Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

I'd really like to watch a short vid showing off that big gun of yours :gnehe:


Thanks for the +1 fragger.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

ah, it just sunk in, that slap on his back :anigrin:  mandru's back, he's back! DO YOU WANT TO TOUCH HIM! :bigsmile:


No worries mandru :)

I'm getting there with my self-imposed mission to get to Level 100 before engaging any story elements. I'm on Level 97 and I haven't even been to Nuka-World or Far Harbor yet, let alone engaged the story or met any of the main factions. I have populated all settlement sites in the Commonwealth (except for Warwick Homestead, which apparently I can't get without meeting Preston), so now I'm concentrating on getting my Levels up. To that end, I employed the following strategy:

On Spectacle Island, I built a dedicated structure containing nothing but a bed. The purpose of this is do nothing but sleep for two weeks or more. I go to bed, sleep for 24 hours (the most time the game will allow me to sleep in one go), then immediately go back to sleep - over and over, until at least two game weeks have gone by. Why? Because this gives most locations in which bad guys can respawn time to repopulate (some locations apparently take even longer to fully repopulate, 3 or even 4 weeks, but 2 weeks seems to be the time frame for most of them). Then when I leave the island, I have plenty of places to find enemies to fight and thus earn XPs (as well as keeping the game interesting). I chose Spectacle Island to do the Rip Van Winkle thing because it's well isolated from all other locations (I put the bed in a tower right next to the shack with the Workbench in it, while I have a settlement clustered around the old house and shed some distance away).

To maximize XP earning, I also make as much use of the Lover's Embrace Perk as I can (I have a few lovers squirreled away in different settlements - both genders, I'm not fussy :gnehe:) to give me a 15% XP earning boost for 8 game hours. I also cook up plenty of Squirrel Stew, since consuming this food boosts XP earning by 2% for two hours - and that's real-time hours, not in-game hours. It also regenerates 105 Hit Points when eaten. Every bit helps, and as far as I can determine, the Squirrel Stew boost is cumulative with the Lover's Embrace boost.

Squirrel Stew recipe (under "Soup" in a Cooking Station menu):

1 x Bloodleaf (plain, not "Black Bloodleaf", which won't w0#k)
1 x Carrot
2 x Dirty Water
1 x Squirrel Bits
1 x Tato

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Here's a tip - getting a Lover's Embrace within the time-frame of completing a quest will add the 15% boost to the quest XPs, which can add up to a nice little XP hit.

I discovered that it's not enough to just be in the same settlement as a romanced companion to get the LE Perk. You have to make sure you sleep in a bed that isn't too far removed physically from your love interest. I have MacCready on guard duty in Sanctuary (he's stationed near the bridge) and I also have a romantic relationship with him. However, I have a bed of my own up near the loop of road at the other end of town, and if I sleep in that bed, I don't get the LE Perk. However, if I sleep in one of the settlers' beds that I put in the houses near the bridge and thus closer to MacCready, I do get the perk. So there's a "physical" distance involved.

Incidentally, having the game's time scale set to "real time" (by using the command <set timescale to 1> in the console) is highly advantageous with Lover's Embrace, because on a time scale setting of 1, elapsed time during fast-travel jumps is greatly reduced. On the default time scale (16), a FT trip across the map will consume about 14 game hours, whereas on a setting of 1, only about twenty game minutes will elapse. So on the "real time" setting, you can make heaps of FT jumps without squandering your Lover's Embrace.


Woah, good luck with that! Since I am playing a modded game, I gave myself 1 million XP, which apparently made me at lvl 50 and about halfway to lvl 51. Assuming the amount of XP needed to advance one level is the same across all levels, maybe lvl 100 requires 2+ million XP? Also, maybe try decimal values for that time scale? 1 = 20 minutes (1200) seconds, the time scale would need to be at 1/1200 (0.0012?) for a real life experience.

Quote from: Art Blade on May 03, 2019, 03:28:54 AM
I'd really like to watch a short vid showing off that big gun of yours :gnehe:

Recorded some gameplay, but it looked kinda choppy (frame rate going all over the place). Will try to run this game in fullscreen and not in borderless, as I am doing right now.

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Electrified triple barreled minigun

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A bolt action .44 magnum :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

fragger, that's very smart what you're doing there :) And yes, it's called "lover's embrace" and not "lover's gone elsewhere" :gnehe:

G, alright, don't worry about that vid if it's too much of a hassle. Nice guns you've got there, I love the idea of a bolt action pistol  :D


It's just some boxes I need to untick within the launcher ;)

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Interesting mods you've got there OWGKID:)

fragger does the manipulation of the timescale affect the game time passage effectiveness of Sleep cycles?  Could that be used to re-spawn some of those longer duration sites to let you get back in and bust things up again?

A minute ago I was logging in and saw that there was a new offering in the Creation Club.  I'm not going to buy anything off that but I do scoop up free stuff when it's offered.

