Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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Art Blade

that sounds like a MAJOR fix, a total game-changer. Adjusting the loot output that way isn't supposed to happen after an official launch. It's what I know as "re-balancing" a game which would have been OK during early access and perhaps during and after beta testing but definitely not after a retail launch. What a bummer. They must have pushed that game out too early for whatever reason, indeed.


AFAIK Avalanche is co-developing RAGE 2 and I guess this was some kind of mini-project within the studio. Which means, less resources for development as this isn't the main focus for them.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


That's right GKID, they w0#k on F*ing Rage 2! I can't match that with this game. But in this case they use Havok engine, whilst Rage uses ID if I'm correct. I will never forget the poor experience Rage was.
But here I think they use the same engine as Hunter, Call of the Wild. I can imagine they use the AI experience they built on creating wild animals and how they act when being shot at. These dogs move so natural, even those tanks do.

"No hay luz"


Damn, it's annoying when bug "fixes" introduce worse ones than those they were trying to fix :banghead:

Hope they get it sorted - and they better do it soon, before people turn off completely.

Art Blade

oh man, yes, that would be really disappointing for our guys if the "support" of the game devs was dropped like a hot potato.


Well, the crash on Windows 7 systems is related to the mouse of all things, go figure. Saw this in the post on their forums I linked above, but once the game loads as long as you don't touch the mouse you are fine, which means playing with the controller, which I hate for first person games. It would take me a long time to get used to it and I don't think I'd ever really like it. I just tested it and it ran fine with the controller for a few minutes, someone else even joined my game. But as soon as I touched the mouse the game froze and crashed. Since it's all Win 7 systems from what I've seen, it must be something with the mouse driver that the game doesn't like. Something very low level, as I'm sure all those people are using different mice from different companies, so it must be whatever all those different drivers do to access the system that is causing it. Avalanche must only test with a controller or something.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade



Quote from: BinnZ on April 19, 2019, 03:21:57 PM
That's right GKID, they w0#k on F*ing Rage 2! I can't match that with this game. But in this case they use Havok engine, whilst Rage uses ID if I'm correct.

Havok is a physics library for a game engine. GZ uses the Apex engine from Just Cause.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

G, you keep surprising me with "trivia" like that :) It appears to just sit in your memory, ready for recalling, as easily as if it was to tell the time of day. :anigrin:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art showed me around in the OBS settings to give me a general idea of what to do and what not to, and we agreed upon a stup that should fit for easy uploading to youtube with acceptable quality.
I wanted to show you guys some gameplay of this game, and here's some. I am approaching a facility where there's a bunker entrance I have to go to. However the terrain is heavily guarded. This spot is much more to the north and it gets more crowded there with robots, carrying better equipment too.
It's not the perfect scene to have you enjoy the beauty of the game, but it shows you how the fighting can go. I just approach the group of foes straight forward. Snipe a bit, then when the small buggers are down I take the tank. It's always quite a shootout. These things are super powerful, but slow.
You may see all little spider-like robots swarming over the floor, they are being released by the tank. They do that at specific moments during the fight. Probably when you're a lot out of his direct sight.

"No hay luz"

Art Blade

good shooting :anigrin: That was an intense fight.


Thanx, it was. That's at least clear in this vid; you can have challenging and fluid fights :)

It is one of the reasons why I like this game so much; the enemies have a good variety and AI. And excellent animations. I like it a lot when the robot dogs explode in mid-air when you kill them while they charge on you.

Here's another video. This time I wanted to show some nice scenery and the feeling when you approach an unknown area on the map. However, I happened to find another Tank. Or it found me. Anyway, it's dead now :bigsmile:

"No hay luz"

Art Blade

nice effect, snow flakes in the light of your torch O0

🡱 🡳