Call of Duty: WW2

Started by PZ, April 23, 2017, 09:02:52 AM

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I really like WW2 games, but have not found a graphically really good one that is open world. S.P. of course is a must for me, so I'm likely out of luck.


Netcode analysis.

So, game runs at 60 Hz tick, yet, there are some small issues when it comes to movement
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Interesting. I would be really annoyed by revealing my IP to everyone just because the in-game voice chat isn't run through a dedicated server.

I was curious as to where that guy is from. To me he had a slight German accent plus phrases like "we must" instead of "we'll have to" really made me want to look it up. He's from Austria.. so I wasn't far off :anigrin:


UBI*bleep* fixed that with Rainbow Six Siege in an update. Hope Activision and SHG moves VOIP to a dedicated voice server.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Alright, so I bought the base version of this game. Campaign is a fast phased shooting gallery as usual with some mandatory stealth sections. The story is focused on heroism and brotherhood in the squad. The game features "heroic" actions scripted in. It's either saving a soldier from death or making enemies surrender. You can request health packs and ammo from your squad mates. You have to watch the cutscenes, as you can't skip them. :banghead:

The MP is different from older games. You need to pick a Division, which has unique abilities/attachments exclusive to them. Infantry has access to the bayonet, Airborne has the suppressor (SMG exclusive only), Armoured has LMG bipods, Mountain has the "Hold breath to steady" option for sniping and Expeditionary features shotgun incendiary shells :evil2: Perks are replaced with basic training and only 1 can be equipped at the time. Boots on the ground is a plus, there's no jet pack/wallrunning anymore.

I prefer the modern style games, but it doesn't hurt going back to WW2.

Campaign playlist with no commentary.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I know that player MKIceAndFire from YT for years now because he's one of the few without commentary and he's fast, too. Sometimes silly -- he's incredibly impatient and tends to spin around or attack thin air if it's not going on fast enough. And he tends to attack chickens when they cross his path (any little birds on the ground) and typically in Assassin's Creed, he loves to tackle pedestrians, running right into them so they go, AHhh! :anigrin: So his playthroughs often miss out on little things and almost never show any exploring. But he usually doesn't die. What I hate is that he tends to open the menu and check stuff right in the middle of some action when I'd never do that, sometimes in the middle of dialogue. He's just keen on finishing the game as quickly and efficiently as possible.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

something I'm qualified to comment on: When Rousseau, as well as those German soldiers during "liberation," is talking in German, it sounds right. It is actually the first time that I can think of that production hired native speaking voice actors and apparently line editors. Virtually every non-German film and game productions that I've come across in decades, created "stuff" that was so far from actual spoken German that I could only describe it as "cringe-worthy." Not this time. Even the entries in her passport were really good and I'd say they were all correct, at least regarding the language. Except ONE little flaw.. there's a stamp bottom left that reads "9. JULY 1944" -- we spell it "Juli" with an "i"  :anigrin:

Art Blade

Something else about that passport. Place of birth "Piz Palü" is a mountain between Switzerland and Italy. Funny how she's got that as a place of Birth in such a German environment. "Tauberbischofsheim" is an actual German town located in the Tauberfranken region of Franconia on the river Tauber. If you don't know about that river, and just look at the three words the name is composed of, Tauber Bischof(s) and Heim, these words literally translate to "deaf Bishop('s) home." :anigrin:


Yeah. SHG did a good job. That passport error is funny, I assume the guards would notice that easily, if they checked that  :laughsm:

Although Heinrich is voiced by an American voice actor (J. Paul Boehmer) from Star Trek and modelled after him.

In the MP, the axis soldiers are doing callouts in German. Sometimes in English with the typical German accent (Enemies in ZE bunker!)

Ha ha, never thought about those entries in the passport :laughsm:

Even the colonels have some funny names, I encountered an "Oberst Keller" and "Oberst Sauer" :huh-new: Doubt those are common German surnames :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I didn't spend too much time dissecting the German lines. But I can tell you this: I had that playthrough running in the background when suddenly I realised German was spoken. It was not just, "ah, they're speaking German now." It was more like, "WHAT!" Because I realised it was still part of that playthrough and not something else, it sounded so real and natural. But indeed, I recall having noticed that some bits were a little off, if ever so slightly, that I wasn't sure whether or not it was someone native speaking who might have lived a little too long abroad. It was, however, negligible. Their language coaches did an excellent job. I don't think everyone who's got some German lines is at the time a native speaker, so, with that in mind, an excellent job. Something a non-native speaker wouldn't notice.

Not some horrible wannabe *bleep* that production probably thought was good enough for the non-native speaking audience it was meant for, like, for instance, a big name, Stephen Spielberg, and, another big name, his 2001 mini-series "Band of Brothers" -- when they called in Joseph D. Liebgott as a translator, his German was absolutely cringe-worthy but then again, he didn't pretend to be German in the first place. Most of the German in BoB wasn't really German.

I'm mentioning BoB because CoD:WW2 reminds me a lot of it. Even the player's character, Daniels, reminds me of Pvt. David Kenyon Webster of BoB.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I just read some old posts in this topic and found my remark about the player's character reminding me of "Spears" which actually would have been Ronald C. Speirs (of BoB). :gnehe: When comparing Daniels to Webster and Speirs, I think Speirs is more accurate. He was the hero-type while Webster was more of a shirker by comparison, and CoD favours the hero-type and encourages you to perform heroic deeds.

Speaking of which. Watching that playthrough, I was a bit stunned when MKIceAndFire ("Ice") was supposed to rescue a wounded fellow soldier in the road close to a church that later they were to enter and climb its bell tower. He ignored that wounded guy and I could hear repeated calls for help. Even on entering the church, there was still one "help me!" to be heard before the doors closed ??? :D The game didn't sanction that.

What the game did sanction, however, was when Ice was supposed to drive a Jeep to a nearby location to help out some soldiers that were about to be overrun and killed. Turned out to be a TIMED EVENT that even a skilled player like Ice had to tackle three times before he got it right. "Funny" how his best friend and two-legged first-aid-packet dispenser, Zussman, tells him to go easy at first, then to floor it, and in the middle of it all, they need to shoot German vehicles with the on-board MG. Instead of Zussman taking care of that, Daniels, the driver, lets go of the wheel, hops into the back while telling Zussman to take the wheel (while going full speed, bumpy road, enemies attacking, time-critical mission) and takes control of the MG. But if you're not quick enough to arrive within a VERY tight time window at certain invisible checkpoints, you fail the mission and have to start over.

I call that bullshit.


I almost felt I was in a Michael Bay like Hollywood video during those chases. Especially in the mission before Liberation.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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