Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade


An amusing discovery fragger.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thank you gentlemen :)

On another tack, I think I've found a way to fix the "underwear" glitch in Nuka-World. This is the glitch that occurs after you complete the "Open Season" quest. After finishing said quest, if you go to the Nuka-Town Market and speak to MacKenzie (the lady who suggests the quest to start with), she says something about finding a way to remove the "slave collars" that the local civvies are forced to wear. After a few game days the collars indeed disappear from around the peoples' necks, but unfortunately (as you're probably aware) so do their clothes, leaving them all looking rather undignified in their undies.

As much as I admire the attributes of the female vendors barely being kept in check by their skimpy brassieres, I don't really relish having to buy my ammo from some middle-aged dude in his tightey-whiteys. So to make these people decent again:

Face an undie-clad character, open the console, click on the character to make their ID appear, type "recycleactor" (all one word), then close the console (note that while the console is still open, the "actor" may go into a default "spread-eagle" pose and get odd-looking black patches on them after you enter the command, but they will return to normal as soon as the console is closed). Fast-travel away, then fast-travel back. That character should now be back in his or her proper clothing.

You can do more than one character at a time, i.e. do "recycleactor" on one character, walk over to another and do "recycleactor" on them, and so on. Once you FT away and back, all characters on whom you performed the action should be fully clothed again.

A couple of caveats:

1) When I did this on the weapons dealer, Aaron Corbett (who was the first one I tried it on), it not only restored his clothing but also that of Shelbie Chase, the General Trader. None of the other vendors or local civvies were fixed though - I had to attend to them individually. Similarly, when I used this technique on one of the non-named NPCs outside the marketplace, it fixed all of them, including the two sweeping the floor inside the backstage area at Bradburton Amphitheater and the solitary guy way over near Fizztop Mountain.

2) At first, this didn't w0#k on Maddox, the Marketplace drug-seller. This may have been because I had never dealt with him nor engaged him in conversation beforehand. But after interacting with him, the technique worked. So it seems you need to interact at least once with a particular named vendor for this trick to w0#k on them.

I'll see whether the fix holds or if the characters revert to their unclothed state, and let you know. I don't see why they would revert though.

Art Blade

weird.. I need to check whether or not they're naked over at NW


There is a more direct method to dress the characters, though.
The glitch does not remove the clothes, just unequippes them (puts it in their inventory).
So using "openActorContainer 1" on the character opens their inventory, and one can equip their clothing just the way one can equip stuff on a companion. 8)

Btw, I "forgot" to dress up the female vendors with this method... :-X

Art Blade


I just checked my game, they're clothed and the collars are removed. So that glitch didn't happen to me. MAYBE because I used mods, one of which called something like "unofficial patch" which fixed a lot of bugs.



So with "openActorContainer 1" it might be possible to unequip a few favorite/unfavorite characters.

Purely for entertainment purposes of course.  :evil2:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Geez, T.V., you always manage to upstage me...

Good thing I'm not the petty, vindictive type :gnehe:

Art Blade


Looks like T.V.'s method for re-clothing the Nuka-World NPCs is better. Using the "recycleactor" command on the civvies outside the markets didn't stick. I came back a couple of game days later and most (but not all) of the characters outside the marketplace had gone and lost their duds again. Funny how a couple of them didn't though... All the vendors inside the markets stayed fully clothed, except for one dude who was hanging around the Brahmin enclosure (not a vendor). The two miserable floor-sweepers inside the backstage area of Bradburton Amphitheater also stayed clothed (someone really should tell those poor sods that they don't have to do that anymore...)


A bit further down the track now and the N-W Marketplace crowd are still decently clothed, so T.V.'s method is definitely the go.

I've since gone on to conquer foggy old Far Harbor. I've pretty much done everything there, done all sides and kept all factions at peace. I've done more exploring there than I have in the past and found a couple of new places tucked away in the landscape with some decent scavenge in them. I found a pair of cellar doors behind a shop which led to a small bunker of sorts from where the nefarious individual who had been orchestrating the industrial espionage on the Vim company (in order to drive them into selling out to Nuka-Cola) had been operating. It's quite the little side story, that. Tantalizingly, on this person's terminal inside the bunker, he mentions a suit of custom-painted Power Armor (an "Ambassador" suit, possibly painted up to promote the newly-created "Captain's Blend" flavour) which he stole and may not actually be one of the two custom suits that you do find. Intriguing... Could there be a third Ambassador suit out there?

