Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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Art Blade

strange how some devs define "fun." Oh, it's fun if you can't carry all the stuff any more that you've got so used to. And it's fun to let people scrap their scopes. It's fun to be unable to fast-travel when you've got a tad too much weight on you so you have to ditch some stuff you wanted to keep. And so on. :banghead:


Yeah it could be also that I was using my second character who's a very low level, so maybe the perks I had to expand inventory on my other character have been translated to allowing more carry weight? I hope so anyway. I didn't look at the perk list at all. But I would imagine that the perks that used to expand inventory slots now give you more carrying capacity.

But yeah, it is a strange thing, many players complain about inventory space and they change it so it's just weight based and add some debuffs to it. Weird.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Steam sale; 40% off! Only 15 euros now. I'd say go get it!
"No hay luz"


Spent a little time fiddling with the inventory system last night, and scrapping stuff. The person who joined my game must have been a little annoyed as all I was doing was standing at the scrapping table, so he left, rejoined, then left again lol.

Anyway, it's a little fiddly to change weapons, and in a tense firefight, that might be an issue. Used to be you could just drag & drop the weapon you wanted to use on the equipped spot and you'd be done. Now, you have to find the weapon in your list, and if you have a lot of them, you'd need to scroll, then select the "equip" option and then select what position you want it to use, not very user friendly. What they need to implement is a GTA style weapon wheel or something, and just let you pick what you're using that way.

Scrapping is also a bit fiddly, as like I mentioned above, the scrapping menu doesn't tell you what items are currently equipped on a weapon and which ones aren't. That info can be found in the main menu, sure, but you then have to memorize which scope or silencer is being used and which one isn't and then go to the scrapping menu and find the one you want to scrap, make sure it's the one you want to scrap, and then scrap it. Because, it won't warn you that a current item is equipped or not, it will just let you scrap anything with a single "Do you want to scrap this?" warning and that's it. When you try to equip an item that's currently on another weapon, it will warn you of that, but it won't during a destructive operation like scrapping. Bad design there. I think I will bring that up on the bug report forum.

The difficulty setting is nice though, as playing in single player, I took out a couple hunters and it didn't take a clip and a half of FMJ ammo which is nice. Just a little over half a clip and they were down. Of course, that was only a small test so I may have gotten lucky and hit a fuel cell or something. Once I get more time to test, I'll see how it goes.

Carrying capacity is tied to the perks that used to control inventory size. My original character who has both perks can carry 80 kilos, where my low level character can only carry 48.

I need to go back and search places to find crafting blueprints, and I guess there are a few minor side quests that are new to pick up, so there's still some stuff to do in the game. And while I'm at it, might as well level up my second character to get that achievement, then if I feel like it, do the rest I don't have which is find all the trinket items scattered around, which is just a lot of running around and checking them off from an online map.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

somehow all of that sounds like RDR2. Except for the scrapping part but true for the cooking part :anigrin:


Just before I quit last night I noticed that an attached accessory has a triangle mark in the corner of it's icon box in the menu. I'll have to notice if that's true also in the scrapping menu, that would make it much easier to scrap stuff and not scrap the stuff you want. Though a warning would still be nice when scrapping an attached item.

Difficulty sure does change when more people are in the game. Had three other people in with me last night and we went after a tank rival and it took a lot of damage to take it down. All four of us firing constantly at it with all sorts of weapons. Two of us had the high end .50 cal sniper rifles which usually make short w0#k of most anything, but it just absorbed it all. Grenades, rockets, AP ammo, it was quite a battle. Thing is, with four people, they can only target one at a time and with all of us circling around it mostly just stood there as we pummeled it. Was pretty fun actually. And the loot is much better when more people are on, getting high end ammo and rockets and such instead of some pistol ammo like before.

I did find the required blueprints for a jacket that has bullet resistance, but I'm a bit disappointed you can't apply it to just any jacket, it is a specific one. So you can't take your favorite cool looking piece of clothing and add an attribute to it, at least not that I could see.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

judging from all the annoying stuff you reported, I reckon that blueprint is meant for the one jacket you hate the most just so you are forced to wear it regardless if you want a bullet-resistant jacket. :anigrin:


Yeah it's one thing I'm going to mention in the developer's forum, that once you get a blueprint for something, you should be able to apply that attribute to any article of clothing you want. What's the point of having a custom set of cool clothes when there's a plain looking coat that gives you a buff?

