Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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I'm pretty sure, since it's listed as invite only, so I would think so.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I think it works the way Borderlands did with their coop design. And yesterday I found something cool: some sort of field radio which you can place somewhere allowing you or your coop buddies to fast travel to that location. However, I also fooled around a bit with the saving: things you place in the world, even in save houses will disappear after a reload. Only your own backpack will save with you. Also the field radio will despawn. I lost two testing that.😢 Hope I find another one. On the positive side; loot seems to randomly reappear in the world. And as long as you're in a save house, all your progress will be saved 🙂
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

good luck with all that. Most of all: have fun, guys O0


Thanx, will do 😃
I think you're right about sight problems with those robots, although they have lit parts in their heads and use yellow and red scanners, producing rays of light. Plus, we have long dark night nights in Sweden at around October 🤨
"No hay luz"


D_B, I found some interesting info today you might want to know about. First of all, you can fast-travel. Something so obvious, and I had to go ask around to find out it was even possible. In the map, you can use the save house icons to fast travel to that location.

I also found out something else; you will soon find out that this inventory we have, is way too small. You can unlock the extra inventory space through the skill tree, and you have to advance in the left branch of the Survival skills. It's on the third spot.

I fooled around with the clothes, thanx for that tip, I found out I actually have a very cool helmet. Will add a screenie below ;)

If you advance following the main quests, you will pass through a village called Salthamn, which is a nice looting place. In order to follow the clues, it's best to immediately enter the bunker in the area. I thought to myself I could loot the entire village first, and then go for the mission indicator, but then you will find clues without knowing they're clues, so to speak. It can be quite confusing then to follow the mission path.
Anyway, once you're don in the village, you may find your way to a payback location which is South west of the village. There's a massive bunker, you don't want to miss that. Good loot and weapons to be found.

I was playing with the settings that anyone can join, and some players joined at some point. They gave me the tip about the inventory space, which is really helpful. I haven't unlocked them yet, but soon will. 2 skill points / levels away :)
The guys were nice, it seems there's no friendly fire. Although I didn't ask for it ;)

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"No hay luz"


One more thing about the inventory; you can save space (if you have multiple weapons) by adding attachments (ammo, scopes, suppressors) to the weapons in your inventory. They will accumulate all in the same two slots :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Quote from: BinnZ on April 09, 2019, 02:21:17 PMThe guys were nice, it seems there's no friendly fire. Although I didn't ask for it ;)

Well.. fingers crossed :anigrin:


Interesting. I couldn't help noticing the very Terminator-style music in the trailer :gnehe: And it's set in the 80s... So when does Sarah Connor turn up?

Looks like a pretty cool game, actually. Graphics look really nice :thumbsup:

Art Blade

it does look nice, doesn't it :)

Still, I'm not into that type of game anymore. I might watch videos of people playing it but it doesn't make me want to participate. However, I still like to read the stories here ;)


It's a singleplayer game/co-op only, so no chance to run into idiots for now. :) Anyway, I am done with survival games, but I have started to play Minecraft again.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


OK, so all the ammo I dropped in the church safehouse will be gone when I load the game again? Ah well, I didn't have any guns that fit it yet, and it seems ammo, while not dropping from the sky, is fairly common. I will definitely look into more inventory space, it is a bit restrictive as it is at the start.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yesterday I stayed up just long enough to meet D_B and give him the extra weapons I found and kept carrying around for him :bigsmile:
I gave him the 'worn' version of the Hunting Rifle, a Swedish SMG and an Assault Rifle. Plus a worn long range scope (4x8). Worn is the best type I've come across and they are somewhat rare. However, later I was thinking maybe D_B would've enjoyed them even better if he found them by himself... "Hope that's not the case D_B! I just wanted to share some stuff you know!" :anigrin:

Before I met D_B I was on my own and proceeded to the next big island... well it's still a small island considering the rest of the game but it's the next chunk of gameplay, let's put it this way.
I managed to get to the church of said chunk of land, and around this church, that seems to be the middle of various missions and clues, I found massive enemy activity. I encountered Tanks for the first time. Enormous walking robots with their 'heads' between their legs, often shown on promotion material. They're known to be super powerful and almost indestructible. Well; I can agree. However, since I heard them stamp in the vicinity I quickly made my way to the church to get in cover because I expected it to be a save house. It was. And if you watched D_B's vid, I sort of copied his approach with the church tower. I didn't dare to confront these tanks and the swarming enemies around it so I climbed to church tower and tried to shoot them down from there.
I lost count of the enemies I killed, but there were over 15 runners (robot dogs) 6 hunters (robot man-types) and 2 tanks. And a bunch of flying microwaves to top it off.
I spent almost my entire stash of ammo using the assault rifle, the hunting rifle and the SMG and the pistol even. But I survived. The loot you get from a tank is a tad disappointing. I got smoke grenades and frag grenades. Haven't tested them yet though, so who knows they are nice.

Then D_B showed up so I made my way to his location and shared my 'worn' guns :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Quote from: BinnZ on April 11, 2019, 09:34:36 AMif you watched D_B's vid, I sort of copied his approach

??? you watched a gameplay vid?!


I fast-forwarded rapidly through it yes :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

🡱 🡳