Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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I've heard that quote, but even if I hadn't, yeah, I would've heard it in Nick's voice :gnehe: It's a great voice, wonder who it is? Sort of like a cross between Humphrey Bogart and Jack Webb, with a hint of Harry Morgan.

I tend to sell all the Legendary armour bits I get and instead rely on conventional armour. I've got several sets of Heavy Combat Armor, one "Deep Pocketed" for extra carrying capacity, one lead-lined for going into radioactive places, and so on. Then I have the Marine Armor from Far Harbor and now two full sets of Muffled Shadowed Heavy Combat Armor with Shadowed Assaultron helmets for stealth, one for me and one for my companion if I have one (took me ages to accumulate enough "heavy" variants for two whole suits). I also have various "Ballistic Weave" civvies. Sometimes it's fun to run around in BW Summer Shorts :gnehe: How exactly that protects mostly bare arms and legs I don't know, but hey, it's a game :huh-new:



Nick was voiced by an actor named Stephen Russell.  He also voiced Codsworth, the Mr. Handys and Harold in FO3.

His industry contributions:  www.imdb.com/name/nm1592197/
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Yeah I rarely used PA except to go into the glowing sea with some extra rad protection. Mostly I used bits and pieces of stuff I found that had speed boosts on it, then added deep pockets for cargo. I could usually move pretty fast which was what I wanted. With the perks to allow running while over encumbered, I was always speedy.

All this FO4 talk makes me want to play again, maybe I'll look up a couple quest mods and see what they are like.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks for the info, mandru. Wow, Russell has done quite a bit. He's pretty versatile.

Among my PA collection I have half a dozen or so complete X0-1s, and three more which are almost complete except they are ALL missing their left legs :banghead: I've got a cabinet with spare X0-1 bits with at least one of the five other pieces, but I just can't find those darned left legs. Short of consoling them up, I might have to wait until the BoS arrives and see if the dude on board the Prydwen sells any. Rowdy at Atom Cats often has spare PA parts for the other models for sale, but I don't think she ever sells X0-1 pieces.


I've not yet unlocked access to the Prydwen so I can't check to see if X0-1 pieces are available there yet.

Finishing up reaching full affinity whit Nick we made a run through Copley Station that comes up via a grand flight of stairs into the Boston Public Library.  I was focused on collecting any ammo from the scattered Super Mutant bodies and from behind me Nick delivered another gem I'd not heard from him before.

Nick:  Stay...Stay!  Nice kitty.

It was then that I noticed he was reacting to the two giant lion statues framing the top of either side of the stairway coming up out of Copley station.  I'd not brought Nick along on my previous forays into the library so it was an amusing bit of dialog.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I liked that Nick story mandru, that's funny :D I'm going to have to take him there myself sometime and see if I can elicit that same response. It'll be a little while though as I'm at the point with Nick where if I go see him at his digs in DC it'll lock me into the "get Kellogg" mission and I don't want to bring the Brotherhood of Steel fully into the scene yet.

There is an absolute ton of dialog in the whole game. Over two years in and I still occasionally catch the odd comment from a settler or someone that I hadn't heard before. Apparently the game contains about 110,000 lines of dialog in total (roughly equivalent to a 4,000-page novel) so it's not really surprising that the "average" player may never hear all of it, especially when branching dialog options are taken into account.

I practically never choose the snarky responses when there is a dialog choice with a character, but maybe one day I'll do like Art did and play through as a rude person, just to hear those lines :gnehe:

Art Blade

I was just thinking that, fragger, how much fun I had with Damascene Blade and how many things were for obvious reasons completely different from what you'd experience when playing the good guy. I'm pretty sure that you'll like it, knowing that you're only doing it as an "out of character" playthrough :anigrin: It will also open up different options regarding which companions to choose. The "snarky" character is best accompanied by those companions who strive towards the dark side and therefore you're going to get even more dialogue you've not yet come across :gnehe: Even though I didn't enjoy the bandit role for Nuka World and tried to avoid the most cruel quests, the companion you'll find there is absolutely hilarious for a snarky character to go along with. :anigrin:

Hell would have been a picnic for those being in their way
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With the Wasteland Whisperer Perk ranked up, I managed to pacify a Deathclaw. When I did so, my character said, "Ho ho, now girl. It's all right", so apparently any Deathclaw you pacify is female. You also have to let these pocket T-Rexes get pretty close before the "Pacify" prompt appears, which can be a tad unnerving when one of them is charging full tilt towards you.

Sadly, the first bunch of baddies I ran into with her were Rust Devils, and they made short w0#k of her. A Devil wielding a Mr. Handy Buzz Saw apparently popped up out of the ground and started scratching up my nice Combat Armor. As much as I love my Legendary Lever Action Rifle, it requires pinpoint accuracy to hit home, and it's not a very good weapon in a brawly close-quarters situation. I hurriedly tried to plug the guy twice but both my shots went past his ear. So I just clubbed him with it instead.

Art Blade

Turns out a family popcorn bag and a large soda pop to go along with the vid would have been slightly oversized even for 20 repetitions :gnehe: Nice editing. Extremely short vid but still very good :thumbsup:


Cheers :) I don't know why the video quality on You Tube came out so rubbish, it looks pretty terrible. Maybe after a while it will come good, dunno.

