Sale on UBI*bleep* games

Started by PZ, June 15, 2019, 07:58:20 AM

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Yeah, "tech demo" when describing FC2 is very reasonable. I recall advertisements describing the game as "open world", a term I'd never seen before, and something like a 50 square kilometer world in which you could go anywhere and do anything. They also showed videos of mercs in various areas. Because of all of that, I was intrigued enough to re-enter the video gaming world. Look where we are now - the maps are so large it is painful to travel unless fast travel is available. I still recall people complaining about travel times in FC2!

Art Blade

oh yes.. hehehe :anigrin:

That's when we can envy the younger generations.. they'll see video games we can't even imagine yet.


At least FC2 was free of all the trippy drugs/mystical nonsense that plagued later iterations. I still prefer FC2 over any of the ones which followed - it was raw and gutsy, had less cutscenes and more realism than later titles (no long-distance tagging of enemies, no fast-travelling except by bus, etc). And it had a way better dynamic weather system and day/night cycle, one that didn't rely on player movement to progress, and the time-of-day lighting was superb. You could almost feel the weather. The weather modelling actually went downhill in the later games, with crappy day/night cycles and almost no difference between "night" and "day".

I used to love how in FC2 a cloud of leaves would be blown into the air when a grenade went off in the bush, and the leaves would then drift away in the wind. That was a fantastic effect. A lot of those cool little touches were dumped in the later games.

I also liked the malaria and weapons degradation, even though it seems I'm one of the few who did. I thought it added an extra layer or two of strategy to the mix. After #2, the series got dumbed-down and "easified" as far as the action went, I guess to cater more to the instant gratification crowd who didn't have the patience or memory for proper reconnoitering and preferred to have red icons placed above their enemies' heads so they'd know where they were at all times, and could see their grey silhouettes right through walls... Pussies :gnehe:

I still recall the time I played all the way through on the highest difficulty setting with a pistol being the sole purchased weapon and relying on the rare golden AK-47s (which took way longer to degrade) to get through, as well as the occasional "borrowed" sniper rifle, which was good for a few shots before it fell apart. I finished the game with something like 995 Diamonds out of the 1,000 that you could find, having spent just 5 or whatever it was on that pistol at the start (which was unavoidable as it was part of the intro/tutorial sequence). I bought nothing but that one pistol - no ammo expansion things, no syringe expansions, no nothing. I went through the game with a "nothing but the shirt on my back" approach, and it was tough as hell but highly memorable and rewarding.

All things considered, for me #2 is still the definitive Far Cry experience.

Art Blade

I agree on the weather bit, it was supreme :thumbsup:

FC3 was special for me because of the bow and a few other weapons. I didn't like the characters and could have done without the drug stuff and all the marking through walls but I really loved to take out that one fortified location full of mercs, over and over again :gnehe:


I feel the same fragger, possibly the reason why I'm still playing GRW. Most of the good things about FC2 went into it except of course
the gun degrading.
A great improvement is the choice of day selection, not as good as FC2 but acceptably. Open world is just that, I haven't come across 
a single invisible wall no matter where I go. Yes there are places you're being prevented from going, like steep and high rocks or over high walls,
but you will find an alternate way of getting where you want to go, just like in real life. Also, thank heaven for no drug and steroid induced
Respect is earned, not given.


Same here fragger  :thumbsup:

I still recall you finding the somewhat circuitous path up to a flat spot above Polytechnic from which you could rain down devastating fire upon the residents of the area. I really enjoyed reading where players found things like that, and still play the game on occasion, albeit using cheats now  :gnehe:

While some of the subsequent games were okay, I really disliked the drug stuff, and of course, the stupid boss sequences in at least one of the titles. The last version was my favorite of anything subsequent to FC2.


Ubisoft released Up(l)ay Plus, which is a subscription service. Pay $/€14.99 for monthly access to all released and upcoming games. Sounds nice, if you are not interested into paying full price for their Ubified products :) PC exclusive service, as Microsoft/Sony already provide games with their own services (Game Pass/PlayStation Now)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

minimum duration of a subscription: 15 years. :anigrin:

I guess that you can't keep games once you unsubscribe.



You can keep them installed, but not play them. This month is free.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

so if you unsubscribed and want to play an already installed game again, you just subscribe again, on and off..?


Yep. Microsoft describes it as Netflix for games. You still have the option to buy the games separate outside of the subscription in case you want to have it permanently.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

that is an interesting concept. Not my cup of tea but I think it will w0#k for both UBI*bleep* and their customers.


Yeah, I subscribed to it. Currently installing AC Odyssey and I will probably play Breakpoint with this. Not interested in paying full price. Wish I did this with Div 2 instead as I didn't enjoy it that much
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


If there were any UBI*bleep* games I was interested in that I don't already own, then it might be worthwhile, but I don't see them releasing enough games in the future that I want that would make it a good deal for me.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Same for me - I've played enough of them to know if it likely to be a worthwhile purchase.

🡱 🡳

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