Fallout 3

Started by Dweller_Benthos, July 01, 2017, 05:42:34 PM

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I feel your pain, D_B  O0


Running down the last of the game, just one quest to do, Return to the Vault. I've finished everything else, aside from a few fetch quests for the BoS and some minor things to clean up. But a few pictures that might be interesting, the first being me, Fawkes and a tame deathclaw heading towards Old Olney to find the tesla coil to make the new weapons to defeat the Enclave:

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Then, some of the same shenanigans with gnomes and teddy bears you see a lot more of in Fallout 4, these are all in the Broken Steel DLC areas, which had a lot more of this sort of thing than the base game did.

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And finally, getting ready to return to the vault to see what is going on there, dressed for success in a hat, shades, and vault 101 suit to blend in, a little, anyway. Though having a super mutant in tow might be a give away....

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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

 :anigrin: nice pics.

Nice pet deathclaw, too :gnehe:



The super mutant is a dead give-away  :gnehe:

I finished FO3 but there are so many ways to get it done that one can go through multiple times and not have exactly the same experience twice. I still like the gloomy music in the game.


Too bad tame deathclaws can't follow you very far, though, that one died a few steps later when he got out of range of the Enclave unit controlling him.

Yeah there are a few paths you can take and I tried a few when it was possible to do a save and then try things out. But I ended up with Messiah-level karma so I was a good person, but since way back in the start of the game I killed the overseer (didn't know it was an option not to) when I went back to the vault, they weren't too happy with me. But I got rid of the guy who was the current overseer, since he was insistent that they not open the vault when it was obvious that they would have to go out to the world sooner or later, and Amata becomes the new overseer. Then I left for good, oh well.

I still have the cursed book from Point Lookout to bring back to the Dunwich building and I may do a couple fetch quests for the BoS and turn in some cameras and blood samples but those are mostly for caps and I have nothing to spend the money on.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

spend it on Jet and Mentats and the likes and go wild :anigrin:


I finished the vault quest and then wandered around a bit, looking at places I only passed through quickly before. One was Vault 87, which during the story, you enter through Little Lamplight because the surface entrance is a high radiation zone due to being a direct hit by a nuke. So, I decided to stock up on radaway and put on my best power armor for the highest radiation resistance, which combined with my built-in resistance from perks was something like 80% total. I was still getting something like 800+ rads while in the zone which is plenty to kill you fast. I had radaway on a hot key and just spammed it while I ran up to the door to get the marker checked off on my found locations list, then ran away. I did pause long enough to try the door, but it was inaccessible. But considering the Enclave captures you in the vault, and they don't come in the way you did, through Little Lamplight, they must have come in the front door, and withstood the radiation somehow. But it took me something like 100 radaways to withstand the radiation there for just maybe the 30 seconds it takes to run past the door and back out.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

whoa ??? That doesn't sound like a normal approach at all. I mean, you barely survived that. I remember Little Lamplight by name. I think it was where that gang of children resided, wasn't it? In some type of cave, I believe. I'm not sure but I believe there's an entrance inside that cave.


Yes, the normal way into vault 87 is by Little Lamplight, the cave system where the kids reside, you go in through the back of the cave and find the rear entrance to the vault. You have to do that because the above ground entrance to the vault was a direct nuke hit and the area is greatly radiated, over 3600 rads if you are unprotected, which will kill you fast, here's the wiki page


Since I had high rad resistance from perks and power armor and rad-x, the highest number I saw was about 800 rads, but I really couldn't look around much as I was spamming the radaway button constantly to stay alive. I did record a video of the run, I may post it eventually just for fun. But I came at the area from the north, I think, then dropped down the cliff to the entrance and hurried out of there pretty fast. All the while tapping the keybind for the radaway.

The door can't be opened, and it was just the normal "outside the vault" door made of wood slats, not sure how that survived a direct nuclear strike. So there's no way into the vault from there, the only reason to go there is to get the final location marker on my map filled in, and to see if I could do it. You need at least 100 radaway I think, I had well over 200 before I started and just over a hundred when I finished. I may have spammed it a little too much, but it's hard to move around and look at things and keep control while the entire time hitting the key for radaway to stay alive.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


One character that I've encountered in FO3 on both times I've played through was Uncle Leo.  Heh heh, I like him.  He's a super mutant very like Fawkes who when exposed to the Forced Evolutionary Virus (F.E.V.) though successfully transforming retained much of his human values, somewhat less of his reasoning capacity, and almost none (just dim shadows) of his memories from his previous life.

He's the only non-hostile super mutant other than the companion Fawkes.  Uncle Leo will spawn randomly in the game and then stay in that location until killed by either you or any of the local dangers.  His first words when you meet him are something like "I am Pleased that your first reaction on seeing me was to not attack."  With that and his cheerful greeting each time you visit him "You came back!  It's good to see you again my friend!" it made me a bit sad that beyond answering a few questions and him providing the details of his back story there's very limited interaction with him.  My personal opinion is that he is highly worthy of a related quest.

There is an option where you can threaten to kill him if he doesn't give you his possessions and on the second time of robbing him in that manner he sincerely laments "I am sorry my friend that I don't have more to give to you."  He's such a tragic and yet in the face of so much adversity a still positive character I just don't have the heart to abuse Uncle Leo to get those lines of dialog.  I don't need his stuff.  :'(

In an attempt to keep Uncle Leo safe from local hazards of the wastelands I tried to move him to the lobby outside of Underworld using the console command cheat code "player.placeatme" and then his ID #.  But after several failed attempts it became clear my efforts were doomed to failure.  :banghead:

He could have hung out there with Fawkes if I'd succeeded.  :bigsmile:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


The alternative would be to make him "essential" and by that, immortal. It might be possible to move Fawkes over to Uncle Leo so they can hang out together. :bigsmile:


Making Uncle Leo an essential character is something I'd not thought of.  I'll need to give that a try.  :)

I tried bringing Fawkes to where Uncle Leo was located in my latest run through he game.  I had the two of them pretty much face to face for over 10 minutes but I couldn't trigger any kind of interaction between the two of them.  As soon as I'd dismissed Fawkes so that he was free roaming he set off heading straight back to his post at the museum of history.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

well, here you go.  O0 At least you won't have to worry about Uncle Leo.


I've never run into Uncle Leo, interesting character. Though it seems with the random encounter lottery, I never get the cool stuff, only the same old boring ones that I always get. Even in Fallout 4, I never saw a lot of them, and I walked around quite a bit.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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