Gobsmacking Images From Juno

Started by fragger, June 13, 2019, 11:21:08 AM

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Have you guys seen any of the close-up photos of Jupiter taken by NASA's Juno probe? I haven't really been keeping tabs on it - until now. The images are mind-snapping.

Go to Google Images and do a search on "Juno images Jupiter", then prepare to be astounded...

Here's one just to whet your appetite. I resized it down and compressed it a little, but still...

[spoiler text=click on the image for a better view]
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This is phenomenal. The closer into Jupiter's atmosphere we peer, the less it looks like a planet and more like a piece of abstract art.

Art Blade

looks like a blueberry pie in the making. :gnehe:

Yeah, there have been many cool pics out there since those satellites passed interesting objects in unprecedented proximity. O0


Beautiful.  I had seen this image previously.  8)

I too for some reason had the impression that this image was almost like a super high resolution detail close-up of a combination between Edvard Munch's The Scream and Van Gogh's The Starry Night.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


The other thing that is astounding is each one of those swirly things is a hurricane-like storm that is bigger than the Earth.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yep. You can't really get any sense of scale from most of the pictures. There are some images where if you look really closely, you can see some cloud formations like you see in photos taken from Earth orbit, but they look ridiculously tiny. Then you start to realize.


That looks really cool fragger  :thumbsup:

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