The new offering included a copy of the in game magazine "Guns and Bullets" (for some new weapon skins or something) as part of the set.  A trigger point sparked my obsession as a dedicated Spoonerism Addict forced me to log back out and come straight here.

fragger, you having mentioned the use of Squirrel Stew and its usefulness for increasing XP gain was still fresh in my head as I was browsing the Creation Club offerings and it occurred to me that there was a complete new direction of possible useful mods that were being totally ignored.  ???

There are no Creation Club mods for cooking up new unique Recipes for interesting helpful (or giggle inducing bizarre) effects.  For that matter there's no mods for the Chemistry workshop as well but my focus for this post was on Foods.

It's obvious that the Creation Club Cooking mods would have to be unlocked by being paired with the discovery of a new FO4 magazine called "Buns and Gullets".  :laughsm:

Now that that's off my chest I can get back into the game.  :anigrin:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Buns and Gullets. You never cease to amaze me, mandru :anigrin: That is hilarious :D



That's the mandru I know, calls for another slap on the back +1 
Respect is earned, not given.


 :anigrin:  Thanks Art and nex

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: OWGKID on May 06, 2019, 01:57:38 AM
Also, maybe try decimal values for that time scale? 1 = 20 minutes (1200) seconds, the time scale would need to be at 1/1200 (0.0012?) for a real life experience.

I'm not sure if you read my post correctly, G :) A value of "1" does give you real-time, or extremely close to it. What I meant in my post was that when you fast-travel, the game automatically deducts an amount of time to represent the time it took you to cover the distance travelled. On a timescale setting of "1", the game deducts about 20 minutes for a trip right across the map, but on the default of "16", it deducts about 14 hours. Plus, the further the FT distance, the more time gets deducted. A short FT trip, say from Sanctuary to Abernathy Farm, will only deduct a couple of minutes on the "1" setting.

Otherwise, with a timescale value of 1, game time passes at the same rate as real time when you're just running around and doing whatever. It's when you fast-travel that the difference really shows up. By default, the timescale value is 16 (or 20, depending on who you believe - the official Wiki says 16, so I'll go with that) which translates as about 10 game minutes for each real minute (that's very roughly, off the top of my head - I haven't tried to time it).

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you can only use whole integers as values with the "set timescale to" command, no decimals.

I like your nutso weapons :anigrin: Not my kind of thing to do, but it's funny!

@mandru "Buns and Gullets" :D

Regarding respawn times, I think the respawn time is not affected by timescale setting, only the elapsed game time, so that if it takes two game weeks for enemies to respawn in a given location, it will always take two game weeks, regardless of timescale setting. What that means for me is that because I've effectively set game time to pass at the same rate as real time, two weeks game time is two weeks real time (if I don't sleep or fast-travel). So I slept for two weeks to get through it quickly.

Some places seem to repopulate in a mater of just a day or two, like the Corvega car factory (and Lexington in general) whereas Hub City Auto Wreckers seems to take at least three weeks. Even then, I'm starting to observe that there may be a randomness factor involved, just to complicate things :gnehe: After I'd originally cleaned the Super Mutants out of Revere Satellite Array, I had to stay away from it for two weeks to allow it to repopulate, but the other day it repopulated after only a couple of game days. So the whole repopulation thing may be fluid.


fragger thanks for the clarification on the Time Scale settings.

I've had occurrences where a radiant quest send me right back to a location I'd very recently cleared out.  Sometimes I'll arrive with flames still lapping up among all the dead bodies but then there's other times all the wreckage is cleared away and it's all go for another ravaging.  :evil2:
There's not enough of a recognizable pattern to venture a guess at when or why it works like that.  :main_knockout:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

strange unfathomable concept indeed.


Quote from: fragger on May 06, 2019, 05:18:24 PM
I'm not sure if you read my post correctly, G :) A value of "1" does give you real-time, or extremely close to it. What I meant in my post was that when you fast-travel, the game automatically deducts an amount of time to represent the time it took you to cover the distance travelled. On a timescale setting of "1", the game deducts about 20 minutes for a trip right across the map, but on the default of "16", it deducts about 14 hours. Plus, the further the FT distance, the more time gets deducted. A short FT trip, say from Sanctuary to Abernathy Farm, will only deduct a couple of minutes on the "1" setting.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you can only use whole integers as values with the "set timescale to" command, no decimals.

I like your nutso weapons :anigrin: Not my kind of thing to do, but it's funny!


Looking at the wiki, the default is 20 (1 second realtime = 20 seconds in-game). And it seems you can't use floats for that value. FC2 allowed you to use floats to slow down time to the extremes :)

Yep, a shotty shooting homing missiles/an alien blaster working as a laser sniper/electrified minigun are definitely "possible" in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.  :evil2:

I have done the initial quest and have yet to move to Diamond City.

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If you type in "coc qasmoke", there is a magic room waiting for you :gnehe:

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Reloading that odd looking revolver :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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