Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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Yep. However, the game has been updated. Check out what enormous amount of bugs they fixed: :o
"No hay luz"


QuoteArtillery doors will no-longer be locked after completing "Spiking the Guns".

Heh, that's what I was talking about in faulty bunkers ;)
"No hay luz"


QuoteDoors that require bunker power will no longer be re-locked when revisiting after changing session.

And I think this was the bug you mentioned, D_B! :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

nice. I always enjoy reading about bug-fixing especially when they're quick about it. O0


The mission that was bugged is also fixed, I completed it now. Plus several other missions I didn't know about. And they changed the annoying slow notifications when you pick up multiple items.

The reduction of adrenaline shots they announced is quite drastically. I didn't find a single one of those since the update, so they are becoming extremely valuable. Glad I saved 20 on a different character :bigsmile:

But it will indeed change the gameplay for the better. You have to be more careful now. Reckless encounters are going to be deadly :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

so away from the fun, back to survival.


So, the update worked for you Binn? Didn't for me, and by looking on the steam page, a lot of other people too. First off, the game takes quite a few minutes to load, maybe 4 or 5, used to take 20-30 seconds. Then, load a save game and instant crash, or maybe you get to see where you spawn for 5 seconds, then it crashes. I can't even play it, so the update wasn't much help for me.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Maybe the updates haven't been tested on enough different hardware configurations :huh-new:

Have either of you guys modded your games in any way?


No mods here, I don't even know if there are mods for this game. Considering the first 20 or so posts on the steam page announcing the update are angry people talking about the exact same thing, I'm not alone. And if that many people have the same issue, then you've got to wonder how much testing they did on it, like did they test on any kind of "real world" hardware setup? As it is, every time it crashes, it pops up a dialog to send the info in for evaluation, so I do, and I would expect many others do as well, so they know what's going on. But many of the people posting are angry, of course, and are asking for money back.

Might be a windows 7 thing, some indications on their forums seem to point that way, this guy has exactly my experience:
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hmm, they said minimum specs are... and named "64bit OS - Windows 7 with Service Pack 1" so they should have tested it..


Damn, damn damn!!!! This is not good. Not for you D_B, in the first place, but also because more people will brag about the negative issues of this game. While it has such great potential. I have played yesterday for quite long. I had one crash. It happened while I was going back and forth in the menus to exchange stuff from the different characters and their inventories. This happened 2 times before, and both it was before the update. So it's not exactly very stable, but no changes to that aspect for me.
I hope they will find out what is causing this and roll back that part, or fix it asap. They have to. :angry-new:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


Let's hope so, I'd like to continue playing. Then again, it's one more incentive to upgrade to windows 10, which I've been putting off because of all the w0#k involved. But I think I'll just have to dedicate a weekend to doing it. I need to do a complete backup first, of at least the boot drive, maybe two different backups (one full image for full restore and one by file to be able to grab one or two files if need be) then install it and then install or reinstall everything else.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Oh man, I know what you're up against. It's a *bleep* show. And there will always be something unexpected... but indeed, it's about time. Win 10 is really a good and stable system. I haven't had any complaints until now. But I do am glad I use some tips and tweaks I found here to make it not interfere too much with what I'm doing. Like that stupid game mode, where it constantly records your gameplay.... lol

Anyway, I still hope they fix this bullshit quickly, so you can continue enjoying the game.

I came to the conclusion there's more that has been changed than I had expected. First thing is this 'revive' thingy what you can do with the adrenaline shots you find everywhere. Well, you don't find them everywhere anymore. First I Thought they had completely vanished from the islands, but when they depleted in my inventory I found out I would find them again. So what they did was; they don't want us to stock loads of adrenaline shots in our inventory (you are allowed to have 20 in a single slot so yeah, I usually had 40 of them at hand :anigrin:). They only allow you to have one or two. Once you have those, you won't find them any more. In fact that is a good thing. I had to play more careful not to loose my position and get dragged out of a battle and having to walk all the way back to the location where it took place. It does add to the fun.
What I was afraid of, is what will happen when you 'abandon your character' and choose a new 'respawn point'. I thought "Maybe I loose all my carefully collected gear and have to start over collecting them, or have to run back to the area where I lost them in order to pick it up again...."
Well, nothing that nasty. You just pick your next spawn point which has to be a safe house. Then you will start there with all your gear. The enemies you were fighting will remain in the area, although they might wander away after some time, but they keep the damage you dealt to them. So if you are able to get back in time you can get even :evil2:

Something else that has changed, and this is something a am a bit sad about, is that you will pick up less loot from downed enemies. The dog robots used to have all sorts of ammo carrying with them, since you will encounter different types who shoot different sorts of bullets at you. After this bugfix they only carry simple pistol ammo, no matter what they were shooting you with. And the Hunters, I still find them the toughest enemies on the battlefield, now only give you 'green' assault rifle 2.43 rounds, while they used to also give you grenades for the grenade launcher. And I already mentioned the special weapons you pick up from downed Scavengers; since the fix I haven't encountered a single one of them. Maybe I've had my luck already and have to be patient now, maybe they just adjusted the entire 'looting from downed enemies' parameters.

One last thing about the update which is showing that they weren't ready for launch imho; there's a new glitch that wasn't there. Enemies that you shot down and remain on the ground as robot-corpses, will now sometimes, when you revisit the area after a while but in the same gaming session, act as if they are alive again. Only their lights are blinking and they make noises. They aren't actually alive, they remain down and don't act at all. They just appear to. A bit confusing and in some cases even a bit scary. I hope they will roll back that new glitch in the next update :undecided-new:
"No hay luz"

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