Art. Seems familiar but I can't quite place it. Could it be the bottling plant in Nuka-World? That has a "river" of Quantum flowing through it with lots of Mirelurk egg-nests and hatchlings in it, and there is a custom PA suit tucked away inside.

Art Blade

definitely not in any DLC area. I'll try find out what it was

Art Blade

got it but I must have mixed up something with a place reachable only with a jetpack.

I was actually thinking of "35 Court" which is in the financial district. And the PA (a full suit, mind you) is on the top floor. You'll need to use a lift to get up and I think there were a few minor firefights before I reached the location. What I remembered to be a nasty surprise was that you need to play around with some buttons to unlock it as it's in a locked-up area. I think once you got the buttons right, that's when it's time for the surprise, an Assaultron and a Sentry Bot will try to cut you to ribbons before they let you touch that PA :anigrin: I think they come popping out of the walls once you did the button game right.


Oh yeah I remember that one Art, kind of an open area at the top of the building where it has been destroyed and just around the edge are the compartments that hold the PA and the robots that attack you if you try to get it. A fairly small space to fight in, and I think even if you wander too far you'll fall off the edge while fighting.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

it was pretty tough, yes.. by the way, I seem to remember that the PA is levelled according to the player's level. So early on you get a nice classic PA and later on those high-tech things. You might want to plan accordingly.


Ah, THAT place... I actually discovered a bit of an exploit for that, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, depending on what the Sentrybot does.

What I do is: First, I place some Bottlecap mines around the rooftop, being careful not to trigger the robots too early by getting too close to their doors. I then approach the PA room to trigger the alarms. As soon as the alarms go off, I bolt back into that lower corridor that I emerged from. If I've placed the mines well, they will take out the Assaultron altogether (he comes out of the left-hand door) and will cause a good dollop of damage to the Sentrybot. The Sentrybot actually can't get into (or even fit) into that lower corridor, and if I keep back far enough, it can't target me. Then I wait. After a moment, the Sentrybot will go off tracking mode and will start patrolling about up above. Then I pop out and hit it with something hard, like a Missile or two, before ducking back down (Berry Mentats are good here as they allow me to see where the bot is right through the roof). I can repeat this and wear the bot down, but if I'm lucky, the bot will get into a position where I can hammer it with a ballistic weapon of some sort but the bot can't get a bead on me (it tries, but it will be right at the corridor roof's edge and it's shots hit that edge without reaching me, whereas I can just hit the top of its "head"). I can then wear the bot down fairly quickly without getting hit myself or having to take cover, and then I can retreat into the corridor for safety when the bot is about to blow up.

The Sentrybot doesn't always get into that ideal position though, and I have to get into just the right spot myself - too far out and he can hit me, too far in and I can't hit him.

Once he's out of the way, grab the PA. If you're at Level 28 or higher, the PA suit will be an X0-1 model. Lower than Level 28 and it will be a T-60, T-51 or T-45, depending on what Level you are at. I don't have those figures, but if you're at Level 36 or higher, all armour pieces will be X0-1 Mk III. This is as high as that suit gets "off the rack" as it were, i.e. without requiring extra user modification for higher Mks. So it's worth waiting until you level up to, or past, 36 before going for this suit.

Art, the buttons you mentioned are inside the rooms that the robots come out of, one button in each one. You have to press them both to make the door to the PA room open (I don't think the order matters but don't quote me).

The X0-1 is the best PA in terms of defensive protection, but personally I like the look of the humble T-45 best myself as it's simply a cleaner-looking suit. I noticed something interesting the other day: a T-45 suit with the "Calibrated" legs mod will allow you to carry more stuff than a X0-1 suit with the same leg mod. So what you gain in defensive strength with the X0-1 you lose in carrying capacity (as compared to a T-45 - I haven't done comparos with the other models). The difference is only a few pounds, but still.

Also, the T-51 is the only PA model that allows you to apply a custom "Abraxo" paint job to it.

*I haven't forgotten that video, I shall attend to that in a few hours after some Spaghetti Bolognese and a few brews have done their delightful duty :thumbsup: :bigsmile:

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