Windows 10 upgrade installing now .... I'm scared .....

Started by Dweller_Benthos, July 13, 2019, 05:18:15 AM

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I'm pretty much finished with the upgrade, everything is working, now I just need to copy over saved files, settings, and re-install a bunch of stuff. Things are working well, and it does run faster and quieter so that's a plus. I also had no connection issues with Minecraft, at least the one time I tried it briefly. But on the old system that would usually take a bunch of tries to connect and not be stable once it was connected. So, yeah though the process was painful, the outcome was an improvement.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

we need to check how the connection stability is now when playing NMS because that game kept causing problems when we played together.


Oh yeah, and all the de-sync I would get in GTAV as well. I wonder if my win7 install was just quirky with 'net stuff and I just never noticed it until I got the high speed connection?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

well, one thing is for certain: we'll never know. :anigrin:


Only problem with that PZ, MS is cutting Win7 support in the near future.
My system is using the Win7/10 upgrade at the moment,
although I have Win 10, it's still recognized as Win7 and lately I'm having some software issues with it.
I have Win10 installed on a separate disk but my 2007 MS Office is not compatible with Win10 so I have to
get the latest MS Office before switching over to Win10.
Respect is earned, not given.


Glad it finally seems to be working fine for you matey!
I know what a shitshow it can be, especially when you don't know what is causing the issue, and yeah how stupid the crappy support site from Creative. Well, they're not alone on that *bleep* ;)
I think some minor issues will disappear with time, since the update process to current levels takes long.kind of like the old service packs in. Vista.

I got an OEM  version too. Bought it separately and had it running already on my old rig. I could install it on the new mobo without any issues, but when I got the new-new mobo to replace the faulty one, it suddenly started complaining and asking for registration and stuff. I just followed the steps after choosing to verify by phone and got my license working again:)
"No hay luz"


fragger this may not be what you are experiencing but with Win10 if I shut down without realizing I've left a browser window open it will bring that window back up when I start my comp again.  I think some of the older versions would do that too which was at times problematic.  If a web site caused a system lock up so that I had to hard crash (Power Off) the system then I would have to stop the browser from reloading the offending website on reboot before it could re-encounter the glitch.

The Win7 OS on my Vaio Tap 20 tablet had a preset Death Clock hard programmed into it.  I had purchased the tablet from and had the OS (plus office suite) installed at a local mall's Windows kiosk.  Beyond that initial set up my tablet had never again connected to the internet so that I could protect it and my .jpg  sheet music files from virus corruption.

A few months back when I tried to fire it up I received a message claiming that it was an unlicensed OS and refused to boot.  Panic ensued.  :o

Fortunately the shop that does my tech w0#k was able to update it to Win10 along with a recent version of Windows Office Suite (just for PowerPoint) that's not dependent on the subscription Office 365 "rent as you go" BS.

I can verify that Win10 is faster and more stable than Win7.  It seemed that 7 was kind of sluggish so comparatively I find Win10 to be almost feisty with better touch screen response.  :)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I'm also finding win10 faster and more so than it just be a fresh install of windows, which is always faster, but even a fresh install of win7 wasn't this fast.

I had to buy office again, really only for word which I have a lot of files in and none of the free alternates could open all of them reliably. So I got the home student version which is a one time charge and not a subscription. I tried the included mail app and it wasn't very good so I installed Thunderbird which I like so far, and with a plugin installed it can read all my old email files which is important. I just now have to import them all.

Still can't get Fallout 4 to w0#k, I suppose I'll have to do a complete fresh reinstall and then install all the mods and stuff which I may never get working the same again as I don't remember what I did to make them w0#k in the first place. Some of them I modded the files myself and I have no idea what I did to get that working. I know it was intricate.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: nex on July 16, 2019, 12:06:09 AM
Only problem with that PZ, MS is cutting Win7 support in the near future.
That's true nex, but if you only use the old software on an old system then you don't need support. I still run an old HP netbook installed with Windows XP. It does not do any updates of any kind, and works perfectly with the old software I like, for example, the old Picasa photo software that Google abandoned, which is still one of the best photo organizer ever produced. Also still works with the old version of Office, since those updates also do not occur due to MS cutting XP OS support.  :gnehe:

I never worry about loss of support, and in fact, welcome it because I know the fools won't further ruin things I like.

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on July 16, 2019, 08:00:21 AM
Still can't get Fallout 4 to w0#k, I suppose I'll have to do a complete fresh reinstall and then install all the mods and stuff which I may never get working the same again as I don't remember what I did to make them w0#k in the first place. Some of them I modded the files myself and I have no idea what I did to get that working. I know it was intricate.
I know what you mean, D_B  :banghead:

You might try a new basic install of FO4, delete all the newly installed files, and then copy all of your old original files into the proper folders. I do not think the game developers significantly changed file operations from W7 to W10. That's what I did for a couple of games when I migrated to W10 from W7 and it worked fine. The only thing you need do is make sure you do the new install just like you did the old one, using the same drive letters, directories and so forth (unless you ware willing to find and edit all .ini files). I recall some of the locations of saved games were a bit different, but as long as you use the directory structure of the new install, then it should w0#k fine since all is mapped properly in the registry.


Quote from: PZ on July 16, 2019, 08:47:54 AM
That's true nex, but if you only use the old software on an old system then you don't need support.
That's just it PZ I have HP Deskjet 2050A, a combination Printer/Scanner it worked great on 7 and
even worked fine on 10 until about 2 updates back. It recognizes the printer but the only way to
use it is via HP scan doctor, Win10 just won't read the software  :banghead:
Respect is earned, not given.


Quote from: PZ on July 16, 2019, 08:47:54 AM
I know what you mean, D_B  :banghead:

You might try a new basic install of FO4, delete all the newly installed files, and then copy all of your old original files into the proper folders. I do not think the game developers significantly changed file operations from W7 to W10. That's what I did for a couple of games when I migrated to W10 from W7 and it worked fine. The only thing you need do is make sure you do the new install just like you did the old one, using the same drive letters, directories and so forth (unless you ware willing to find and edit all .ini files). I recall some of the locations of saved games were a bit different, but as long as you use the directory structure of the new install, then it should w0#k fine since all is mapped properly in the registry.

Yeah that's the rub, the drives all changed as well as my user name. So anything stored under c:\users is no longer in the same folder and anything stored in steam is not on the same drive. I reinstalled the game and copied over the folder from the old game but it didn't w0#k. The game runs but has no mods at all. Also no DLC packs either so something is wonky. I have to fool with it more, but since I don't play it much anymore it's not a high priority.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: mandru on July 16, 2019, 07:52:15 AM
fragger this may not be what you are experiencing but with Win10 if I shut down without realizing I've left a browser window open it will bring that window back up when I start my comp again.

Thanks, but it's not that. It did it to me this morning actually, and I know I didn't leave my browser open after my last session.

It's not annoying or anything - in fact sometimes it saves me the trouble of opening my browser :gnehe: - it's just odd.


Yeah win10 does some weird things sometimes, I've had the edge browser open on start up mostly to tell me to please use the edge browser, and I just tell it to go away. There's also all the stuff it adds for "personalization" to give you "extra experience" or something like that. In theory it would be good but you know they are just using it to spy on you and sell you stuff, so even though some of those features sounded like they might be useful, I turned them all off. For the most part it sounded like the would just be used to try to sell you stuff.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

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