Anyway, I played quite a bit and am getting used to the inventory system now, but it's still fiddly, and if you have a lot of stuff, getting to the right page to quickly switch weapons can take a few precious seconds you might not have. But I got a second character up to a specialist skill which got me the achievement for that, now I need to decide if I want to spend the time getting the rest which requires finding all the collectibles. I have a map to go by, it's just a lot of walking around to do it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

maybe mention those "grab the right gun in time" issue with the inventory as well, who knows, they might think about it.


Yeah that too. And another thing I just can't figure why they did it this way and I'm going to report as a bug, online chat still stays on the screen while you have inventory open, and on top of it, so if you're looking for your sniper, you can't find it because it's obscured by the chat text still hovering there. grrrr
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Well I also took a dive into the new update. I think the new inventory system is a great improvement. Plus, you can carry a lot more than before it, which is also great. It took me a good 2 hours to get used to the new system. First I couldn't find back my gear and had to scroll through all the menus over and over again to learn where to find everything. But now that I am used to it, I like it a lot.
I went back to the first area, the Peninsula area, and found out some of the new stuff that's added to the world. I stumbled upon a truck, filled with little safes, some of which are locked. Couldn't find a key though. What I did find was 3 dead maniacs, carrying double wield .44 Magnums in their hands :P
The guns were are dilapidated, and not my favourite weapon by far, but it was nice to find such a funny still of what could've been a bank robbery escape in-action while the robots came and took over.
D_B told me about a new experimental gun, a machine gun actually. We didn't have those before, and I was really looking forward to one of these... finally something worth carrying around machine gun wise. However, according to many this was a limited timed event only, and the gun should no longer be available in the game since the 6th of April. WTFFF!!!!!?????
Well, according to many others luckily, the gun should be there to stay, which sounds more convincing to me. And this weekend I prepared myself; 7 rivals in the farmlands, 4 of which are maxed to lvl4, 5 in the forest area, 3 maxed, and 4 elsewhere scattered around the rest of the map.

I also tried the new difficulty changes. I never knew about it, but it changes quite a bit indeed. I think the biggest difference is that the robots do more damage. At least in Skirmish, compared to Adventurer. Those are the two types I've tried so far. basically, normal and easy. Haven't tried hard yet, I found Skirmish already really challenging.

There is a bug or a change on purpose, where Harvesters don't drop ticks anymore, but Hunters instead. And I can confirm that both the military class, and the Fnixx class do so indeed. I had some crazy fights, one with 5 Harvesters (5!!!!) while I took shelter in a small bunker. They must have spawned over 30 hunters while I was busy killing them. This whole fight must have taken 45 minutes or something. And all I wanted was take out a relay beacon, damn! :anigrin:

When I was playing on easy, it wasn't really a problem what happens now with the harvesters and the hunters. But on skirmish it's almost unplayable at times. You have to be really lucky to have a good hiding spot, or you're toast. Best is to try to kill the harvester as quick as possible, before any more hunters drop from the sky. But if there's 2 harvesters... or 5 :o

So I'm on the lookout for the new experimental weapon. While doing so, I try to get my second character to max lvl.  8)
"No hay luz"


I have noticed the experimental sniper is quite powerful with AP ammo. Apocalypse Hunters need like 2-3 shots to be taken out :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah there's quite a lot of small "set piece" scenes in the starting area now, it's much more filled out and has things to find. On release it was pretty barren.

I had a few people in my game over the weekend and we had quite a time to take out a couple groups of machines, they are really tough now. Thing is, a beginning player with beginning weapons and gear has almost no chance alone. On reddit people are saying, "oh just join a game with more experienced players and they will give you any high level weapons they have extra, and the game gets easier" well, that's just stupid. Not everyone can join an online game or wants to. A game that depends on other players giving you high level weapons so you can make it out of the starting area is broken. One of the battles I was in had a hunter that was continuously shooting at me with gas grenades. And I mean continuously, non stop. There was no pause in the time between when it shot one grenade to shooting the next. I had to keep running in wider and wider circles around it as I shot at it because everywhere behind me was poison gas that takes a while to dissipate. All the time the other player with me was taking out other hunters and working on the harvester that we originally were going after. I had to run a long distance away to be able to change weapons as there was no time I wasn't getting shot with the gas grenades. As it was, one time I did get killed while in the menus changing weapons, that was no fun. The new system lets you carry more but is a pain to navigate on the fly and change weapons and ammo in any timely manner.

Still needs w0#k, as far as I'm concerned.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

man that sounds absolutely horrible.

🡱 🡳