Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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Art Blade

good job on that post, Binn. It would help any a new players.

Interesting reads, the two of you O0 I hope the game gets more stable. So if I read that correctly, it's an early stage release? In that case, I'm curious what will change when.


I don't really get what D_B meant with early access, from what I learned through the publicity it is the definite launch, but I might be mistaken. However, it does remind me a bit of DayZ where there's a development team that writes weekly letters about upcoming fixes and updates. Anyway, like GKID already mentioned, there's plenty more to come, what is hinted right here:
The Next Chapter

Ah yeah, one more thing I wanted to share with you guys: Here's a picture of the world map. It shows practically all safe houses there are, and you can see by that what is the playable area. There's four smaller islands that haven't become populated yet. I think that's what they hint at with those DLC's. And to give you an idea of the size: The group of southern most islands (Norra and Sörra Saltholmen and Iboholmen) is the starting area. I played something like 30 hours just to get through these. I took my time, of course, but you know me. Always hasty. And another 25 hours took it to explore the other southern area, more to the west, which is a Peninsula. The population is more dense there. Well, more villages, buildings and machines. You won't find any inhabitants :bigsmile:
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"No hay luz"

Art Blade

if it took you 30, it would have taken me 300. :gnehe:


Same, I'm a chronic explorer and I don't care how long it takes to cover every inch of a place :gnehe:


I also like taking my time exploring, often I don't use any form of transport
Respect is earned, not given.


For some reason I was under the impression it was early access, don't know why really, maybe because most everything is these days? I did think to myself it seemed pretty well finished to be early access but never thought more about it after that.

I was going to play last night some but got distracted by a live stream of someone I follow playing GTA in RPG mode, which I didn't know existed, and it was some of the funniest stuff I have seen in a long time. So I watched that instead of playing. We'll see how it goes tonight, though I still have New Dawn and Astroneer to finish, though I'm waiting on Astroneer to update hoping they fix the crash issues that appeared after the last update.

Just re-read Binn's first post and he called it a fake beta release, so that's why I thought it was early access, most likely. I probably skimmed that bit and only saw the "beta release" part.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I also thought it might have had to do with my initial post :bigsmile:

I tested a bit more Scavenger looting, and it is not what I thought. The next two weapons I got were both weapons I didn't carry. And one was a pistol, which is, of course, in the pistol slot :anigrin:
But one each 3 Scavenger kills seems pretty accurate O0
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

happy hunting and collecting, then O0


I only just got to the first big bunker tonight. Not sure if I hit a bug or if this is how it's supposed to be, but when I load the game back in, I spawn in the safe room in the bunker, but with three or four spider bots right outside the door, ready to pounce on my head, thus taking me down to 30% health, not to mention the depletion of ammo killing them. Then I find the control room door is locked, after I'd been in there already and no indication on how to open it again. Does it just lock once you've read the missions on the board and you can't go back again?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

sounds like a proper death trap.


Not a very "safe" house after all, lol!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

it's safer for the bots than for you :anigrin:


Well, D_B, I have to say I had some trouble with the Bunker doors too. However, I cleared the entire bunker already and only the door between the Warboard plus the safe house and the rest of the bunker remained locked after a few ins and outs. And that isn't much of a problem. The entire bunker is still accessible, however a bit odd indeed that the warboard and safehouse get cut off the rest. I had a similar area in another bunker that remained locked after my first run through, however in that case it made sense in a way. These were the doors to artillery supply rooms and you had to open them completing a mission, then go in and clear them and disable the artillery in the next mission. After the missions were completed, on my next game load, those were locked again. And I couldn't reopen them. Didn't bother me since I cleared the places, but a bit odd indeed. These things might be the ones that will get addressed in the upcoming fix.
I also had another nasty glitch the other day; there was a mission-specific pistol I picked up, replacing my own pistol which had a rank 5 (special) silencer on it. By replacing it my entire gun plus attachments was suddenly gone. Not in my inventory, not on the ground, just gone. A bit sad. I'll be more careful picking up mission related weapons next time. First I'll empty its corresponding slot :anigrin:
Yesterday I pushed up to the North, in the mountain region, stumbling upon a magnificent looting area. I'll make sure to visit that more than once ;)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

wow, that's a bummer losing valuable inventory items by picking up something else.

🡱 🡳