[spoiler text=a curious sequence of events]
Poking around near the burning maritime wreckage just north of Huntress Island,
I spotted an odd-shaped object floating in the sea a bit of a distance away.
Swimming out to it, it turned out to be this:

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It was gradually drifting northwards, so who knows where it would have ended up.
Dunno where it came from, but I scavved it after I took the piccie. And then...
See the bit of rock in the distance, off to the left? I decided to see if I could swim out there, which I did.

Here's what it looks like up close, two pieces of rock sticking up out of the water.
To the left you can see the wreck of the MS Azalea in the distance:

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Climbing up onto the rocks and looking further east,
I could just make out a submerged Vertibird cockpit canopy not too far away.
At this point, standing on the rocks, I was now way out here:

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I used the "tws" console command to remove the water to get a better view,
which revealed the Vertibird on the bottom. It's still very hazy here though, as you can see:

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So I jumped in and swam to the Vertibird, only to bump into an invisible wall just before I could reach it,
accompanied by a "You cannot go that way" message. However, I could see this - what looked like a full set of T-51 Power Armor in the cave at right.
And it appears to be a slightly yellow colour - could it be my theorized, stolen "Captain's Blend" Ambassador suit?

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I couldn't get any closer to it than this due to the invisible wall.
Even turning off clipping wouldn't let me get to it. I couldn't illuminate the suit, or see it any clearer.
Nor could I use any kind of zoomable scope underwater, which I still was even with "tws" enabled
("tws" just removes the visual aspects of the water, not the water itself).

Okay, then... I brought up the console, clicked on the suit to get its ID, swam back to the rocks,
climbed up onto them and did a "moveto player" command. That worked, the suit popped out onto the rocks
(at a somewhat canted angle), but as you can see, it wasn't an Ambassador suit at all, just a bog-standard T-51:

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But when I tried to get into it I couldn't and I got the message at top-left.
I tried using a "setownership" command on it, but no dice:

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So if there is a way to make it usable or not, I don't know. The message suggests that it isn't supposed to be moved and may just be a teasing Easter Egg of some sort (I've got plenty of PA anyway at this stage, so it's not a biggie). Thing is, I would never have seen it without using the "tws" command, the water is way too dark and murky - in fact when I first swam out to the Vertibird and hit the invisible wall I couldn't see all of the 'bird, just the nearest pieces, and I couldn't see that cave at all.

Incidentally, the "tws" command seems rather hit-and-miss around this spot, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it works but then turns itself off after a few seconds. This area must be the "Bermuda Triangle" of FO4 Land... or, The Maine Triangle, lol :gnehe:

Art Blade

the tws command is quite unreliable from my experience therefore I barely use it.

However, cool adventure and story, fragger. Deffo a +1 :thumbsup: for you :gnehe:


Quote from: fragger on June 10, 2019, 02:20:04 AM
Okay, then... I brought up the console, clicked on the suit to get its ID, swam back to the rocks,
climbed up onto them and did a "moveto player" command. That worked, the suit popped out onto the rocks
(at a somewhat canted angle), but as you can see, it wasn't an Ambassador suit at all, just a bog-standard T-51
So if there is a way to make it usable or not, I don't know. The message suggests that it isn't supposed to be moved and may just be a teasing Easter Egg of some sort (I've got plenty of PA anyway at this stage, so it's not a biggie).
I's because of the angle. The armour have to stand straight up before You can enter it...
Do not know if another "move to" (on a flat surface) will fix it...

Sorry for the "upstaging", Your play-style is somewhat like my own and I'm getting carried away by Your posts.  ;)
A +1 :thumbsup: for Your "reports".  O0


Thanks for the kudos guys :)

T.V. no apologies necessary, I'm more than happy to get additional tips, many thanks O0

In fact, armed with that additional bit of knowledge, I did a bit more mucking around. But it seems that the suit can't be taken out of the immediate area - I can get it onto those rocks using "moveto player" but it won't go any further (I swam ashore to the Grand Hotel and tried to console it there but it wouldn't come, so I wasn't able to get the suit to a flat area to try getting into it. The "placeatme" command didn't w0#k either. Maybe the suit is restricted to that particular map cell).

I did the next best thing though - after getting the suit up onto the rocks, I just took the armour pieces and the Fusion Core off it and left the frame. Then I went back to base and put the pieces on a spare frame and it worked fine. So it's just that particular frame that you can't use, the pieces by themselves are okay.

Still an odd thing though. Don't know if it's deliberately Easter-eggy or if it's something the devs put in then forgot about. Knowing Bethesda, it's probably the latter :gnehe:

Art Blade


I experienced similar problems with console-moved PA and resorted to the same solution as you: a new frame fixes it.

🡱 🡳

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