Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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New video is complete. The first part is a bit uneven in the audio as I was fiddling with recording levels of the game and voiceover. Yes, I'm actually talking in this one. But by the end I tone down the audio and get a pretty decent sound out of it. Took me four or five days to complete recording of this, what with getting my second COVID shot during that time which had some side effects that drained all my strength. But editing wasn't too bad and I just cut out a bunch of the looting sections. So adjust the volume a bit as the combat parts are a bit loud and sometimes, at the beginning especially, drown out my voice.

But for a first attempt, didn't turn out too bad, I don't think. Also my longest video to date, just over an hour, but it covers the entire mission.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I watched it start to end, as always, and it was pretty OK. The third (and last) audio setup was really good I'd say. As to the length, I think you had longer or equally long sessions before which was streamed on twitch I think. I believe there was at least one of those "alien far cry" sessions of about or even over one hour, some kind of DLC that was pretty fun to watch.


Thanks, Art. Yeah the difference is on twitch it isn't expected as much that you be 100% up front as much as in a produced video, at least from my point of view. I think I did several live streams that were over an hour in Far Cry 5 DLCs - the Mars one and the Viet Nam one. I would never have thought to release any of those as Youtube videos, the format is different. Which is why so many former Youtbers are now doing Twitch, as for that, you turn the camera on, play the game for however many hours, then turn the camera off and you're done. No editing or any of that as required in a Youtube video. Of course, people then upload their Twitch streams to Youtube so what do I know? LOL

As far as Generation Zero is concerned, I may do another video if something comes along like a new DLC that isn't just a few new guns like the last couple have been. And Far Cry 6 is still in the works I guess, haven't heard anything about it in a while, but when that comes out I'll probably get it and do some videos, unless there's reports that it's a real stinker.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice to see the game play in action D_B, and also nice to attach a voice to a name  O0


Nice video D_B    O0     didn't have time to watch the whole clip, might have time after dinner.

I love the rifle you're using, wouldn't mind having one of those   :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.


Thanks guys!

Nex, the big sniper is the .50 cal experimental. I forget what the "experimental" attribute is on it. All the special weapons in the game have some ability, the other rifle I use is the full auto that I think uses 7.62 ammo but also has the effect of setting your target on fire. The rocket launcher has the magical ability to fire two rockets at the same time, which is why you see me reloading and putting two in the barrel, one on top of the other! I'm pretty sure this won't w0#k in real life, LOL!

The pistol has the chance to set off an EMP blast which temporarily disables all electronics around which you see in the first fire fight I have while hiding in the small garage building. The other sniper I use, the silenced one, is just a regular gun, no experimental attribute. I like using it because it's silent and you have to be pretty accurate to hit the vulnerable spot on the robots to take them out with one shot. I do that a couple times in the video as well.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


The rate of fire and the damage those firearms cause are great D_B.
They outclass the firearms in shooter games
I've played thus far, there's also none of the bullet sponges you find
in other games.   O0

Respect is earned, not given.


Oh, they used to be serious bullet sponges, Nex. They've adjusted the damage system a lot since the game was released. Now it seems pretty good, though explosive weapons still don't do the damage you'd think they should. The clip in the video where I use the rocket launcher, it takes far too many to take those guys down. The rocket launcher should be much more powerful, especially the one that shoots two at a time!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I can't think of a single person that likes "bullet sponges". You'd think game developers would learn from people's dislikes and adjust accordingly. I still recall with distaste how many bullets it took to take down a merc in FC2.

Those mercs must have been on PCP  :banghead:


Yeah the bullet sponge is just a quick and dirty way to make a game "harder" in my opinion. Though it doesn't really make it harder, just monotonous. Like stand there and pump a couple hundred rounds into something until it falls over. Whoopeee. The alternative is for the game maker to actually make the enemies a challenge to fight, but that requires usually some sophisticated AI or a reasonable facsimile thereof, and that's hard and time consuming for a developer to do. So you get bullet sponges.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I completely agree  :thumbsup:

A single pistol bullet to the head should be more than enough to put down an enemy in any game. That is one reason I like to play on ultra easy mode - fast and simple.  :gnehe:


But what if the enemy is a robot? lol But yeah against humans, I mean to make the game fun the player character is usually a bullet sponge themself, taking much more damage and hits than a real human could. So the same goes for the enemies, they have to be at least a little tough. But there's a point where it just becomes ridiculous and boring.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on May 18, 2021, 08:00:22 AM
But what if the enemy is a robot? lol

Good point! :D

Because I rarely play games with robots (or most futuristic themes), I often forget there are other kinds of games in which bullet sponge enemy are appropriate  :gnehe:

Of course, because I am a "cheats" kind of gamer, I don't mind being a bullet sponge while my enemy is a one-shot-one-kill kind of victim.  :gnehe:


I remember a game where a console command would change the heads of all the enemies into Halloween pumpkins, big, orange targets that went splat at the slightest touch. So shooting them was easy from almost any distance and getting a headshot kill was pretty much guaranteed. So funny.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


 :D :thumbsup:

I've not heard of that one, but it would be a "hoot" as my wife would say  :gnehe:

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