Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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Art Blade

you'll definitely need experimental underwear. Literally for shits and giggles. :gnehe:


I'm just waiting for experimental nail polish, lol I think for clothing it just picks a random item and calls it "experimental". As it is, even the regular clothing items that do have boosted stats, it is so minimal you wonder if it even does anything.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

they slowly drain your health. :gnehe:


I decided to get the DLC too 8)

Helped DB defeat a rival and he got an experimental shotgun. I got ammo from that :'(

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Engaged those things at the airport

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Apocalypse class hunter, one of the new DLC enemies
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

nice. :)

I like it that the three of you keep joining up every once in a while O0


Yeah and I took almost the same screenshot

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That's what we went up against at the airport. It was a tough battle and used a lot of ammo. The rival we took down later gave me an experimental shotgun that I probably won't use unless it has some really good bonus on it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 01, 2019, 11:52:55 AM
The rival we took down later gave me an experimental shotgun that I probably won't use unless it has some really good bonus on it.

The shotgun has explosive flechette ammo.

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Defeated the rival that spawned next to the hotel and I got the experimental Klaucke :)

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Well that's something anyway, lol. I haven't tried the shotgun yet as I had just minutes before decided to dump the shotgun I had and all it's ammo because I wasn't using it and it was taking up storage space. I guess I deserved that, lol. But if it does good damage I might start using it, problem is, shotguns are fairly short range and I like to be more stand off if you know what I mean.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Some info about the regions and their rival stats:

  • The more enemies you kill in the region, the higher your regional rival level
  • The higher your regional level, the more likely rivals will spawn
  • Rivals will rank up (max rank=4) when you kill enemies in their region
  • When you kill rivals, your regional rival level will decrease. The only thing I know for sure is that killing a rank 3 rival will decrease your regional rival level with some levels, something like 4 or 5. But when you kill a rival that has rank 4, your regional rival level gets reset to 1!
  • What I still need to find out for myself, is whether there's a max regional level. First I thought it was 14, but later I found out it got reset by killing a rank 4 rival. Now I have a region that has level 15, and is still counting.
  • I also need to find out whether there is a maximum of active rivals in a region. I have had 4 active rivals in one region, but never more. That was mainly because of my greediness in getting special weapons. But I've heard ppl say there is a maximum of 8 rivals per region.

I also discovered how people can obtain a custom title. I've seen other players wearing that custom title twice, however they couldn't (or didn't want to) tell me how they obtained it. I thought maybe it has to do with in-game accomplishments, like killing the required amount of enemies in a certain tier, and indeed it does. You have to choose to wear the custom title you get from completing a certain tier, and that will make you wear it in-game. You have two types of titles; story-mission related, and enemy-killing related.
Just hover over the acquired max tier, and with 'enter' you choose to wear the title that's referring to it :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


Yeah that's too much to keep track of, I just kill as many of them as possible. Though I have found that sometimes it's prudent to be more cautious. Like last night I was heading towards a mission area and took the shortest route from the safehouse to the area I needed to go to. Well, it's in the farming region which is a lot of open fields, as you'd expect from a farm area. No place to hide really. So, in the fields to the left, a bunch of runners and a harvester, slowly making it's way in the same general direction I needed to go. In the field to the right, a lone tank, wandering around, but also generally heading the same direction. Me, in the middle, in a narrow strip of trees & rocks in between the two fields, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. It was tense for a bit. Then I arrived at the mission marker, only to find it infested with hunters and runners. After a pitched battle in the field beyond, I defeated them and headed towards the trucks that marked the mission goal. I was just inside the second one when the harvester I had passed in the fields showed up and decided it was a good place to camp for a bit and do whatever it is harvesters do. So I waited, deciding when would be a good time to attack and the tank from the other field shows up and wanders around for a little while. I didn't have the ammo to take both of them out and my cover was minimal, being stuck in the back of the truck, so I waited. And waited. Eventually the tank moved on and I was able to take the harvester down without too much trouble, but it was a tense few moments.

The day before I had left my game in public mode and a few people joined and it was quite pleasant and fun as we ran around, even getting on bicycles to travel to the next battle area, all of us shooting tanks with rockets to take them down in record time. It was quite fun an enjoyable, something you don't get to say often about a public online game.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

good read, D_B, and indeed that was remarkable.


Yesterday D_B and me took on some rivals. 7, to be precise. Since my last post about rivals and regional levels I decided not to kill any rank 4 rival and keep fighting in the same area, see if I could level it up even higher than my then highest which was level 14.
That got me to having 7 rivals in the new small island, 5 of which were rank 4. And the region was then level 19. When we killed our first rank 4 rival, the regional level went down to 17. So apparently it's not a complete reset when you kill a rank 4 rival, but it was quite a chunk already. The next time I checked, that was after we defeated 2 or 3 rank 4 rivals, it was back to level 1. So it goes down quick as soon as you defeat the rivals. Lower ranked rivals will also cause the regional level to lower, but not as fast as the rank 4 ones.
Anyway, we killed all of them. And we did that quite fast. With two guys using the heavy sniper those tanks melt away like snow in the sun :bigsmile:
I got the last two experimental weapons out of all these fights that I still missed, the exp. AG 4 and the kpist SMG. The latter I tested today. It's a Swedish made SMG that can hold up to 51 rounds per clip (depending on the magazine quality) and the experimental one has an extremely high fire rate, which starts already fast and then accelerates even more, as if it's a gattling gun. Anyway, I like it a lot. It deals a lot of damage and shreds those runners in a split second.
Unfortunately D_B didn't get any good loot out of the run, except for another experimental rocket launcher, which he already had. I was hoping we could find another heavy exp. sniper, which is also super cool. Well, better uck next time :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

so you guys focus on grinding for the goodies, it seems :)

🡱 🡳