Sale on UBI*bleep* games

Started by PZ, June 15, 2019, 07:58:20 AM

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I don't hate UBI*bleep*'s games either, but most of them don't interest me. That's basically because they lack a certain crudeness. They are too polished, as if made for people who are vulnerable or simple. Not that I want to state that UBI*bleep* players are simple people, that would be rude and untrue. It's just that it triggers something in me, a rebellion aspect of my personality. It pisses me off too often.
They have delivered good, entertaining games but this lack of crudeness is too evident in most games. Plus, they produce so many games that are all the same that it doesn't interest me anymore. I know them before I play them. It tires me. And it enrages me, when I look at their way of easy money making, with a lack of creativity that shows their attitude towards their customers; "you are milking cows".

That's why I won't buy anymore UBI*bleep* games, not even on sale. And if it ever changes, well... then we'll see ;)
"No hay luz"


Kinda like the points that Jim adressed in one of his Jimquisitons regarding UBI*bleep**bleep*

QuoteAt this point in time Ubisoft is making processed cheese in game form: It sounds, it satiates, it boasts a winning formula, but it's also kinda empty and bland, no matter how much you might enjoy playing with it

Then you have Rockstar who wants to make their games as an interactive movies and not willing to polish other aspects that might be better for a game. Apparently, they fired a game designer that wanted to redo the shooting mechanics.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Ah yeah a bad experience can sour a person on how a company handles things, so I see how Art's opinion evolved.

Never having had such an experience, I don't have that bad blood with them. I can also see how they pump out the equivalent of "comfort food" in game form. Since I've pretty much only played the Far Cry games and for the most part those have been enjoyable for me, I don't have a problem with them. In general I don't play games that have loot crates of any kind so that's a non-issue for me, if other people want to spend their money like that, who am I to say otherwise? If people stopped buying stuff like that instead of just complaining about it and buying it anyway, game companies would stop doing it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


And regulation. Doesn't help when loobyists can pay themselves "free" from scrutiny
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

in my case, I do remember now that said weapon which I had been grinding for so long got stuck in the middle of unlocking, it said "transaction pending" and stayed that way. So the game kind of knew I had earned it but somehow the server didn't get it straight. On top, UBI*bleep* decided to make those trophy weapons available for everyone after a short period of time (four weeks?) so what's the point, grinding for a temporary privilege? By the time they solved my problem, the weapon either was already available for everyone or it wouldn't have taken long for it to become freely available. And instead of helping me (filed the report in English to the US support) they decided because my IP was German, the German support had to deal with it and they replied in German to an English request. It went on and on with stuff like that (the so-called "native" English speaking German support guy assigned to me after several complaints had just the basics down at best) and I really, REALLY was SO fed up with all that UBI*bleep* bullshit that I decided, "*bleep* YOU, UBI*bleep*."


Wow, Art, that is really unfortunate, and a kick in the pants (both front and back) the way they handled it. No wonder you're soured on them, I don't blame you.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yep.. so, I'll stay far away from them ;)

Art Blade

I went to our old forum archive and got the link with that German support stuff.. you can take a look both up and down the topic, farther up is how I was angry about game-breaking corrupt savegames and starting with the link, the support drama. Phew.. not going to get agitated now.. :gnehe:



Damn yeah that stuff was heavy
"No hay luz"


I'm ambivalent towards UBI*bleep*. They did make FC2 which, at the time, sucked me in like no game before it (except for maybe the Civilization franchise, but that's like comparing chalk to cheese). I still have a fond place in my heart for FC2, even though I haven't touched it in years.

I was keen about FC5 when it was announced and I fully intended to get it (I seemed to be one of the few people in the world who really enjoyed FC4, so I was looking forward to 5), but then Art gifted me FO4, and after a few early missteps with it I abruptly got massively hooked on it. I found FO4 to be such a rich gaming experience that when FC5 was finally released, the whole Far Cry franchise suddenly seemed bland and formulaic by comparison. From what I've read since, even though the Far Cry methodology had been overhauled to an extent, enough of the original formula remained to underwhelm me and I just lost interest.

So I don't really harbour any great hatred towards UBI*bleep*, although I can fully understand Art's utter exasperation with their support shenanigans and I'd probably feel the same way if I'd been subjected to that. Especially that German business, which was both patronizing and presumptuous in addition to being spectacularly unhelpful :banghead:

Art Blade

 :laughsm: that sums up my UBI*bleep* experience pretty well :)

FO4 is great and I never really liked FC2 (only with cheats) For some reason, I seem to have liked FC3 the most (with cheats) :gnehe:


Far Cry 2 was an unpolished tech demo, while FC3 was a stepup/fleshed out title. Also set the base line for further Ubified products :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: OWGKID on June 22, 2019, 08:41:44 AM
Far Cry 2 was an unpolished tech demo, while FC3 was a stepup/fleshed out title. Also set the base line for further Ubified products :)

That's a smart description. Totally agree with that :)
It's a ****ing clever way of putting it!  +1 :thumbsup: matey O0
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

"tech demo" is a good one :)

I still remember the teasers and "screenshots" from pre-release dates. They made us believe that we had to earn the trust of some people who would then become buddies and help you. One example was that they'd pull you out of the line of fire when you got shot, making it sound really spectacular and special. After release, they became assigned without building up trust and served as quest givers for stupid side missions and else, they were nothing more than an animated replacement when you had to restart after you died. The screenshots showed the player with an actual watch implying you could camp out somewhere waiting for the right time to attack something, that after launch became a user interface at certain fixed locations to initiate a "sleep" which was just a fast forward in time function. A camouflage jacket that cost a fortune and never worked. A dart rifle loud enough to call in all mercs from all over the map. Ah yes.. well.. it's UBI*bleep*.

All of that looked as if they had been running out of time for a long while before the launch came way too early.


The same old story, a lot of ideas get mentioned, only to get dropped when marketing wants a launch by the holidays. I think FC2 took a left turn in mid-development when they took out the guy (Carver? Carter?) from the first game and made him a generic gun runner. I think the story also got a lot dropped from it, which happens often. FC2 though was still a fun game but 3 and 4 were kinda meh to me, 4 better than 3 though I thought. I just didn't like the main character in 3, whereas in 4 he was more likable at least. I think FC5 is the best since FC2 IMO, though at this point yes, I'll admit they are formulaic and essentially cookie cutter games, but they are at least games I enjoy even if some (a lot?) of it is, "Oh yeah seen this before".
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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