Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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I decided to go on with this quest and I killed 20 more rivals. From those I got 4 more experimental weapons. Another Kvm 59, 2 more grenade launchers (I have 6 now, jeez what to do with those :o) and an AG4.
All in all a good reap. I am very happy with the two Kvm 59's, since those are pretty unique, given the fact that after tomorrow they aren't available any more to find in the game, and the AG4 is the weapon I gave to my friend Uzi which he lost due to a disconnection. It's the most powerful and effective experimental weapon together with the .50 sniper. So I finally found a replacement for that loss :)
I still have 3 areas with the maximum amount of rivals, the rest is back to level 1 and maybe 1 or 2 rivals that still need levelling.

I am still searching for one weapon that I don't have yet; the other machine gun type. Kvm 89 squad machine gun or something. It is slightly less powerful than the kvm 59 and can 'only' carry 200 rounds per magazine, but it uses a different type of ammo, which you find a lot. And it's the only weapon of which I haven't found a gold / 5 star version yet. I'm a hoarder after all :anigrin:

So I plan to find that weapon, which will probably only drop on the DLC island, likely from an apocalypse tank. When I got that one, I can start a museum showing all weapons there are, all from the highest class available 8)
Too bad the game doesn't allow us to build a museum, like Fallout 4 does. :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


good luck finding that 89 O0


Very cool, Binn, and finally! If you're on when I get home tonight I may join you though by then it would be late for you, don't want to keep you up!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


That would have indeed been too late I guess. I was online yesterday, but didn't go after rivals anymore. I focussed on the Apocalypse tanks on the DLC island because I was still searching for that golden Kvm 89, which I found!!! Finally. Now I made a museum :bigsmile:
I have two passive rank 31 characters; one that holds all experimental weapons, fully stacked with golden attachments, and another one that holds all weapons in the game in gold version, with of course all golden attachments added. Will post some screenies later. I mean if you build a museum you want to at least SOME people to have a look at the pieces :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


Nice, I don't even know what my other characters hold right now, probably a bunch of junk I can get rid of and convert them to just holding extra ammo lol!

Too bad you can't build a display area in a safe house or bunker to show off all the stuff you have collected. I mean, it wouldn't be too hard to do, program-wise, but probably doesn't fit in with the game's philosophy of always being on the move from one place to another.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yes I guess you're right D_B. Still, I think it could be invented in that massive hotel where you end up, finally finding some live people who sort of put it up as a stronghold. I could redesign one of the hotel rooms to have my own little showroom, don't you think? :anigrin:
"No hay luz"


Okay, here we go:

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Showing in the pic, starting on top:
2 SMG's, 3 assault rifles, 2 shotguns (the centre is showing the Automatgevär 4);

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the already shown second shotgun, 2 machine guns, 3 sniper rifles and the grenade launcher (the centre shows the Älgstudsare hunting rifle, which is very beautiful with its wooden grip ánd very rare);

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All 3 hand pistols, plus the experimental Klaucke (centre is showing the Mueller PP);

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The experimental sniper, grenade launcher, shotgun, assault rifle, SMG and machine gun (experimental Pvg 90 in centre, the most powerful weapon in the game).

All guns have each attachment (magazines, scopes, muzzles or silencers and scope enhancers possible, and those are all of the highest class (gold) available. I also got a set of extra attachments of each type, except for the Kpist SMG magazine, since this seems super rare.
The rarest item I found together with the Kpist mag is the 1x4 shotgun scope. I found 2 of those in my entire +400 hours playtime, and none since I started playing again, some 100+ hours ago. Both are gold, and apart from those two gold I found I did only once find a dilapidated one. Before that, the rarest item was the Klaucke magazine; I had never found a gold one, the best was purple, and only 2 or 3 times. So I was shocked when I found 4 or 5 of those when I returned. They must have fixed its probably bugged spawning rate. Makes sense since with the experimental Klaucke being a very popular handgun now it is very desired.

