Pointless Trivia

Started by fragger, April 19, 2019, 05:56:26 AM

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That's a funny  :thumbsup:

Val looks like a baby


Wasn't too hard to find, G. As soon as I saw the picture I remembered the scene in the movie :anigrin:

Here's another scene, needs a bit of pre-explaining: The bad guys have tried to bump off Omar Sharif by putting a car with him in it into a car crusher...


Art Blade

so that's why they call it boobietrap.



In Hogan's Heroes, the first name of the lovable prison guard Sgt. Schultz is "Hans". He served with distinction during WW1 and as a younger (and presumably slimmer) man, once won a German National $p@rts Badge. Between the wars, he became the founder and lead toy-maker of the Schatze Toy Company. He has a wife named Gretchen, has five children and a nephew named "Wolfie".

After the war, the former prisoners of Stalag 13 vouched for him, declaring him to have been of great aid to them and to the Allies. He was released without charge and returned to civilian life. He reopened his toy company (which had been converted into a war production plant) and opened a candy store, Schatze Süßigkeiten, next door to the toy factory.

My favourite Sgt. Schultz quote:

"Colonel Hogan, if you ever escape, be a good fellow and take me with you!"


 :D  :thumbsup:

Your post reminds me of how bad a kid I was when a youngster.  My brother and I would run in to the room where my mother was and shouted, "MOM, COME QUICK" and we would run into the living room where the television was located and would innocently say "your favorite show, Hogan's Heroes is on" with angelic eyes. Naturally being a somewhat hot-headed German lady, she hated that show and shouted what anyone not knowing the German language would have interpreted as a volley of cussing, storming out of the room.  :laughsm:

Normally I'd be ashamed of doing something like this, but everyone in my life knows I love to tease people, and my mother was very kind in playing along with her children's joks; she actually thought it as of funny.  :gnehe:

Art Blade


Something like this. "Ihr Idioten, lasst mich in Ruhe"!
Respect is earned, not given.



The original doughnut (or donut, if you're American :gnehe:) was something you no longer get - the middle, cut-out bit. Well, sort of. They were basically small balls of sweetened, deep-fried dough, hence "nut". They are of Dutch origin and were brought to the USA by very early Dutch settlers of New York (when it was still known as "New Amsterdam").

The familiar torus shape of the modern doughnut was reportedly invented by a young American merchant seaman named Hanson Gregory in the mid-1800s, who didn't like the way the central part of the doughnut often remained slightly raw (because the outermost parts threatened to get burnt if cooked for too long) and came up with the idea of cutting the middle out with the galley's pepper tin (presumably, these concoctions were somewhat larger than what we're familiar with, I guess to better feed a ship's crew). He passed this technique on to his mother Elizabeth, who further developed the modern recipe by adding nutmeg and cinnamon.

About an hour ago I had a plain doughnut with a cup of coffee and I thought, "Okay, dough I get, but why is there a 'nut' in the name?" At first I thought maybe it was referencing the type of nut that goes around a bolt, but that didn't feel right. So I went and had a delve :gnehe:

Art Blade


Nice :) I eat them every year around New Year. But I normally aid raisins to the dough. Here's a little trivia about the "oliebollen" as we call them: oliebollen

Funny to imagine this is the 'donuts' prequel O0
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

funny! :) Hey, we know those oliebollen as "Krapfen" :anigrin:

Hey, check out this and find a lot more of those fried dough balls..



Nice find! My eye fell on this one, from Brasil:Coxinha

I've seen those by the dozens in Police Stations in Max Payne 3. Always wondered what they were, even asked JRD about it. Now here I found it, with chicken filling, yammie! :bigsmile:

Here's the MP3 variant:
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