What video editor do you use again, Art? I'm finding OpenShot to be very, very slow to respond when playing/editing clips sometimes. I click on a point in a video to skip to and it will sometimes take well over a minute before it starts, with no indication that it's doing anything - no twirly pointer thing, nothing. It's pretty annoying - I never know whether it's thinking, gone to sleep, or hung :banghead:


Cool video fragger.  :)

Then only control perk I've ever tried is the robot hack one.  This is the first time I've seen Wasteland Wanderer demonstrated.

I've been in the game long enough I pretty well know where the potential Deathclaws will pop up which means that most times I spot them before they see me so I can sneak up and use a buffed up Disciple blade to one hit them.

Now I'm wondering if a controlled Deathclaw can follow you in through the transition of a doorway to an interior space like inside Gunner's Plaza or one of the well populated subways.  I may have to use one of my hoarded perk points to give it a try.  :evil2:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

fragger, let's continue that vid editing/recording stuff in the corresponding topic so we don't have to search the forum all the time ;)


Nice vid, I think I have this perk at least partially, maybe the pacify part but not the command part, I don't know, I'd have to look. But usually I never let anything get close enough to even get the prompt to use it, as I shoot first and don't bother with questions ever. But it also reminded me of why I don't carry single shot guns except for a sniper, I like to be able to put a lot of lead down range very fast at any given moment so rate of fire is the top stat I look at in a gun, lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


@mandru, I haven't tried it but I'm pretty sure a pacified creature won't transfer into an interior space. I do know that if you fast-travel, the pacified creature stays behind, and if you then fast-travel back and it's still there, it will be hostile again. So I'm assuming that transitioning to an interior will be the same deal. I'll try it next time I get the opportunity and let you know (I'll wait until the pacified animal is something other than a Deathclaw though, if it's all the same :undecided-new:)

But as long as you don't fast-travel, a pacified creature will follow you anywhere, provided it can. Even if you get too far ahead, or you negotiate an obstacle that the creature can't, it will eventually "teleport" to join you again, like companions do. For instance, the Deathclaw in the video was initially pacified at the Red Rocket in Cambridge (I'd already made her "stay" and "follow" a couple of times before the point at which the clip begins) and she happily loped along with me all the way into the city.

Be aware there are two "pacify" Perks for animals (you probably know this already): "Animal Friend" and "Wasteland Whisperer" (both in the Charisma category, 3 Ranks each. There's also one for humans, "Intimidation", which is also in Charisma, but I don't have that one as yet). The two creature Perks each w0#k on different animals (except for Nuka-World's Bloodworms, which are affected by both).

Animal Friend works on:
House Cat
Mole Rat
Mutant Hound
Rad Chicken
Yao Guai

Wasteland Whisperer works on:
Feral Ghoul
Fog Crawler
Hermit Crab
Super Mutant
Synth (Gens 1 and 2)

So if you have both, you can pretty much pacify any creature - although I don't know about the real biggies and exotics like Mirelurk Queens, Mirelurk Kings, Behemoths, and the many variants of creatures such as Albinos, Glowings, Chameleons, and so forth, nor heavier-duty Super Mutants like Warlords and their ilk. Whether those variants affect the chance of success, or nullify it altogether, I can't say. I guess it's just a case of try but be prepared to bolt :gnehe:

Both Perks w0#k the same way, rank-wise:

Rank 1: Pacify only
Rank 2: Above plus incite to attack
Rank 3: All above plus give specific commands ("Follow", Stay", "Go there", "Check that out", and so on, like with Dogmeat. They don't do tricks though - plus I've yet to try siccing a House Cat onto someone :gnehe:)

Every pacification attempt is just that - an attempt. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I don't mean that it's a glitch - it's a built-in chance (40%). You have to point your weapon at the creature, and if the creature is within pacification range, a "Pacify" prompt will appear. You then hit your "interact" key, and if you're successful, the creature will stop coming at you and your character will say something (my favourite response so far is "Good... giant scorpion", said like "good dog" :gnehe:) It will then stay on the spot and be docile. If not, a message saying something like "Pacify attempt failed" will appear and the creature will keep coming. You can try to pacify the same creature again after a 60-second interval - if that's a practical option...

Once you have a creature pacified and it's just standing around, you can leave it like that while you do whatever and it will stay put. You can have more than one creature pacified at a time, but you can only give specific commands to one of them - and as soon as you do, the other pacified creatures will immediately revert to being hostile. You also have to keep a weapon out for the creature to remain pacified. You can switch weapons, but as soon as you holster whichever weapon you're holding, the creature will revert to hostility. Same if you start plugging an already pacified creature, natch.

To give commands, you point your weapon at the pacified creature and a "Command" prompt will initially appear. Once the creature is "under command", all the other orders become available. If a creature is following and you point your weapon at an enemy, an "Attack <enemy type>" prompt will appear. In the video above, I was trying to get the Deathclaw to attack the Rust Devil but instead my character kept saying "Check that out, now" instead of "You, kill!" which is the usual incite comment (that's why you hear me say it twice - I was trying to make her attack, not "check out" stuff. But once she started getting shot at, she attacked of her own free will). Maybe the Rust Devil was too far away for the "Attack" command.

Usually if you have a pacified creature in tow, it will attack whatever attacks you of its own volition, but it seems a tad hit-and-miss. Inciting a creature to attack always works though.

*  *  *  *  *

Quote from: Art Blade on February 16, 2020, 11:32:56 PM
fragger, let's continue that vid editing/recording stuff in the corresponding topic so we don't have to search the forum all the time ;)

That's a better idea, cheers :)

@D_B Indeed, there is a lot to be said for filling the air :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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