Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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I finally got my first character completely maxed out level wise. I reached level 31 today, meaning I could spend one last skill point and I chose to get the second level of the 'spotting intel' perk. It gives you the ability to spot the distance of a target when you spot them using the binoculars. So, everything set for a true sniper role, with all sniper rifles and the best bullets for them, the marksman specialization etc. etc. And a whole lot of bullets :evil2:

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A tip for those who already completed the storyline and still want to get more xp for whatever reasons; maxing out your character like I did or getting xp with other characters to specialize in a different direction or just to max out their inventory; once your own game is done, the world will still be open to you. However, the only way to earn more XP is fighting machines or find some left-over Relay Beacons or side quests. But that will end, and then you can only earn XP through fighting. That can be quite a bit of w0#k, since you only get serious amounts of XP when you fight bigger numbers of enemies and when your fight take longer. An easy and quick 'mine the tank right in front of him' won't give you much XP and you'll be wasting more mines than racking up XP points.
So, you must think, what's the tip? Simple:
Join someone else that hasn't yet unlocked much of the world. Can be anyone. A friend or a random. As soon as you are in 'his' session your Relay Beacons will respawn in your own game. Don't know why, but for some reason the way things are bound to one specific 'game' don't seem to always w0#k accordingly. Like I could help D_B with the progress of certain missions, and now those relay beacons. First I didn't understand why they sometimes respawn, but now I know; it always happens after joining someone who hasn't found and destroyed them.
So now you know how to respawn them. Remember the locations of a bunch of those beacons and simply travel along those and destroy them. Each will grant you good amounts of XP. The ones in the starting areas only 500XP, but in the North you get up to 1500XP. And that is an easy way of levelling up, believe me :bigsmile:
Especially since the last levels require tons of XP to rank up. A bit like in GTA where you will need more and more RP to rank up the higher you become.

Yesterday D_B and I managed to double my inventory. I was playing with my 'walking extra inventory' character. It's loaded with special items that were too good to leave behind, however I got them all double. Pistols, rifles, magazines, scopes, silencers etc.
I put the whole bunch on the ground so D_B could pick whatever he could use. He was curious what would happen to it when he went back to the main menu because he wanted to make a new character to have more space so he could the whole bunch away (he was host, so I would be kicked back to the main menu too). I wanted to say "Errm, wait, don't you think we loose everything?" but he already did.
When he reinitialised his session the bag with goodies was still there. And the funny thing was; when I started my own game from the main menu, my bag of goodies was also still there, right in front of me. With everything in it :bigsmile:
If we manage to reproduce that, we could double any interesting items in our inventory. It would be really easy to get a good stack of ammo, mines, weapons and scopes, you name it. I'm looking forward to test that with you guys, see if it is indeed reproducible. In preparation I just unlocked the extra inventory space on my fourth character, so I won't run out of space in case this copying is paying off 8)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

cool. :anigrin:

Nice find, good luck, I hope it works :thumbsup:


Haha yeah, we were a bit surprised when we both could access the dropped items in two different games. So I would expect for things like land mines and rockets, which are usually in short supply, we could use that to get a bunch more. As it is for normal ammo, I have to drop a lot of it anyway or not pick it up to begin with as there's quite a bit around.

I still keep having mission glitches and crashes, though they might be related (it crashes because it's glitched or it's glitched because it crashed). I was in the middle of a mission to eliminate three robots messing with the fire controls of an artillery base, got two of them and the game crashed. Got back on and got the third one OK but a door I think should be unlocked is still locked and another mission I'd already completed with Binn's help has appeared back on my map again as uncompleted even though it's listed in my quest list as completed.

And I have some funny video to w0#k on, a new technique for taking down tanks. A bit dangerous though heh.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

looking forward to watching it. :)


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

how did you get that charset/font type into your Tank tactics vid, D_B?


Well, here it is, a bit over 14 minutes, but quite a few scenes, and I keep it to the action mostly.

A short clip at the beginning shows the "x-ray vision" of one of the scope attachments. A nice way to find enemies hiding behind things. I use it later on. The next two scenes are me going up against tanks solo with propane tanks, it goes well, sort of, as they wake up a little too fast after being hit with EMP rockets. Worked out in the end though. Then some scenes where a random person joined me and we took out a bunch of tanks, and I experience the wonders of all my rockets disappearing from my inventory in the middle of a battle! So much fun!

I see Art has already watched it, do you never sleep? It's like 5 AM for you! I used a transparent PNG file for the overlay at the end and had to fiddle with the tracks a bit to get the fades correct in Open Shot. Once I figured out the sequence needed, it was pretty simple.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that's the technical aspect, but I wonder where you got the font from. It looks as if it was the same (identical) as used in the game :)

erm, "sleep.." <checks duckduckgo for meaning>


The logo I got from somewhere, just did an image search on the game in google, and found a couple high resolution transparent images, one in black, one in white, that are quite useful, it's the same thing I use for the thumbnail. The rest of the text in the end screen overlay is just some random font that sort of matches the font used in the logo. The trick was getting it to fade in nicely over the video, then have both fade out at the same time at the end to black. Needed to use three tracks in Open Shot, one to fade the last clip from the previous clip where all the rest of the clips are, then the overlay and then a fade on the over lay to fade in, then a duplicated fade on both the overlay and last clip to fade both out. Once I figured out that, it was pretty simple. Trying to get all the stuff in one track and fade correctly wasn't going to w0#k. In the future, I'll probably make sure to keep all the clips in the middle track in Open Shot so that I have "room" above and below for overlays and transitions.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

alright. Very nice tricks to pretend it was the actual font O0

OpenShot is cool because sometimes you can use different ways to achieve the same.


Cool video D_B :thumbsup: Shame about the rockets though...

After the video ended, the next one that popped up was an old FO4 one of yours for finding a Nuka Quantum near Vault 111 which the game sometimes hides in the ground. I never even knew about that one. So thanks for that too :gnehe:

Art Blade


Thanks! I did the end screen that way to get the logo on it, otherwise I would have just used an overlay with text like I did in the previous video for the "thank you" at the end. It was just a matter of adding the text in a bitmap editor instead of an overlay in Open Shot.

That FO4 video for the nuka quantum is one that consistently gets views, I think it's over 11K now. Back when the game first came out, a friend of mine who's methodical to no end mentioned he couldn't find that one, even though it was listed in the Prima guide and several online guides. I guess they all just copied from each other and never bothered to verify anything. So, I went looking for it, and figured out how to get it. You can tell it's still early in my game as I'm still using a scrap built pipe pistol, lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hehe cool O0

what bitmap editor did you use?


Corel Photo-Paint 15, getting a little old now but does what I need it to do and I'm really familiar with how it works. Photoshop could also w0#k as well, but I'm more comfortable in Photo-Paint and can get things done fast.

Played a bit tonight, and got a new perk, being able to scout enemies with the binoculars and see what type they are, what armor & weapon they have (sometimes), a handy ability. I mostly took it because it's the top of the "tree" that leads to hacking which will let you hack robots from a distance and make them self destruct. Or something.

Here's a shot of scouting a runner:

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Using it on a hunter doesn't give you the armor rating though, I may need the next level of the perk for that.

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And after the third one of these:

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I decided it was time to quit for the night.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