I used to have more than one of each golden weapon, (except for the älgstudsare) but to free space I ditched all of those, except for the MP5 and the Kvm 59, since I keep using those a lot. Also got some doubles and even triples on the experimental weapons, waiting to be given away to friends :)

"No hay luz"


Many people on the Generation Zero forums are hoping for more experimental versions of other weapons. And to tell the truth, I also have my desires. I think I would love to have an experimental version of one of those hunting rifles; the Meusser or the Älgstudsare. Preferably the second, but more likely the first, since its ammo is more common. And I would like them to be extra silent, and dealing a lot more damage to machine components. That would make it very useful in silent approaches, and rewarding for good aim. Now, these hunting rifles are heavily outplayed by the .50 sniper rifle. And that is good, but with current difficulty levels, they remain useless. It would be nice if you could use them as a silent player, sneaking ahead and dealing damage to the most vital parts of the bigger enemies from a safe distance.  8)
What I also would like is one of the weapons that uses the 5.56mm ammo type. That would either be the AG5 or the Kvm 89. And it would be great if they added any type of special effect that won't constantly make noises or flashes, like the exp. .50 sniper and the exp. Kvm 59. Especially the Kvm 59 is annoying because besides crackling sounds it also produces constant lightning flashes around its barrel. The weapon is effective against more than one enemy on medium to larger range like D_B already explained, but the sounds and visuals are very annoying.  :undecided-new:
And last but not least it would be nice if they fix the exp. shotgun. Its gauge ammo produces additional exploding darts, the same some hunters have, but the effectiveness is so limited when it comes to range, that it makes the weapon worse than its original counterpart. When using slug ammo, it will explode only half a meter away from the weapon, and when using bird shot or 12g gauge, it is limited to something like 10 meters. A normal shotgun with slugs is 10 times more effective and useful than the experimental one. Unbelievable that they haven't fixed that yet, since the release of the experimental weapons is more than half a year ago.  :banghead:

I know it doesn't make sense to put those things here, but these are my thoughts after having obtained all weapons. Since I ditched my GZ forums account due to their moderator behaviour, I'd like to share it somewhere. You guys at least pay attention to what I write :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


You know we'll read whatever you post here BinnZ, so feel free to express any thoughts you have on the game. From what you chaps have posted so far about GZ, I don't think I'd like it, but I do like to read what you have to say about it.

Nice collection of weps mate, well done :thumbsup:


Wouldn't mind having that bottom one, looks like it can take out a sherman tank with a single round     :evil2:
Respect is earned, not given.


Nice collection, Binn. That's a lot of weapons to stash and keep track of!

I would also like an update to the "hunting" rifles, which are silent when equipped, it would be cool if they had a better version that could do more damage to bigger targets. Used to be you could take down a hunter with one and a few rounds of ammo, maybe four or five, if you hit the right spot, which is what those rifles are about, hitting the right spot. I can still take out the lower level runners with one careful shot to the power pack. Anything higher level though and it becomes less useful.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yes D_B, that's true. Well at least they announced an upcoming update in which they address the floating bodies bug and also fix difficulty settings.
QuoteWith game difficulty, we've made a mix of balance tweaks and bug fixes that should alleviate many of the pain points. By making these changes we hope to better align with the difficulty descriptions we have in-game, so that you know what you're getting into and not being surprised by how challenging the machines are.
Sounds okay, but that last line kind of worries me... "not being surprised by how challenging the machines are." It makes me afraid they just almost emptied the adventure mode, and kept machine damage and the damage they deal almost the same. They seem to be a bit too proud of their hard to defeat AI, and push it with those damage levels in favour of the AI.
Well, in that case at least for new players you have the ability to advance in the game and focus on the main story and the exploration of the world, slowly building up skills and arsenal until you can try a harder difficulty.
I remember when I did my playthrough the game wasn't completely over-crowded, and once I finished the last main story mission, suddenly bigger amounts of robots started spawning. I found that a very good decision; to make the after-story playability more interesting. Having an intense fight with a big group of robots used to be challenging and very action packed. If you did it the right way it was all very possible to survive.
The way the game is now, it is a constant stream of intense fights, in which you only stand a change with the best weaponry and a full skill tree.

They also keep hinting to a new dlc, or at least some new content to either story or playable areas. That sounds as music in my ears, however I doubt if they will give that in the june update, which will likely come next week. But well, fingers crossed, let's hope for great things to come  :)
"No hay luz"


Currently I'm working on re-establishing 64 rivals in my game :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

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