Fallout 3

Started by Dweller_Benthos, July 01, 2017, 05:42:34 PM

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I'm almost done with this game, and here's the first couple screenshots I thought I should post. I'm doing the Pitt DLC and was struck by how good a game looks that's almost 10 years old.

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Reminds me of that old TV show, can anyone guess from this quote?

Person one: "I wonder what this place looks like in the daytime?"

Person two: "This is the daytime."

Anyone guess what that's from? But this shot made me think of that as I had just slept to make it day and it still didn't look like day. Very atmospheric, and for a game that old, pretty cool.

And then the character I'm playing, yep, a girl again, funny how that happens. But I grabbed the outfit from a Pitt raider, yeah, let's make a bra out of mininuke shell casings, that will be safe.

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This is near the end of the Pitt DLC, and most of the raiders are dead and the slaves are almost free, after this, it's off to the main quest as I've finished all the other DLC and need to finish the main quest to get Broken Steel to start. Then that will be it for Fallout 3 and it's on to New Vegas.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

funny post, and I like the bra comment O0

As to your question..
[spoiler text=TV show quizz]Battlestar Galactica, Crisis on Carillon. BSG is one of my all-time favourite shows  :)

While exploring the dark surface of the planet Carillon

Starbuck: I wonder how this place looks like in the daytime?
Boomer: Hey, this is the daytime.
Starbuck: Oooh... lovely.

Yeah, it looks really good, better than some games of today even. :)
I never played DLCs for FO3 but I did play so much that I had to completely stop. I was kind of overdosed so I skipped every sequels (never played any prequels, by the way) until now that I felt like it again, when I saw a super bargain for FO4.

Have fun :)


I also played FO3 a lot. I bought the GOTY edition including all DLC's and went through them like a hot knife through butter. It was so much though, the game with all its quests is so big, that by completing it I also had enough if it.
New Vegas didn't interest me at all, but this new FO4 is tempting. I don't do it though, because it will likely consume too much time. I'm still busy getting lose from GTA Online, I can't dive into another digital adventure that will take so much time that I need for real life things :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


haha, of course I figured Art would recognize that quote. A pretty obscure one, too.

I have spent a good amount of time on Fallout 3, but not as much as in Fallout 4 I don't think. New Vegas doesn't look as big, at least the game guide for it is about half as thick as the Fallout 3 one. So that will carry me through to Far Cry 5 with a detour to the new Wolfenstein when it comes out.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I used to have a book with tips and hints for FO3 and it was big. This time around, I didn't want to prepare. I did read the FO4 forum some two years ago but that's nothing of significant help when playing the game for myself now. I do remember some details like your "arena" with caged-in monstrosities that you let fight it out among themselves.. I want to try that, too  :anigrin: Else, the recent tips are much more useful as they are hand-tailored to what I'm doing. :)


Yeah, the arena stuff is fun, getting a bunch of different creatures in there and letting them loose on each other while you watch from high above munching popcorn is a great way to get back at them for all the trouble they cause you. Getting gunners and raiders in there to shoot each other is even more fun. A lot of people would put Marcy up against a deathclaw or something just because she complains so much. But that was before she could be killed and the more recent patches removed that so you can't just put her in fights over and over anymore.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

maybe by cheating, (setessential 1) making her immortal again if she isn't anymore -- or the other way around, depends on what we want to watch :) I don't know her yet but I bet I'll remember your post when I meet her  :D


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on July 02, 2017, 04:48:16 AM
Yeah, the arena stuff is fun, getting a bunch of different creatures in there and letting them loose on each other while you watch from high above munching popcorn is a great way to get back at them for all the trouble they cause you...



Yeah you can always use setessential to put Marcy back to being unkillable. But if you've Preston and the gang, you've met Marcy. She and her husband, Jun, are the other two people in the group aside from Sturgis the repairman. Marcy and Jun lost their son in the attack on Quincy and are a bit upset about it, understandably. But where Jun is just depressed, Marcy is a real, well, bitch about it. Her most used dialog is something like "I hope you don't think we're friends" and other such gems. The thing is, neither of them show any gratitude towards you after you A: Rescue them from near certain death in the museum, and B: Give them a place to live with more comforts than any other place in the wasteland (food, clean water, beds, a roof over their head, etc) so a lot of players take exception to that and really dislike Marcy. The other people don't show much appreciation either, but Marcy is especially bad.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

she's got to be the one I assigned to the hairdresser's chair. Apparently she can't talk much when she's assigned to that  :laughsm:

Art Blade

I went looking for her to make sure. She's not the hairdresser. I found her behind the garage where I grow my food. She was busy with some carrots  :anigrin: I suppose that's why I never see her, she's always out of sight, tending carrots and other plants behind the house :)

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on July 02, 2017, 04:26:05 AM
New Vegas doesn't look as big --8<--snip--
So that will carry me through to Far Cry 5 --8<--snip--
when it comes out.

Out of sheer and pure sympathy, I just bought it.

Art Blade

steam summer sale strikes again: for only €9,99 I got an ultimate version, a bundle with "Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money, Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts, Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues, Fallout New Vegas®: Lonesome Road™, Fallout New Vegas®: Gun Runners' Arsenal™, Fallout New Vegas: Courier's Stash." Nice, considering, and only 7.7GB -- it was already downloaded while I was reading a few posts. :gnehe:

Maybe we can share some stories, then. :anigrin: I was lucky, though. AFTER I bought it and while it was downloading, I checked the store page again and only then did I see a warning, "Low Violence: German low violence version only available with German language." I am certain that this warning wasn't there when I checked the versions (different bundles with other games) and when I decided to get it. I would never have considered buying a censored version. Hehe, "low violence," does that mean in that version people don't shoot and only talk politely?  :laughsm:

Well, I got the English version and the intro cutscene was already something that would have been affected. Phew. I was about to get a proper fit but hey, apparently my English Windows10 tricked the game version download. Usually, I can't download an uncut version if there's a warning. Well, there wasn't any warning before I downloaded. Anyhow, I'm all good  :anigrin:

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Nice, I had a combo version a friend gave me, so I have some of the DLC, not sure how many of them. I'll check it out when I get back from vacation, I'm off to the mountains for the rest of the week, so I won't be online much until Sunday, see you later!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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